Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Whenever PMP is proven wrong folks, he just stalls by playing dumb and/or repeating moot points. Post #62 gives a full explanation that any 8th grader can comprehend. Seems the photo provided shows the limitation PMP's mental level, comprehension skills and attention span.
More proof that TCLiberal is a pinhead with a liberal, Democrat agenda with a narrow minded view of reality.
Cry me a river....
2007 data....and since its only gotten better for civil servants...
The nation's 6 million retired civil servants — teachers, police, administrators, laborers — received a median benefit of $17,640 in 2005, according to the Congressional Research Service. Eleven million private-sector retirees covered by traditional pensions got $7,692.
A typical full-time state or local government worker made $78,853 in wages and benefits in the third quarter of 2006, $25,771 more than a typical private-sector worker, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. The difference was $7,604 in 2000. The compensation advantage holds true for all types of public workers, from teachers to laborers and managers. Better benefits for government workers is the biggest reason for the growing compensation gap.
A private sector employee earning $70,000 in the year before his/her retirement will receive somewhat comparable retirement income as his/her WRS counterpart earning $48,000 per year, and contribute less than half as much.
These folks need to realize that taxpayers don't have unlimited money to give to them....

What Bravo doesn't realize is about 60 percent of state and local government pension funds/assets were invested in corporate stocks that took heavy during the Wall Street crisis total value of these pension funds fell by nearly $900 billion.
So the hue and cry by right wing conservatives, Libertarians, teabaggers, neocons, and the like is very myopic...because they would have to abandon their advocated faith in the privatization of everything a'la' Wall St. in order to solely blame union pensions for a major part of state/nation fiscal woes. You also have to look into the decline of state input into pension over the last few years. Essentially what we're seeing is a failure of Wall St. and local state gov't fiscal policies to carry their share of the pension fund, and subsequently right wing conservatives pretending that it's the rate of input by the State employees that is the cause. Also, when you add the FACT that all these neocon GOP politicos that are gunning for pensions and unions are STILL advocating failed Reaganomics policies in conjunction to save the day. Wisconsin is the test case for examination, and when ALL the facts are in, the false neocon Bravado fails to sway the objective analysis.
See folks, PMP shut his yap after Post #62, but latched onto Bravo's attempt like a flea to a dog's butt, thinking he was redeemed via association.
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