The Tea Party and Racism

That's like saying, "what country doesn't tax it's citizens? Therefore we don't have to even consider cutting or improving our tax code." If we are honest about racism, we can overcome it, but it means being willing to say that we could be wrong and are willing to change.
For sure, just adding perspective
For your brain-dead information Commie Tory, I’ve defined socialism perfectly several times on this forum for y’all commie morons. Y’all ran and crawled back under your rocks when I educated your stupid fucking asses.

they ONLY thing you ever "educate" anyone on is how angry and hate filled your fringe idea loving foolishness is
For your brain-dead information Commie Tory, I’ve defined socialism perfectly several times on this forum for y’all commie morons. Y’all ran and crawled back under your rocks when I educated your stupid fucking asses.
Your a lonely angry underpaid programmer, hope you aren't a gun nut
Quote Originally Posted by Classic Liberal

What a stupid bitch. What? We're supposed to sit around waiting for you "whities" to vote for anything benefitting anyone other than yourselves, like "black and brown peoples"???? Or do we have a coalition of black legislators that try to figure a way around your obstructionism, bias, prejudice and hate? The NAACP was instituted to combat racist groups like the KKK. And the UNCF was instituted to empower and fund education for blacks, since no white entities would contribute scholarships, funds or assistance to black college bound and involved students. You talk like a crazy person. It wasn't was borne out of necessity and desperation.

And before you go on making blanket indictments, where is your evidence that most blacks are prejudiced, separatist, and less, "idiots"????? It's the Republican Party that is almost overwhelmingly racist and separatist. And the Rightists and Fox News are your masters and you love them.
And history lesson. Today's GOP is less the party of Lincoln, and more the party of Jesse Helms and Strom Thurman. They won't be seeing the White House, except by tour, for the foreseeable future......unless they "cheat" and steal elections.

they scream "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" and then freak the fuck out and call it racism when the black people do just what they are screaming fro them to do.

they don't even know how racist they are.

they don't realize they are fucking stupid insane and the world wants THEM gone for the face of the earth
I think you are a bit in DENIAL there...

View attachment 2423
You can deny the racism at those Tea parties, but the facts are evident in this video. I suggest you watch it again as you obviously weren't paying attention, for I never said that these people were also in the KKK. As a matter of fact, had you looked at the YouTube site, you would have seen that I gave a link to the transcript. Heck, I'll do you a favor and post the for transcript, are you ready?

Transcript for video “The Tea Party and Racism”

The people of the Tea parties tell us that they are not racists, they actually get angry if anyone accuses them of being racists and yet their meetings are filled with racial hate signs. Signs signs everywhere signs, signs of hatred, signs of bigotry, signs of prejudices, signs of intolerance, signs of ignorance, and yes, signs of racism. Years ago they would have flown the flag of the Klan as they terrorized African Americans.

The forerunner of today’s Tea Parties set crosses on fire in front of the homes of African-Americans, bombed Black houses of worship and hung Black men from trees as their children would look on in horror. There was little difference in the racial attitude between that old KKK and today’s Tea Parties.

The far right started by installing fear in the hearts of the weak minded racists with lies about the President. These children of the Klan have tried to paint President Obama as an other, somehow different from real Americans. These bigots questioned his citizenship even after the President provided proof with his birth certificate and newspaper announcements his birth. Their attitude was one of, “How dare that that Black man beat a White man and win the Presidency?” Yes, the people of these Tea Parties claim that they are not racists but everything they say or do, screams racism. All one need do is to look at all the signs of hate at these Tea party events.

Such Signs of the first African American President as a monkey, which has been a racial slur against Blacks for years, this screams racism. Even more signs of the President as a witchdoctor, which is a shrieking howl of racism. Oh, yeah Tea parties aren’t all about race, they are equal-time haters. They hate Blacks, they hate Muslims, they hate women, they even hate children for they refuse to feed them, they hate anyone who isn’t a carbon copy of themselves.

If the descendents of the Klan had their way we would return to a day when only rich White men could vote. African Americans would have to stay in the shadows and never speak their minds. If these bigots could have any wish, this would be a “Whites Only” nation.

Thank God that the Founding Fathers had a far more Liberal vision for America.
Listen to how the Constitution begins:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

The Founding Fathers dreamed of a day when all would be equal. They envisioned a day when no one would need to go to bed hungry. They would have been horrified at the thought of so many Americans being homeless or imprisoned. It would have been unimaginable that veterans who put their lives on the line for this country would be hopelessly roaming the streets homeless. The extreme right has been ignoring these American heroes. All that doesn’t matter to the Tea Parties, who think that poverty is just God’s punishment of the wicked and the government has no business interceding.

The Far-Right has gone mad because of their insane hatred of our first Black President. They don’t even realize that they are supporting policies which adversely affected them. This radical hatred of anything different, be it that difference one of race, of religion, of gender, of orientation or philosophy blinds the hater to the madness which is being entered.

Yes, Alan Grayson is right, the Tea Party is no more popular than the Klan was.

The Tea Party gets angry when their racism is exposed, when they they should be angry that there is any racism to be exposed.

Such racism and bigotry is rooted in a strong sense of inadequacy. The insecurity that possesses these people is so severe that they seek anyone they can demean to boost their egos. They tell themselves that they are better than other groups of people. By signaling out those deemed to be inferior these bigots feel artificially elevated above those feared. When people like those in the Tea Parties are defeated by those they believe to be beneath them a type of madness overtakes them.

