That does not cause debt..
Yes, reducing revenue causes debt. That's why the debt grew so much during Trump and Bush the Dumber. Reducing revenue doesn't increase revenue, which was the promise you made of your failed policy.
No one 'inflated' the housing bubble. There is no such thing. The cause of the bubble was the Federal Reserve, fueling speculation.
Incorrect, Bush did with his "Ownership Society" fact, he campaigned on it in 2004. You probably don't remember that because you were on crystal meth at the time.
Bush Ties Policy to Record Home Ownership
He even tied his tax cuts to it!
Some of it today, some of it tomorrow, some of it next year, etc.
Oh, so you don't know. As of now, we don't have any outstanding debt payments to make so you're full of shit, as usual.
You don't know what you're're just contradicting because you don't understand this.
That's OK, though...I'm here to teach.
A debt crash.
So who would come to collect?
The dollar will become essentially worthless and the government will be forced to shut down many programs in an uncontrolled manner.
Debt doesn't make the dollar don't really GET monetary policy, do you? This isn't something you can fake your way through.
There is no such thing as a "debt crash" because we control our own currency. We can simply write off our debt if we wanted. It's really that fucking easy.
And as for collecting on the debt, what does that look like? Paint me a picture of what happens if the ambiguous credfitoprs you are referring to decided to call in the debt? What is that process and who initiates it?