Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And as the chronology of the posts shows, PMP is a coward who just nurses his grudge against me because I bested him in several debates....so PMP just posts gain sayings that have little logic or fact regarding the orginial point of discussion. What Buchanan and Kern have stated on public record was and is indicative of the mindsets of many within the political groups that wailed and railed against Obama since the 2008 campaign (as the public record has shown). That PMP and the rest of the right wing fools on this board/thread don't condemn them in no uncertain terms, but instead make excuses, justification, dodges and then attack me personally speaks volumes of THEIR mindsets. Now let's watch PMP say something stupid just for the sheer childishness need to have the last word.
you know, I'm tired of you.......I'm tired of all of you fucking idiots.....the Dunes, the Rootbeers, the Touchies, the Legions....not only have you never bested me or any one else in a debate, you couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag..........if we wrapped you all up in one big package and set fire to you the world would be a better place.......why don't you go out and buy a fucking brain?!.........
Wow, not only did the Post Modern Fool do EXACTLY as I said he would, but the PMF seems to have blown a gasket! Perhaps I was too harsh in pointing out the EXACT truth regarding this PM Cretin in relation to this thread I started. Oh well, no one said life was easy. I leave the little PMP wanna-be to again say something stupid to have the last word....maybe Damo will console him?