This insanity is losing favor with the American people, which is why the extreme right will soon pass into history as cowardly individuals without any patriotic loyalty to America. Hopefully, these racists do not spell the end of the GOP, but if the Republican party does pass the way of the wigs because of these extreme racists, they will only have themselves to blame for having catered to them.
More leftist bullshit. Notice this tree-hugging crackpot filled in the blanks with his own lying sentiment after the "We the people" paragraph.

This whole post is fundamentally Left, therefore, it is excrement.

Another groan for you, abortioneer! ;)
More leftist bullshit. Notice this tree-hugging crackpot filled in the blanks with his own lying sentiment after the "We the people" paragraph.

This whole post is fundamentally Left, therefore, it is excrement.

Another groan for you, abortioneer! ;)
Awh angry little uneducated Jesus freak
Quote Originally Posted by Classic Liberal

What a stupid bitch. What? We're supposed to sit around waiting for you "whities" to vote for anything benefitting anyone other than yourselves, like "black and brown peoples"???? Or do we have a coalition of black legislators that try to figure a way around your obstructionism, bias, prejudice and hate?

So then your proposition is that whitey is supposed to take care of your ass and vote to extend particular rights to you that nobody else has like “Affirmative Action Quotas,” right Goober? Well guess what Goober your slave masters, (the Democrats), have already bribed your idiot vote with that one, while Jessy and Al were running around bitching that blacks weren’t being integrated and being treated as equals then your slave task masters Jesse and Al cheered as the separatist, exclusive, prejudice, racist NAACP was instituted.

The NAACP was instituted to combat racist groups like the KKK.

So forming one separatist, racist group is a solution to combat another separatist, racist group? I thought the goal of blacks was equality and integration? Is that a fucking lie or have your black slave task masters Jessy and Al duped your brain-dead asses?

And the UNCF was instituted to empower and fund education for blacks, since no white entities would contribute scholarships, funds or assistance to black college bound and involved students. You talk like a crazy person. It wasn't was borne out of necessity and desperation.

While that might well have been its initial purpose, what’s its purpose today Goober other than separatism, exclusion, bias, prejudice and racism? What’s the purpose of the Congressional Black Caucus? What would the outrage be if whites established a UCCF and a Congressional White Caucus?

And before you go on making blanket indictments, where is your evidence that most blacks are prejudiced, separatist, and less, "idiots"?????

I’ve presented the evidence Goober. The NAACP, The Congressional BLACK Caucus, The United Negro College Fund and 90% of idiot blacks voting for their slave masters, the Democrats. You’re buried under the evidence Goober.

It's the Republican Party that is almost overwhelmingly racist and separatist. And the Rightists and Fox News are your masters and you love them.

The fucking Republican Party is no more and no less racist than the fucking racist Democrats. You’re just too fucking stupid to realize that the Democrats have established a new form of slavery by attaching blacks to reliance on government robbing them of self-respect, self-reliance, incentive to achieve and the pathway to wealth. They keep the majority of you and yours in poverty.

Fox News is News and a rightist propaganda establishment, no different than MSNBC is News and a leftist propaganda establishment.

Neither the Democrats or the Republicans give a flying fuck about you or anybody else. All they care about is the “POWER and getting elected by the fucking idiot minions in rigged corrupt elections. They together have rigged ballot access, the national debate and the main stream media. They have made the political institution all exclusive to them, the fucking “Dictatorial Duopoly.”

And history lesson. Today's GOP is less the party of Lincoln, and more the party of Jesse Helms and Strom Thurman. They won't be seeing the White House, except by tour, for the foreseeable future......unless they "cheat" and steal elections.

And the Democrats haven’t been the Party of Jefferson since Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson and FDR. They’ve evolved into the party of Stalin, Marx, Lennon and Castro and together with the Republicans have created a good ole boys crony capitalist bribery system of government beholden not to the people's Constitution as they are sworn, but beholden to the bribery of Wall Street and other Special Interest. They only care about power and money just like the Republicans. They own your soul. They have made you their slave.
I think you are a bit in DENIAL there...

View attachment 2423
You can deny the racism at those Tea parties, but the facts are evident in this video.

I think the video is a fraud! I think it was staged and acted out by fucking leftist. Otherwise, the leftist mainstream media would be showing the video and others like it but they aren’t? As usual moron, you’ve been had!!!
I never said that these people were also in the KKK. The forerunner of today’s Tea Parties set crosses on fire in front of the homes of African-Americans, bombed Black houses of worship and hung Black men from trees as their children would look on in horror. There was little difference in the racial attitude between that old KKK and today’s Tea Parties. If the descendents of the Klan had their way we would return to a day when only rich White men could vote.

So Tea Party members aren’t’ KKK, they’re just descended from KKK members and were/are indoctrinated with racism from/by their relatives. Got it!!!
they hate their fellow Americans and even hate the countrys government.

I don't know why they even stay here
Thank God that the Founding Fathers had a far more Liberal vision for America.

The Founding Fathers dreamed of a day when all would be equal It would have been unimaginable that veterans who put their lives on the line for this country would be hopelessly roaming the streets homeless. The extreme right has been ignoring these American heroes.

Yeah it was them “extreme right rightist bastard Republicans" that spit on the Vietnam Vets when they came home huh Goober?