The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

You mean the one he hasn't touched since 2020, after every single one of his policies failed.
Okay...let's examine them.
The tax cut failed and created a recession before COVID
No, it didn't.
COVID policy was a complete fucking failure because you didn't want to take it seriously
He did take it seriously.
You lost the trade war with China and cost taxpayers $30B bailing out farmer trash whose businesses were destroyed by the tarifffs.
Farmers were not destroyed by taxing imports from China.
You let Russia put bounties on the heads of our troops
Russia did that. Russia is in command of Russia, not the United States in any way.
You let Assad commit genocide in Syria
Assad did that. Syria is not the United States.
You sided with Nazis
There are no Nazis. The Nazi party was destroyed in WW2.
and you lied about the 2020 election being stolen
There was no 2020 election because DEMOCRATS committed massive election fraud. They stole the election.
Even the opioid epidemic got worse during Trump with more fentanyl in the country than ever
DEMOCRATS, dude. It is DEMOCRATS that opened uncontrolled invasion of the United States.
Where are the policy successes? There are none.
I already listed several. You just want to stick your head in the sand and ignore it.
Then what is it?
Currently, the United States no longer exists. The 'federal' government has fallen and been replaced by an oligarchy. It remains to be seen whether the Constitution can be restored.
The States of America (SOA) are independent republics. The former State of California is currently a dictatorship. The former State of New York is currently an oligarchy.

The United States was organized as a federated republic.

A democracy has no constitution, and no representatives. A democracy is government by popular vote.
A republic has a constitution and representatives. A republic is government by law (a constitution).
A dictatorship is government by a single dictator or king.
An oligarchy is a dictatorship by committee.

Democracies are an unstable form of government. They usually dissolved into an oligarchy or dictatorship pretty quickly. Athens dissolved into a dictatorship.

Presidents execute budgets, that's their job.
The President has no authority to spend any money without authorization by Congress. Only the House has authority to spend money, create debt, create the budget, etc.
If they're not democratic institutions, then what are they?
What 'they'?? You cannot repeal what does not exist.
Fiscal terrorism
No such thing.
is all Conservaties can do to advance their dogma because they can't win arguments in the marketplace of ideas.
Capitalism IS the winning of arguments in the marketplace of ideas. It is the voluntary production of goods and services for voluntary sale at the voluntarily agreed upon price between buyer and seller.
You can't win the argument that Medicare should not exist
Yes I can. Medicare is communism. It invites fraud and corruption. You are taxed when you work and don't use it, taxed again when you sign up for it (and you are REQUIRED to sign up for it!), taxed again when you use it, and they don't cover medical expenses.
...and because you can't win that argument, you try to undermine Medicare instead.
Medicate undermines itself. I don't have to undermine it.

BTW, Trump is not trying to shut down Medicare or undermine it. DEMOCRATS do though.
Nope. The President signs the budgets into law and executes them.
The President doesn't have to sign anything. The House creates the budget and the debt. They are the only ones with authority to do so.
That is their job. Like economics, you're trying to fake your way through governance.
You are describing yourself.
It's Conservative policy...the only clearly defined one.
A paradox is not a policy, nor is it a conservative problem. You are trying to project YOUR problem into others again.
So then government or Democrats or liberals weren't responsible for the 2008 economic collapse because Bush got government out of the way, like you said.

Correct. The banks themselves were responsible, especially the Federal Reserve. HOWEVER, the response by Obama and DEMOCRATS turned the crash into a nine-year long economic depression.
What outstanding debt payments do we have?
I am not going to list every bond holder.
The debt ceiling was raised, remember?
There is no such thing as a 'debt ceiling'. The House can raise the 'debt ceiling' any time they wish.
Good news for you is that I do know about this. So you're in luck!
You obviously don't.
Ooo, how mysterious! Like who, specifically?
I'm not going to list every bond holder.
Which is a choice. Do you think it's a wise one?
The debt is the result of monetary policy, and whenever Conservatives are in charge of it, they fuck things up.
What conservatives in Congress??
You fucked up Obama's economy
Good. It sucked.
and caused a recession to happen before COVID.
I don't need to fake my way through it.
You are faking your way through it right now.
I know what I'm talking about and you don't mister "various factions" LOL
You don't.
Various factions like...the Court of Owls? Maybe the Gotham City Sirens? Can't sleep on my homies in the Kree Sovereignty. Do you mean Wu Tang Clan?
Tell me more about these various, unnamed factions...are they real? Did you just make it up?
Trivialization fallacy. Most bonds are held by private citizens through things like IRA and other retirement accounts.
That's simply called defaulting and it's a choice.
A very bad choice, soon not to be a choice at all. Default is pretty much assured now.
No, it's writing off the debt. It's a choice to make the debt disappear. And it can be done.
Certainly it can be done. The effect is devastating to the country though.
So...who is launching this war on behalf of whom if someone comes to collect on the debt.
There will be no 'collection of the debt'. The war will result from the hardships caused by the default and other DEMOCRAT caused problems. It's already started at a certain level. It will get worse.
you just got done saying earlier on this post that most is owned by "various factions in our own country" those factions are going to start a war over a debt payment?
I guess my first question is...who are these "various factions" you are talking about?
I am not going to list every bond holder.

There is no such thing as a 'debt ceiling'. The House can raise the 'debt ceiling' any time they wish.

You obviously don't.

I'm not going to list every bond holder.


What conservatives in Congress??

Good. It sucked.


You are faking your way through it right now.

You don't.

Trivialization fallacy. Most bonds are held by private citizens through things like IRA and other retirement accounts.

A very bad choice, soon not to be a choice at all. Default is pretty much assured now.

Certainly it can be done. The effect is devastating to the country though.

There will be no 'collection of the debt'. The war will result from the hardships caused by the default and other DEMOCRAT caused problems. It's already started at a certain level. It will get worse.


Mantra 41 Idiocracy

Mantra 42 Small Dick Syndrome (SDS)

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
I asked for policy, not platitudes.
I see you still haven't seen the memo that fascists are leftists like you. You think you're insulting conservatives and don't realize you're insulting leftists. That is rather humorous.