The true face of neo-conservatism!

Spot on me might also mention that if a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision...that child might,

Rob a bank
Steal a car
Drink a beer
Watch Spongbob
Smoke a joint, or
god forbid, smoke a cigarette
say fuck
eat candy

well, I could go on, but I think I made my point.

Maybe he's afraid that someone will make him find a job.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) is advancing a bill that will force most state, local, and school employees to pay half their pension costs and pay 12.6 percent of their health-care costs, which is double their current contribution.

Governor Walker says the cuts will result in a savings of nearly $30 million through the end of June and nearly $300 million over the next two fiscal years. His state is braced with a $137 million budget shortfall for the fiscal year ending June 30 and a projected $3.6 billion gap over the next two years.

You wonder why democrats don't get it, the state is broke and can no longer afford to keep paying overpriced unions their overly generous benefits. My state of California is in the same boat, but Gov. Moonbeam still is not dealing with the problem.

But that's the hitch, Walker's bill proposal really doesn't adequately address the shortfall problem. Instead, it seems intent upon disabling union's negotiating power. Check this out:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And there you have it folks....when faced with the FACTS and ACTIONS of their leadership, intellectual cowards like Bravo become blathering buffoons desperately trying to dodge the issue at hand.

Neocon toadies like Bravo just can't honestly deal with the blatant quasi-fascist actions of their leadership. What's REALLY pathetic is just how incredibly ignorant Bravo is of the subjects he babbles about. Once again, I'm forced to educate him:

But as you'll see, my efforts will fall on willfully deaf and dumb ears. "Bravo", indeed!

All right, I will stand corrected and edit my mistake accordingly...

Originally Posted by bravo
Sen.Cunningham is undoubtedly trying to send us back to the sweat shop conditions of 200 .... 74 years ago....its as plain as the point on your head....

Just like I told you, folks!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Notice folk, how this STY imbecile just repeats himsel while IGNORING what I wrote. If a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision or the parent(s) working schedule may leave the child without supervision for a period of time, that child can easily exploited by a employer.

See folks, as long as STY is fat & happy and these laws DON'T DIRECTLY AFFECT HIM, he doesn't care.....all the more to pity him.

Spot on me might also mention that if a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision...that child might,

Rob a bank
Steal a car
Drink a beer
Watch Spongbob
Smoke a joint, or
god forbid, smoke a cigarette
say fuck
eat candy

well, I could go on, but I think I made my point.

:palm: Only Bravo thinks he's made a "point", while ignoring the FACT that Child Labor Laws protect children from exploitation in the workplace.....a matter of fact and history that dopes like Bravo just won't deal with because some neocon politico/pundit told them that those laws are just gov't interference in parental rights. Yeah, and laws that are against parents starving kids, abusing kids, etc. also "interfere" with wrong or bad things that SOME parents may do. But hey, an intellectually bankrupt joker like Bravo could care less, as his flabby ass is comfortable, so screw everyone else (so long as someone is working to provide all of Bravo's creature comforts). I'm done with this cowardly Bravo POS.
Originally Posted by bravo
Spot on me might also mention that if a child DOES NOT have proper parental supervision...that child might,

Rob a bank
Steal a car
Drink a beer
Watch Spongbob
Smoke a joint, or
god forbid, smoke a cigarette
say fuck
eat candy

well, I could go on, but I think I made my point.

Maybe he's afraid that someone will make him find a job.

:palm: Folks, just substitute Freedumb here for Bravo in the posts on this thread and then read my responses.

I took Freedumb out of the dumpster hoping he'd wise up and act like an honest, intelligent adult in a discussion. I was wrong...back in the dumpster for Freedumb.
good fricking god. do you even read these articles or do you just glance the headlines and scream 'tyranny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'?

the child labor law article. is the parent incapable of making the child quit the job? why does the child NEED the job? are the parents incapable of providing enough care for the child? can the parent NOT help the child prioritize his/her life?

the public sector union article. GOOD!!!!!!! government employees shouldn't have collective bargaining rights. they don't work for private corporations, they work for the people.
Jesus Christ! I thought you were the crusader for human rights! Unless you're a member of the armed services your civil and human rights don't end cause you work for the government and there's no more basic of a human right then for workers to be able to organize.

