The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

Conservatism is not responsible behavior because in every single instance over the last 60 years, Conservatives have bungled the economies handed to them.
Blatant lie.
Fascism is not a form of socialism, but it IS a form of Conservatism.
Fascism is a form of socialism. Conservatism is not an economic system.
Of course capitalism manipulates fact, there's a movie out right now about that very subject:
Capitalism is open markets. No manipulation. Life isn't a movie, loser.
But it's true! The market growth under Trump BEFORE COVID was the worst since the Great Recession.
Blatant lie.
Nope, it was 2019 and it was because of the tax cut:
Blatant lie.
In contrast with steady growth in the larger economy, U.S. factory production shrank by 1.3 percent in the past year, the Federal Reserve reported. It marked the worst year for manufacturing since 2015, as the trade war, lackluster global growth and problems at airplane maker Boeing hurt America's industrial economy.
Blatant lie. The Federal Reserve makes no such reports either.
As for COVID, the lockdowns didn't start until March, yet the economy plunged into a recession in February:
Does February come before or after March?
Blatant lie.
The national debt is nothing more than a scorecard of government spending.
Debt is not a scorecard.
So we have $30T in debt but we have things to show for it like SS,
SS was not created with that debt. SS is unconstitutional. It is communism.
Medicare was not created with that debt. Medicare is unconstitutional. It is communism.
our military,
The military was not created with that debt.
The ports were not created with that debt.
Airports were not created with that debt. There are fewer airports than in the 60's.
national parks,
National parks were not created with that debt.
Highways were not created with that debt.
Now, reasonable people can debate as to whether any of those things are truly worth it,
Irrelevant. Some are constitutional, others are not.
but no reasonable person can conclude that tax cuts have been worth the cut to tax revenue, since growth never seems to be able to eclipse 3% with a tax cut.
Blatant lie.
For the thousandth time...

The reason Greece fell as it did was not because of government spending, but because of the global financial collapse that was triggered by US subprime mortgage defaults. Greece also does not have its own fiat currency, it uses the Euro. So it can't print money to get itself out of the mess it got in because it relies primarily on tourism for revenue and if there's a global economic collapse, tourism is going to take a hit.

So Greece went to the ECB for a loan and the condition of the loan was that Greece had to "cut spending" was THOSE SPENDING CUTS that plunged Greece into a deeper hole because when you pull money out of the economy and don't make up for it elsewhere, that contracts your economy.

It wasn't socialism that caused Greece's debt it was capitalism.

Greece didn't fall. It still exists.
Capitalism does not cause debt.
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Biden is a better President than any Conservative has ever been...that's why Biden's economy isn't falling apart like Trump's, Bush the Dumber's, and Reagan's did.

So you like high prices and Biden selling us to China. You look the worst border security in our history. You like hundreds of thousands dying from drugs because Biden lets the cartels control our borders

The economy entered into a recession in February 2020, after manufacturing had been in a recession for a year.

Even with Trump's Russia Tax Cut, GDP growth NEVER beat Obama's.

You added $8T to the debt to get growth 0.04% lower than Obama's best.

Conservatism always fails. ALWAYS.

Show proof
Trump didn't ban Chinese from coming to the US...he just banned them coming directly from China...they could still come into the US through Europe or Japan...and hundreds of thousands of them DID.

Yes and Biden called Trump a xenophobe for it and most Democrats had no clue since all they could see was impeachment