Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
But that's the hitch, Walker's bill proposal really doesn't adequately address the shortfall problem. Instead, it seems intent upon disabling union's negotiating power. Check this out:
Ziegler said teachers have negotiated for years for better health care and pension benefits at the expense of meaningful raises in salary. Ziegler said Walker's proposed changes could mean a $300 to $600 pay cut for teachers.
Bender said the average cost for a teacher in the Sauk Prairie School District, including salary and benefits, is $72,000, but that includes teachers whose entire family is on the plan.
did you read your link?......they are cutting a $72k position by $600 and you think its the end of the world?......if the union is threatening strikes over this, they OUGHT to be busted.....

And if you're Post Modern Fool-head still can't grasp the essentials, then get some adult you trust to dumb it down further for you. Better yet, minus a comparative amount from your salary in relation to your benefits package cost, and see if you're still willing to stooge for the likes of Walker.