And once again they show the hypocrisy, eight years Obama straight is crucified by the right for his additions to the debt,
Nope. Obama will be forever crucified for never being a force for good, but for blindly OBEYING the evil of the Democrat Party. If Obama had threatened to veto the unreasonable crap, much of it would have had to have been removed.
To be a leftist is to ...
1. have no clue how the government operates, e.g. believe the President determines the budget and the national debt, believe the President's clearance is somehow issued by the government, believe the US is a democracy, etc.
2. be scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent and logically inept
3. endorse the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime
4. endorse the government's confiscation of ever increasing amounts of the wealth of
We the People and the wasteful spending of it all in the apparent attempt to destroy the economy
5. HATE gays, lesbians and the gender confused, as well as all others who deviate from the norm sexually, by lumping them all together as FREAKS ... and hurling slurs about them when it is believed that none are present