You are describing yourself again.
Repetition fallacy
You are describing yourself again.
Nope. Gas prices were rising, but there were no shortages.
Nope. You are making shit up again. Shortages didn't occur until Carter implemented price controls on gasoline.
Capitalism doesn't need to be bailed out, Sock. There was no 'bailout for capitalism'. Bailouts are themselves socialism (communism). The current economic depression was caused by DEMOCRATS.
You certainly can. Whole cities were created out of the wilderness with nothing more than a few raw materials, innovation, and drive. The computer you are typing on right now was created the same way.
Capitalism doesn't require any 'bailout'. Bailouts themselves are communism, a form of socialism.
You are describing yourself again.
It was DEMOCRATS in Congress that ordered the Fed to create the easy money that resulted in the bubble.
Nope. I own my own company.
Tax cuts don't steal from anyone.
It doesn't.
We are already in an economic depression, started by DEMOCRATS.
Blatant lie.
They never work. They always cause shortages. They are fascism, which is what YOU are arguing for. Fascism is a form of socialism.
Price controls are not responsible behavior.
Nazis were fascists, which is a form of socialism. That's like DEMOCRATS. Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
Capitalism does not manipulate markets. Capitalism is all about free market.
GDP is not economy. It includes government.
Government does not create jobs (other than in government).
Blatant lie.
You have the wrong year. It was 2020. It was due to DEMOCRATS implementing the Covid hoax.
The Nazis were fascists, Sock, like DEMOCRATS.
You are describing DEMOCRATS again, Sock.
Reversal fallacy. Socialism cannot exist without capitalism to steal from. Socialism is based on theft of wealth.
They won't be employed. You can't get paid more if you're not employed.