The United States of Fascist America
Every government has power over the people. If it didn't it wouldn't be a government. Having a centralized government doesn't make a government socialist. Most forms of government are centralized. (Unless you are arguing that DeSantis is running a socialist state in Florida since his government there has power over the people.)

Socialist policies are required to be socialist, of which one of the biggest is collective ownership of production. The Nazis didn't take ownership of companies by nationalizing them. Instead the followed the pattern of the far right fascism which is to eliminate and restrict labor unions and give more power to owners over their workers.

This is what fascism is...
Another famous fascist, Benito Mussolini claimed "Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Socialism would be the merger of workers and government power.
Under the Nazis corporations are given power over their workers which is the direct opposite of socialism which supposes to turn power over to the workers and restrict capitalism. Fascism takes the power from the society as a whole and turns it over to the rich business owners who in turn support the government that gives them that power.

Nazi refers to a "National Socialist" Party.

Examples of how "Fascism" perfectly describes the Democrats or the Progressive Party are its countless ties to or with (centralized government, racism (CRT,BLM), eugenics, state-sanctioned violence (2020 Summer of Love), and enforced cultural uniformity. FDR's fascist NEW DEAL in which the central government (as in fascism) exercised substantial control over "PRIVATE" industry and finance.
Nazi refers to a "National Socialist" Party.

Examples of how "Fascism" perfectly describes the Democrats or the Progressive Party are its countless ties to or with (centralized government, racism (CRT,BLM), eugenics, state-sanctioned violence (2020 Summer of Love), and enforced cultural uniformity. FDR's fascist NEW DEAL in which the central government (as in fascism) exercised substantial control over "PRIVATE" industry and finance.

So your argument is if you just ignore the meanings of words, history and common sense, you can just claim whatever you want?

Your argument would mean that the Republican party is fascist since they implemented the EPA under Nixon. So why do you support fascism?
Nazi refers to a "National Socialist" Party.

Examples of how "Fascism" perfectly describes the Democrats or the Progressive Party are its countless ties to or with (centralized government, racism (CRT,BLM), eugenics, state-sanctioned violence (2020 Summer of Love), and enforced cultural uniformity. FDR's fascist NEW DEAL in which the central government (as in fascism) exercised substantial control over "PRIVATE" industry and finance.

It sure would be great if you knew what you're talking about.
Great post. Remember though that for the left language is malleable to their agenda. A shot that prevents the spread of a disease was known as a vaccine. That's no longer a necessary element t of the definition of a vaccine. For all human history marriage included a man AND woman. They like to reference polygamy but the essential emement of at least one person from each gender was present. Not any more.

Then of course people with penises and XY chromosomes were men and people with vaginas and XX chromosomes were women but that's no longer true and it's not even science any more. Science now includes how you "feel". I mean it does t get any more "scientific" than that right?

You hate progress. Where do you hitch your horse?
Nazi refers to a "National Socialist" Party.

Examples of how "Fascism" perfectly describes the Democrats or the Progressive Party are its countless ties to or with (centralized government, racism (CRT,BLM), eugenics, state-sanctioned violence (2020 Summer of Love), and enforced cultural uniformity. FDR's fascist NEW DEAL in which the central government (as in fascism) exercised substantial control over "PRIVATE" industry and finance.

So North korea's official name is the DPRK ( democratic people republic of korea) so they must be democratic :palm:
The problem with that argument is that the Nazis and Fascists were on the radical Left...

The most powerful Nazi after Hitler, from the earliest days to the end, was Hermann Goering. Would you say that Goering was "far left"?

Did arch-conservative President Hindenburg grant dictatorial powers to Hitler in 1933 because Hitler was "far left"? Did the aristocrat-dominated army go along with it for the same reason?

I think you would agree that Franco was a fascist. Was Franco "far left"? Sir Oswald Mosley, baronet and leader of the British Union of Fascists, had been in both the Tory Party and the Labour Party and quit them both. Was that because he was "far left"?

I can understand you wanting to dissociate fascism from the FAR RIGHT, or at least sow as much confusion as you can. But I think you're on a losing wicket there.
Nazi refers to a "National Socialist" Party.

Examples of how "Fascism" perfectly describes the Democrats or the Progressive Party are its countless ties to or with (centralized government, racism (CRT,BLM), eugenics, state-sanctioned violence (2020 Summer of Love), and enforced cultural uniformity. FDR's fascist NEW DEAL in which the central government (as in fascism) exercised substantial control over "PRIVATE" industry and finance.

So what you do and believe in is supplanted by the name? here learn something.;jsessionid=158F4539B406401ABB6D73AE7CDFC60E Natzis are far right like Trumpys are.,
The definition is mostly correct, except for the first words, claiming fascism is a "far right" ideology. Hitler was considered a fascist but his party, contrary to the political science experts (disguised as journalists), were far left. The Nazi Party is the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Note the name "Socialist," an ideology of the left, not the right.

