The Tea Party and Racism

That shit is funny
You must be a democrat troll, cause republicans scare moderates to the dems with that grand wizard speak!

Thanks for sorting that out for me Adolph! I didn't know you could type that many words all in one day. Better go rest your widdle finers now, huh?
you have a shit fetish old man?

dream about my panites all you want.

If anybody has a “shit fetish” your panties would most likely be the place to go, huh Fatty?

dreams will all you will ever have.

Dreams are all you’ve ever HAD Fatty Shitty Panties.

now dicklips that makes you a party of one.

Thanks Pussy-Lips. Everybody in my party is smart and agrees with me. Your party is a maggot mob of pea-brained little squiggly worms crawling over each-other through the slime fighting for your fair share of the rotten government meat.

hurray for you.

your opinions are shared by no one.

that will get you a ticket to powerless land.

enjoy your stay

And you have the POWER to do what Fatty?
Y’all UK morons know all there is to know about “silly” you silly bastards follow the American’s idiot government into every undeclared, unnecessary, unconstitutional war the fucking war-hawks in America decide to enter to kill off and maim our youth.

In case you haven’t noticed Tory, it’s the white males in America who are now out-numbered and without power unless we sit on the board of Wall Street thieves or are able to polish the knobs and the campaign coffers of the highly integrated sons & daughters-of-bitches in our corrupted fucking government.

What do white males have in common, and why are we to get worked up about them? Abolish capitalism and everyone will be okay. Till then we'll be stuck with this grubby racist bullshit, which means nothing and matters less.
If anybody has a “shit fetish” your panties would most likely be the place to go, huh Fatty?

Dreams are all you’ve ever HAD Fatty Shitty Panties.

Thanks Pussy-Lips. Everybody in my party is smart and agrees with me. Your party is a maggot mob of pea-brained little squiggly worms crawling over each-other through the slime fighting for your fair share of the rotten government meat.

And you have the POWER to do what Fatty?

what party is that ?

the shitty panty lickers party?
What do white males have in common, and why are we to get worked up about them? Abolish capitalism and everyone will be okay. Till then we'll be stuck with this grubby racist bullshit, which means nothing and matters less.

Yeah! Let’s abolish capitalism like the Soviet Union and North Korea did and kill everybody that disagrees with us. Then we can be the most racist bastards on planet earth and kill off the Jews like Stalin did and integrate all of those millions of blacks into our country just like Russia, North Korea and Cuba have and treat them with the grace and dignity they deserve and even make one of them President of our country just like Russia, North Korea and Cuba have, huh Tory?

What a fucking Loony-Tune commie moron!
Yeah! Let’s abolish capitalism like the Soviet Union and North Korea did and kill everybody that disagrees with us. Then we can be the most racist bastards on planet earth and kill off the Jews like Stalin did and integrate all of those millions of blacks into our country just like Russia, North Korea and Cuba have and treat them with the grace and dignity they deserve and even make one of them President of our country just like Russia, North Korea and Cuba have, huh Tory?

What a fucking Loony-Tune commie moron!
Those were state capitalist countries , you brainwashed-by-McCarthy peasant, and naturally, like all capitalist countries, silence/d socialists. It is sad talking to American extremists, whose grandparents and great-grandparents were allowed to know so much more about the world than you degenerate robots. The weirdoes are like wolves baying at a moon which is actually just a lamp held by their masters
Those were state capitalist countries , you brainwashed-by-McCarthy peasant, and naturally, like all capitalist countries, silence/d socialists. It is sad talking to American extremists, whose grandparents and great-grandparents were allowed to know so much more about the world than you degenerate robots. The weirdoes are like wolves baying at a moon which is actually just a lamp held by their masters

Yeah right Goober, The Soviet Union, North Korea and Cuba were or are all "capitalist" nations with "FREE MARKETS." Your fucking brain ran down your daddy's leg Commie!
Yeah right Goober, The Soviet Union, North Korea and Cuba were or are all "capitalist" nations with "FREE MARKETS." Your fucking brain ran down your daddy's leg Commie!

