The U.S. national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time ever

Because Capitalism goes back centuries, but Conservatism only goes back to 1955.
I get the strong impression that you don't know what capitalism is or what constitutes a conservative view. It would appear that you speak mostly in buzzwords and empty terms, explaining why you make little sense and rarely have a point beyond whatever you are regurgitating for the people who do your thinking for you.
I love how Conservatives are at the point where every single one of their ideas and policies have failed so they must regress on their primary education in order to make nonsensical arguments like this to distract from all those policy failures.

Conservatives have never left behind a growing economy...only disaster.

Blatant lie.
Which you attempted to put in place on 1/6.
I am not a Democrat.
Well, not YOU specifically because on 1/6 you were hiding out here on JPP instead of "fighting the fraud" you had alleged for two months prior but ultimately did nothing about.

What's your excuse for hiding out on 1/6? Don't you believe the shit you say?
I don't participate in Democrat induced riots.
It's a bit more complicated than that...but I understand why you must go broad like don't know what you're talking about.
It is not 'more complicated' at all. Complexity fallacy. An oligarchy is a dictatorship by committee.
The way you described a democracy is the exact same way you described a Republic, and you're just too stupid to realize that.
Blatant lie. A democracy has no constitution and no representatives. A republic has both.
Your first mistake is that you forgot that the budget is a bill, and all bills are enacted by the President.
Blatant lie. I realize you discard the Constitution of the United States, but you should actually try to read it.
You have yet to post any proof that the government operates a budget outside of the budget process, whereas I posted proof that Biden signed the Omnibus budget last December and has for each December prior.
You don't know enough about this topic to fake your way through it.
Inversion fallacy.
Right, YOU just got done saying you repealed those institutions, so which ones did you repeal and how?
Hallucination. I have not repealed any institution.
It's your entire governing strategy because all of your policies fail and you can't run on them.
I am not government.
And it's not a policy that Conservatives came up with.
They don't need to.
AND capitalism needed a trillion dollar PPP bailout...not one cent of which was paid back.
Capitalism does not require a 'bailout'. Ever.
And when it comes to managing capitalism, you always fail:
Capitalism is not 'managed'. Ever.
The current economic depression was started by Democrats.
U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy[/QUOTE]
Try English. It works better. The Washington Compost is not an authoritative reference. False authority fallacy.
Every policy of yours fails.
Every time.
It's a guarantee now that Conservative policy will fail because you have no new ideas and are too lazy to come up with any.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Which Conservatives didn't come up with, and which Conservatives fucked up because Conservatives are inherently stupid people who can't do math.

Every single Conservative President since Ford has left behind a stinking economy for the Democrat to clean up after them.

Not a single Conservative policy success in over 45 years.

Blatant lie.
It is theft of wealth and a portion is given to the unproductive by force (and as usual, the government takes the lion's share). It is communism.
Medicare doesn't cover medical expenses?
Also, do you know what Pay-Go means?
So you agree with me.
How so? You always speak very vaguely when we get deeper into your argument.

So how does Medicare "undermine itself"?
All forms of communism undermine themselves. They can only exist through continued theft.
President Trump's 2021 budget proposes about $500 billion in net Medicare spending reductions over ten years.
More fake news. No government program has spending reductions. A 'spending reduction' is nothing more than a smaller INCREASE than they want.
Incorrect. According to the Constitution, the President signs and executes all laws, and the budget is a law.

Otherwise, what is the function of the EXECUTive Branch?
The President does not have to sign anything.
The House creates the budget, but the President signs it into law and enacts it.
The President does not have to sign anything.
You keep skipping that step because it undermines everything you are saying.
No, it doesn't. You simply are discarding the Constitution.
You're the one who apparently thinks Congress enacts laws when that is not its Constitutional function.
It IS Congress that enacts law, dummy.
The tariffs were not working at all and in fact cost taxpayers an additional $30B because those tariffs killed farmer trash's businesses and we had to bail them out AGAIN.

Tariffs on imports do not cost farmers anything unless they are importing something.
No they weren't. They never worked. We had to spend $30B bailing out farmer trash because the tariffs fucking failed.

Trump Tariff Aid To Farmers Cost More Than U.S. Nuclear Forces

The reason why they failed is because you and your dumbass Nazi pals have no idea what tariffs even are.

You don't even know who pays's not the exporter, it's the importer.

The importer pays the tariffs and every single one of the importers are American.

China has paid exactly $0 in tariffs since they started.

Tariffs are not paid by farmers unless they import something.
No they don't...all they lead to are trade wars which we never win...just like how we lost out on this trade war you tried to wage.

$30B bailout is not a success.

Who pays tariffs, the country that exports them or the entity that imports them?

Obviously you have no idea what a tariff even is, since you asked a dumb question like that.