The true face of neo-conservatism!

Joe wanted to buy a business worth $250K. He believed he could increase the worth to $275K and was worried that if he was successful, he'd take a huge tax hit. Using current tax tables, the actual amount would have been $750/year.
Really.....I don't think Joe was worried about the current tax tables,.... more likely he was worried about the tables after Obama raised the rates....

but you've got me curious...

tell me all about this $750 a year tax....

Is this on the extra $25,000....$250k to $275k?

Where on the tax table is the tax on $25,000...3%

Was Obama gonna raise the rates 3%.......Joe the plumber didn't make a big impression on me.
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Never mind .....I looked it up.....

Obama was gonna raise the rates from 36 to 39%...3%....assuming he made a profit of 275K in the business...

So Joes taxes would rise $750 over the current rate....

He'd pay $9750 on that 25k rather than $9000.....
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
See folks, when PMP can't disprove statements that factually and logically contradict his bilge, he resorts to a schoolyard equivlaent of, "No it's not!" I didn't say PMP left, I merely pointed out the FACT that he has NO response when proven wrong.

well, that or I'm waiting for you to realize that EVERYONE has disproved your statements....

Prove it, you Post Modern Fool.....use facts and logic that have been used by this "everyone" you refer to from the chronology of the posts on this thread.

Somebody clue in this dumb PMP that his PMP OPINION is NOT proof of anything.

Now, either PMP will put up or blow more smoke. Let's watch.
I repeat, under which of Obama's proposals to increase taxes would the actual amount have only been $750...your post was specific, I assume the number is based on some type of calculation?......or did you just make it up at random?......if it is a calculation you ought to be able to share the formula you used to calculate it, true?.....for starters, I believe he was concerned about taxes on his income....that would not be based on whether a company became "worth" $25k more, but would be based on the income he received......are you saying the tax on the additional $25k income would only be $750 under any proposal Obama was making?....even under the Bush tax cuts it would have cost that time Obama was proposing far more than just eliminating the Bush tax cuts....

Read #102 on this thread. Bravo found the info and already posted it.
Never mind .....I looked it up.....

Obama was gonna raise the rates from 36 to 39%...3%....assuming he made a profit of 275K in the business...

So Joes taxes would rise $750 over the current rate....

He'd pay $9750 on that 25k rather than $9000.....

The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

That's right folks! Corporations outsource jobs and want tax breaks to do so, Wall St. gets a bail out for screwing over EVERYONE, but GOPers say that returning to some version Charles Dickens child labor and eliminating workers ability to negotiate their wages and pensions is the solution!


Well, the Teabaggers did finally show up to tout the very policies that they previously railed against.

Seems teabaggers don't have a problem with "gub'ment" dictating benefits and pensions when a GOPer is in office....but they sure as hell didn't want an Obama led "gub'ment" legislating ANYTHING! :palm: fucking teabagging morons...they'd shoot their mothers if Levin/Armey/Cheney/Koch Brothers or the WND told them too.
Read #102 on this thread. Bravo found the info and already posted it.
She stated it wrong to begin with....
they were talking about a company profit of 275K as opposed to 250K and the increase in taxes on the difference, 25k....
It wasn't about the "worth" of the company.

Pinheads find it impossible to admit a mistake....
She stated it wrong to begin with....
they were talking about a company profit of 275K as opposed to 250K and the increase in taxes on the difference, 25k....
It wasn't about the "worth" of the company.

Pinheads find it impossible to admit a mistake....

Oh, get over yourself. The whole point is that Joe believed he'd be paying a lot more taxes, based on his lack of knowledge and not actually crunching the numbers.