Were they run by the working class, peasant? Were they my American elbow! Grow up and read something! Since you don't know 'socialism' from your donkey, why do you waste all our time ranting?
Quote Originally Posted by Classic Liberal
Only blacks have instituted the racist, exclusionary, separatist Congressional Black Caucus, The NAACP and the United Negro College Fund. If whites had instituted a Congressional WHITE caucus, a NAAWP and a United Caucasian College Fund, the fucking outrage would deafen the Gods of outer space.

Most blacks are prejudice, separatist idiots and slaves to the progressive, Communist-Lite, Socialist Democrat Party. Leftist are their masters and they love them. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are race-baiting crooks and leftist overseers of the Democrat’s black slaves.

What a stupid bitch. What? We're supposed to sit around waiting for you "whities" to vote for anything benefitting anyone other than yourselves, like "black and brown peoples"???? Or do we have a coalition of black legislators that try to figure a way around your obstructionism, bias, prejudice and hate? The NAACP was instituted to combat racist groups like the KKK. And the UNCF was instituted to empower and fund education for blacks, since no white entities would contribute scholarships, funds or assistance to black college bound and involved students. You talk like a crazy person. It wasn't was borne out of necessity and desperation.

And before you go on making blanket indictments, where is your evidence that most blacks are prejudiced, separatist, and less, "idiots"????? It's the Republican Party that is almost overwhelmingly racist and separatist. And the Rightists and Fox News are your masters and you love them.
And history lesson. Today's GOP is less the party of Lincoln, and more the party of Jesse Helms and Strom Thurman. They won't be seeing the White House, except by tour, for the foreseeable future......unless they "cheat" and steal elections.
What a stupid bitch. What? We're supposed to sit around waiting for you "whities" to vote for anything benefitting anyone other than yourselves, like "black and brown peoples"???? Or do we have a coalition of black legislators that try to figure a way around your obstructionism, bias, prejudice and hate? The NAACP was instituted to combat racist groups like the KKK. And the UNCF was instituted to empower and fund education for blacks, since no white entities would contribute scholarships, funds or assistance to black college bound and involved students. You talk like a crazy person. It wasn't was borne out of necessity and desperation.

And before you go on making blanket indictments, where is your evidence that most blacks are prejudiced, separatist, and less, "idiots"????? It's the Republican Party that is almost overwhelmingly racist and separatist. And the Rightists and Fox News are your masters and you love them.
And history lesson. Today's GOP is less the party of Lincoln, and more the party of Jesse Helms and Strom Thurman. They won't be seeing the White House, except by tour, for the foreseeable future......unless they "cheat" and steal elections.

Racism and bigotry has plagued our history, it is part of our heritage which should bring shame to all. Many would like to think that we have out grown that dark side of our nature, however the hatred displayed towards our first African-American President would say otherwise.
You've got it all wrong, comrade. I couldn't stand Bill Clinton, either.

Why are Democrats such asshole racists?
Racism and bigotry has plagued our history, it is part of our heritage which should bring shame to all. Many would like to think that we have out grown that dark side of our nature, however the hatred displayed towards our first African-American President would say otherwise. The Tea Parties are full of such racism and uses it to motivate hatred of our President. This video exposes that racism. The people of the Tea Party gets angry when their racism is exposed, when they should be angry that there is any racism to be exposed. So I propose that instead of getting defensive, lets talk about racism in America.

Oh, and there's no way in hell I can let a race baiter like you get away with zero groans. ;)
What are the actual % statistics of Tea Party Members that actually are proven members of the KKK? Where's the proof that those in the video carrying the racist signs are actually at a Tea Party rally, or are Tea Party Members? Where's the proof that the racist pictures supplied by the video were produced by Tea Party members? How can we be sure that the racist signs and pictures weren't produced by a leftist conspiracy with an agenda to defame and villainize the Tea Party? How can we know for sure that the voice we hear on the video isn't a black communist racist and the whole video isn't communist, leftist and Democrat propaganda?

I think you are a bit in DENIAL there...

You can deny the racism at those Tea parties, but the facts are evident in this video. I suggest you watch it again as you obviously weren't paying attention, for I never said that these people were also in the KKK. As a matter of fact, had you looked at the YouTube site, you would have seen that I gave a link to the transcript. Heck, I'll do you a favor and post the for transcript, are you ready?