The Democratic Republic of North Korea has the word "Democratic" in its name. I guess that makes North Korea a democracy.
More examples of current Democrat Fascism:

Democrat Fascists promoted the destruction of minority-owned small businesses in the summer of 2020 in the name of fighting systemic racism, and they trampled the Bill of Rights during COVID lockdowns for the sake of public health, and Fascists (Democrats) hate Elon Musk's desire to promote "Free Speech" on Twitter because speech (like silence, oddly enough) is violence according to the Dem fascists.

Dem Fascists paint parents and non-liberal teachers concerned about pornographic books in school libraries as "literal Nazis." Oh the irony of it all. Books like 'Gender Queer' contain graphic pictures of sexual acts; but Dem Fascists believe the book should remain in school libraries to champion Diversity and Inclusion. By the way, that is just one book among hundreds of such books being displayed at our public libraries.

Just so you know, the president of the (ALA) American Library Association who refuses to condemn such books like 'Gender Queer'....Emily Drabinski is a self-proclaimed Marxist. That certainly comes as no surprise, eh?
More examples of current Democrat Fascism:

Democrat Fascists promoted the destruction of minority-owned small businesses in the summer of 2020 in the name of fighting systemic racism, and they trampled the Bill of Rights during COVID lockdowns for the sake of public health, and Fascists (Democrats) hate Elon Musk's desire to promote "Free Speech" on Twitter because speech (like silence, oddly enough) is violence according to the Dem fascists.

Dem Fascists paint parents and non-liberal teachers concerned about pornographic books in school libraries as "literal Nazis." Oh the irony of it all. Books like 'Gender Queer' contain graphic pictures of sexual acts; but Dem Fascists believe the book should remain in school libraries to champion Diversity and Inclusion. By the way, that is just one book among hundreds of such books being displayed at our public libraries.

Just so you know, the president of the (ALA) American Library Association who refuses to condemn such books like 'Gender Queer'....Emily Drabinski is a self-proclaimed Marxist. That certainly comes as no surprise, eh?

Fascism is a system of governance. None of those silly examples are like it at all.
Fascism is a system of governance. None of those silly examples are like it at all.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of Fascism:

a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a CENTRALIZED AUTOCRATIC GOVERNMENT headed by a dictatorial leader, SEVERE ECONOMIC and SOCIAL REGIMENTATION, and FORCIBLE SUPRESSION of OPPOSITION.

Those capitalized words in my response to you should give you a clue as to just how this current Democrat system of governance is indeed wrought with fascism. And that last one called FORCIBLE SUPRESSION of OPPOSITION can be seen in it's entirety by reading any of the TWITTER files that clearly show and prove that the Democrats and their cohorts suppressed their political opposition, i.e. suppressed any and all Republican/Conservative/Trump free speech. Unfortunately, for America and for Americans, this is the way the current democrat administration governs, and by govern I mean by fascist actions.
The problem with that argument is that Nazis being far right like to co-opt words and pretend they are what they aren't. Claiming to be socialists in order to confuse the gullible doesn't mean they were socialists. They certainly didn't implement any socialist programs when they were in power. Evidence that the far right still likes to co-opt words and misuse them is right there in your post.

The German SOCIALIST Workers Party is socialism. Fascism is a form of socialism.

Like what Democrats WANT. Democrats WANT socialism in all of three major forms: fascism, communism, and slavery.
The founders used socialism right in the constitution you fact voids

Tell me what you know about the post office idiots

The founders wrote it right into the constitution

And didn’t care if it paid for it’s self

Tell me what you know about the Cumberland Road you haters of History

Fiction. There is no socialism in the Constitution.

The United States Postal Service (USPS), also known as the Post Office, U.S. Mail, or Postal Service, is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the U.S., including its insular areas and associated states. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the U.S. Constitution. The USPS, as of 2021, has 516,636 career employees and 136,531 non-career employees.[6]

Not socialism. A government service. Nothing about it precludes any other delivery service.

Braddock Road

The Braddock Road had been opened by the Ohio Company in 1751 between Fort Cumberland, the limit of navigation on the upper Potomac River, and the French military station at Fort Duquesne at the forks of the Ohio River, (at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers), an important trading and military point where the city of Pittsburgh now stands. It received its name during the colonial-era French and Indian War of 1753–1763 (also known as the Seven Years' War in Europe), when it was constructed by British General Edward Braddock, who was accompanied by Colonel George Washington of the Virginia militia regiment in the ill-fated July 1755 Braddock expedition, an attempt to assault the French-held Fort Duquesne.