Every modern instance of a tyrannical regime taking over a nation starts with them attacking the intellectuals and academics and is always followed by attacking labor/trade unions.

What the Governor of Wisconsin is attempting to do is misguided at best and immoral at worst. This is a stereotypical case of GOP over reach.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) is advancing a bill that will force most state, local, and school employees to pay half their pension costs and pay 12.6 percent of their health-care costs, which is double their current contribution.

Governor Walker says the cuts will result in a savings of nearly $30 million through the end of June and nearly $300 million over the next two fiscal years. His state is braced with a $137 million budget shortfall for the fiscal year ending June 30 and a projected $3.6 billion gap over the next two years.

You wonder why democrats don't get it, the state is broke and can no longer afford to keep paying overpriced unions their overly generous benefits. My state of California is in the same boat, but Gov. Moonbeam still is not dealing with the problem.
Hey here's an idea you nit wit. TRY NEGOTIATING!

This is another example of Republicans wanting to make wage slaves out of employees.
But that's the hitch, Walker's bill proposal really doesn't adequately address the shortfall problem. Instead, it seems intent upon disabling union's negotiating power. Check this out:
Man after reading the Governors Bill this simply has nothing to do with the budget and is simply union busting.

What the bill does:

• Restricts public employees from negotiating everything except their wage

• Does not affect police and fire workers

• Limits wage increases to the rate of inflation

• Requires any larger wage increase to be approved by referendum

• Requires public employees to pay 5.8 percent of their pensions and 12 percent of their health care benefits

• Requires that collective bargaining units take annual votes to maintain certification as a union

• Prohibits employers from collecting union dues

• Releases members of collective bargaining units from dues paying requirements
Please state in no uncertain terms what I "exaggerated", or continue to bray like the Post Modern jackass that you are.

that would be the part that you typed....

The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits
But that's the hitch, Walker's bill proposal really doesn't adequately address the shortfall problem. Instead, it seems intent upon disabling union's negotiating power. Check this out:

Ziegler said teachers have negotiated for years for better health care and pension benefits at the expense of meaningful raises in salary. Ziegler said Walker's proposed changes could mean a $300 to $600 pay cut for teachers.
Bender said the average cost for a teacher in the Sauk Prairie School District, including salary and benefits, is $72,000, but that includes teachers whose entire family is on the plan.

did you read your link?......they are cutting a $72k position by $600 and you think its the end of the world?......if the union is threatening strikes over this, they OUGHT to be busted.....
Last edited:
What the bill does:

• Restricts public employees from negotiating everything except their wage

• Does not affect police and fire workers

• Limits wage increases to the rate of inflation

• Requires any larger wage increase to be approved by referendum

• Requires public employees to pay 5.8 percent of their pensions and 12 percent of their health care benefits

• Requires that collective bargaining units take annual votes to maintain certification as a union

• Prohibits employers from collecting union dues

• Releases members of collective bargaining units from dues paying requirements

That is a start anyway....though their share of healthcare and pension benefits should be much higher ... I'm sick of paying for their perks....they would have them as good in the private sector....
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) is advancing a bill that will force most state, local, and school employees to pay half their pension costs and pay 12.6 percent of their health-care costs, which is double their current contribution.

Governor Walker says the cuts will result in a savings of nearly $30 million through the end of June and nearly $300 million over the next two fiscal years. His state is braced with a $137 million budget shortfall for the fiscal year ending June 30 and a projected $3.6 billion gap over the next two years.

You wonder why democrats don't get it, the state is broke and can no longer afford to keep paying overpriced unions their overly generous benefits. My state of California is in the same boat, but Gov. Moonbeam still is not dealing with the problem.

Guess the gubernator didn't deal with it, either.
Guess the gubernator didn't deal with it, either.

Actually he tried but the legislature gave him the middle finger. He actually didn't even propose changes (that I'm aware of but I could be wrong) to the existing pension system he tried to make changes to new employees (which would do nothing to deal with the current problem) and the legislature voted him down on that.

This is one of those Nixon to China moments in my opinion. The Democrats and unions in California were not going to let a Republican make any changes to pensions. They just weren't. Now that a Democrat is Governor they seem to be a lot more willing to discuss it. As a resident of the state I don't care who fixes it it just needs to be fixed.
Hey here's an idea you nit wit. TRY NEGOTIATING!