Transcript for video “The Tea Party and Racism”

The people of the Tea parties tell us that they are not racists, they actually get angry if anyone accuses them of being racists and yet their meetings are filled with racial hate signs. Signs signs everywhere signs, signs of hatred, signs of bigotry, signs of prejudices, signs of intolerance, signs of ignorance, and yes, signs of racism. Years ago they would have flown the flag of the Klan as they terrorized African Americans.

The forerunner of today’s Tea Parties set crosses on fire in front of the homes of African-Americans, bombed Black houses of worship and hung Black men from trees as their children would look on in horror. There was little difference in the racial attitude between that old KKK and today’s Tea Parties.

The far right started by installing fear in the hearts of the weak minded racists with lies about the President. These children of the Klan have tried to paint President Obama as an other, somehow different from real Americans. These bigots questioned his citizenship even after the President provided proof with his birth certificate and newspaper announcements his birth. Their attitude was one of, “How dare that that Black man beat a White man and win the Presidency?” Yes, the people of these Tea Parties claim that they are not racists but everything they say or do, screams racism. All one need do is to look at all the signs of hate at these Tea party events.

Such Signs of the first African American President as a monkey, which has been a racial slur against Blacks for years, this screams racism. Even more signs of the President as a witchdoctor, which is a shrieking howl of racism. Oh, yeah Tea parties aren’t all about race, they are equal-time haters. They hate Blacks, they hate Muslims, they hate women, they even hate children for they refuse to feed them, they hate anyone who isn’t a carbon copy of themselves.

If the descendents of the Klan had their way we would return to a day when only rich White men could vote. African Americans would have to stay in the shadows and never speak their minds. If these bigots could have any wish, this would be a “Whites Only” nation.

Thank God that the Founding Fathers had a far more Liberal vision for America.
Listen to how the Constitution begins:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

The Founding Fathers dreamed of a day when all would be equal. They envisioned a day when no one would need to go to bed hungry. They would have been horrified at the thought of so many Americans being homeless or imprisoned. It would have been unimaginable that veterans who put their lives on the line for this country would be hopelessly roaming the streets homeless. The extreme right has been ignoring these American heroes. All that doesn’t matter to the Tea Parties, who think that poverty is just God’s punishment of the wicked and the government has no business interceding.

The Far-Right has gone mad because of their insane hatred of our first Black President. They don’t even realize that they are supporting policies which adversely affected them. This radical hatred of anything different, be it that difference one of race, of religion, of gender, of orientation or philosophy blinds the hater to the madness which is being entered.

Yes, Alan Grayson is right, the Tea Party is no more popular than the Klan was.

The Tea Party gets angry when their racism is exposed, when they they should be angry that there is any racism to be exposed.

Such racism and bigotry is rooted in a strong sense of inadequacy. The insecurity that possesses these people is so severe that they seek anyone they can demean to boost their egos. They tell themselves that they are better than other groups of people. By signaling out those deemed to be inferior these bigots feel artificially elevated above those feared. When people like those in the Tea Parties are defeated by those they believe to be beneath them a type of madness overtakes them.

This insanity is losing favor with the American people, which is why the extreme right will soon pass into history as cowardly individuals without any patriotic loyalty to America. Hopefully, these racists do not spell the end of the GOP, but if the Republican party does pass the way of the wigs because of these extreme racists, they will only have themselves to blame for having catered to them.
Hi Marty, nice to see you again. Hope everything's going well for you. :)
Thank you, I'm doing fine with the exception that getting old sucks! I mean, I really could do without all the pain, of course, I hate taking dope to stop the pain, so what's a person to do? Hope you are well.
What country is racism free!
America is it racist champ?
That's like saying, "what country doesn't tax it's citizens? Therefore we don't have to even consider cutting or improving our tax code." If we are honest about racism, we can overcome it, but it means being willing to say that we could be wrong and are willing to change.
Were they run by the working class, peasant? Were they my American elbow! Grow up and read something! Since you don't know 'socialism' from your donkey, why do you waste all our time ranting?

For your brain-dead information Commie Tory, I’ve defined socialism perfectly several times on this forum for y’all commie morons. Y’all ran and crawled back under your rocks when I educated your stupid fucking asses.