This is another example of Republicans wanting to make wage slaves out of employees.

LMAO.... moron, they are STILL able to collectively bargain for wages.

You are also quite wrong on this being an over reach. This should have been done a long time ago.

You are not talking about the right to organize a private group(union members) vs. a private group (shareholders/corporation). You are talking about a private group (union members) against the public. Even Roosevelt, who created many social programs saw the insanity in allowing government workers to unionize.

Walker is only taking away PART of what they can negotiate.
As for the jobs bullshit.

1) Any law that prohibits a teenager from working because of age is discriminatory. No law should force or deny work.

2) The use of fear mongering with regards to 'abuse of teenagers' by employers is quite simply pathetic. I held a job starting at age 12. I didn't need the government to tell me if it was a good situation or bad. I used that money earned to buy the things I wanted that my parents couldn't afford or were unwilling to spend money on. It teaches the value of the dollar and taking personal responsibility.

3) The one part of the bill I do not like is the one that removes the ability for the employers to be checked out. The state should have the right to investigate if they believe abuses are taking place.

4) Telling a 14 or 15 year old that they have to have a special permit to work... that is the government overstepping their bounds. Protecting children from abuse is a necessity, but like anything it can be taken too far.... if that abuse in turn comes from the government... who protects them from that?
As for the jobs bullshit.

1) Any law that prohibits a teenager from working because of age is discriminatory. No law should force or deny work.

2) The use of fear mongering with regards to 'abuse of teenagers' by employers is quite simply pathetic. I held a job starting at age 12. I didn't need the government to tell me if it was a good situation or bad. I used that money earned to buy the things I wanted that my parents couldn't afford or were unwilling to spend money on. It teaches the value of the dollar and taking personal responsibility.

3) The one part of the bill I do not like is the one that removes the ability for the employers to be checked out. The state should have the right to investigate if they believe abuses are taking place.

4) Telling a 14 or 15 year old that they have to have a special permit to work... that is the government overstepping their bounds. Protecting children from abuse is a necessity, but like anything it can be taken too far.... if that abuse in turn comes from the government... who protects them from that?

Are you accussing big brother of abusing teenagers.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Please state in no uncertain terms what I "exaggerated", or continue to bray like the Post Modern jackass that you are.

that would be the part that you typed....

The GOP Sen. from Missouri wants to cut back on the rules and regulations of Child Labor Laws

The GOP governor of Wisconsin wants to virtually eliminate the collective bargaining rights of workers in his state while making himself sole determiner on cutting salaries and benefits

To quote information from the links I provided:

Regarding Cunningham in Missouri:

"...This act modifies the child labor laws. It eliminates the prohibition on employment of children under age 14. Restrictions on the number of hours and restrictions on when a child may work during the day are also removed. It also repeals the requirement that a child aged 14 or 15 obtain a work certificate or work permit in order to be employed. Children under 16 will also be allowed to work in any capacity in a motel, resort or hotel where sleeping accommodations are furnished. It also removes the authority of the director of the Division of Labor Standards to inspect employers who employ children and to require them to keep certain records for children they employ. It also repeals the presumption that the presence of a child in a workplace is evidence of employment."

Regarding Walker in Wisconsin:

"...Even Republicans are unsettled, with a senior GOP legistator, state Senator Luther Olsen, describing the governor’s announcement a “radical” move that threatens “a lot of good working people.”

.... State Senator Fred Risser, the dean of state legislators, does not go in for fiery rhetoric or rash statements. The Madison Democrat usually plays the role of conciliator in the Capitol, where he has served for more than five decades.

But Risser did not mince words with regard to Walker’s assault on state employees.

“State employees have the right to negotiate in good faith with the state. Without a willingness to even discuss what concessions need to be made with state employees, the governor comes across more like a dictator and less like a leader,” Risser said. “The governor’s budget adjustment bill attempts to wipe away over 50 years of collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin. This decree will affect every hardworking public employee in the state every librarian, teacher, street department worker and public safety worker. These are our friends and neighbors; they are the people who make our communities function.”

Once again, PMP provides proof of the willful ignorance and intellectual cowardice of neocon parrots.