The United States of Fascist America

Construction of the Cumberland Road (which later became part of the longer National Road) was authorized on March 29, 1806, by Congress. The new Cumberland Road would replace the wagon and foot paths of the Braddock Road for travel between the Potomac and Ohio Rivers, following roughly the same alignment until just east of Uniontown, Pennsylvania. From there, where the Braddock Road turned north towards Pittsburgh, the new National Road/Cumberland Road continued west to Wheeling, Virginia (now West Virginia), also on the Ohio River.

The Differences between Socialism and National Socialism

Even though they sound almost similar, socialism and National Socialism are different political ideologies that first emerged in the 19th century. While aspects of National Socialism such as the importance of maintaining the Übermensch, or race of supermen, were first embraced by 18th and 19th German leaders, this political ideology only became the German state’s official ideology after World War One (Holian, 2011). Adolph Hitler, who was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, used National Socialism to bring Germans across the nation under his leadership. Socialist ideology, on the other hand, first gained prominence in Wales during the 19th century.

There are numerous differences between socialism and National Socialism. National Socialism has its roots in 18th century Prussian tradition, when leaders like Fredrick the Great and Fredrick William I presented the militant spirit as the model for civic life (Loughlin, 2001). This political ideology would receive further reinforcement from scholars like Friedrich Nietzsche who proclaimed that Germans were a superior race, and the Comte de Gobineau who emphasized the cultural and racial purity of the Nordic peoples (Loughlin, 2001). Even though there are numerous parties that champion National Socialism in many European nations today, this political ideology was not originally created to meet the needs of people outside the German state. National Socialism was originally meant to build on the special identity of all ethnic German citizens.

In contrast, socialism emerged as a political ideology that would challenge capitalism by championing the distribution of national wealth to all classes of society. The German philosopher, Karl Marx, asserted that socialism would address the unequal distribution of wealth in all the nations where it was adopted (Holian, 2011). According to Eccleshall (1994), the word socialism actually means common ownership, and the aim of socialists is to equally distribute the world’s resources among all its peoples.

In Nazi Germany which embraced National Socialism, the superior abilities of Aryan citizens were exalted in an effort to appeal to individual pride. Germans wanted to take part in nation-building projects because of the feeling of patriotism, and a sense of pride in being members of the fatherland. In contrast, socialism encourages public participation in national projects by stressing on the importance of belonging to a collective, rather than operating on individual strength.

Read more: The Differences between Socialism and National Socialism | Difference Between

Socialism is a type of economic system. There is only one socialism.
Every government has power over the people. If it didn't it wouldn't be a government. Having a centralized government doesn't make a government socialist. Most forms of government are centralized. (Unless you are arguing that DeSantis is running a socialist state in Florida since his government there has power over the people.)

Socialist policies are required to be socialist, of which one of the biggest is collective ownership of production. The Nazis didn't take ownership of companies by nationalizing them. Instead the followed the pattern of the far right fascism which is to eliminate and restrict labor unions and give more power to owners over their workers.

This is what fascism is...
Another famous fascist, Benito Mussolini claimed "Fascism should rightly be called corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power." Socialism would be the merger of workers and government power.
Under the Nazis corporations are given power over their workers which is the direct opposite of socialism which supposes to turn power over to the workers and restrict capitalism. Fascism takes the power from the society as a whole and turns it over to the rich business owners who in turn support the government that gives them that power.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets. It is not a corporation. Corporations do not merge with government unless the government OWNS them (communism).
Multiple posts on social media have claimed that the Nazi party were socialists, due to their full name—the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

This argument has been used to attack socialism through association with Nazi policies. It has also led to confusion, as Nazism is normally associated with fascism and far-right-wing views.

The issue of whether the Nazis were socialists isn’t a straightforward one, due to how the Nazi party developed and grew its base of support. But the consensus among historians is that the Nazis, and Hitler in particular, were not socialists in any meaningful sense.

Historians have regularly disavowed claims that Hitler adhered to socialist ideology. Historian Richard Evans wrote of the Nazis’ incorporation of socialist into their name in 1920, “Despite the change of name, however, it would be wrong to see Nazism as a form of, or an outgrowth from, socialism….Nazism was in some ways an extreme counter-ideology to socialism”. Or as simply put by historian and Hitler expert Ian Kershaw, “Hitler was never a socialist.”

The Nazis were socialist. You are trying to redefine the word. You don't get away with that.
Rightys rewriting history again. The party Hitler took over had Socialist in its name. Hitler used power, lies and violence to take it over. There was no socialism in the direction Hitler took. The party which started in 1920 was a far-right party that hated the wealthy and foreigners. It was simply not socialist in any meaningful way.

You are describing yourself again. Inversion fallacy. It was socialist.
The most powerful Nazi after Hitler, from the earliest days to the end, was Hermann Goering. Would you say that Goering was "far left"?

Did arch-conservative President Hindenburg grant dictatorial powers to Hitler in 1933 because Hitler was "far left"? Did the aristocrat-dominated army go along with it for the same reason?

I think you would agree that Franco was a fascist. Was Franco "far left"? Sir Oswald Mosley, baronet and leader of the British Union of Fascists, had been in both the Tory Party and the Labour Party and quit them both. Was that because he was "far left"?

I can understand you wanting to dissociate fascism from the FAR RIGHT, or at least sow as much confusion as you can. But I think you're on a losing wicket there.

Fascism is a form of socialism. It is government manipulation of markets. It is what Democrats WANT.
Fascism is a system of governance. None of those silly examples are like it at all.

Fascism is not a form of government. It is a form of socialism, a type of economic system. Because socialism itself is theft of wealth, it can only be implemented by oligarchies and dictatorships.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of Fascism:

a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a CENTRALIZED AUTOCRATIC GOVERNMENT headed by a dictatorial leader, SEVERE ECONOMIC and SOCIAL REGIMENTATION, and FORCIBLE SUPRESSION of OPPOSITION.

Those capitalized words in my response to you should give you a clue as to just how this current Democrat system of governance is indeed wrought with fascism. And that last one called FORCIBLE SUPRESSION of OPPOSITION can be seen in it's entirety by reading any of the TWITTER files that clearly show and prove that the Democrats and their cohorts suppressed their political opposition, i.e. suppressed any and all Republican/Conservative/Trump free speech. Unfortunately, for America and for Americans, this is the way the current democrat administration governs, and by govern I mean by fascist actions.

False authority fallacy. NO dictionary owns any word. Dictionaries do not define words. That is not their purpose. Words are not defined by dictionaries. They are defined by people.
The origin of fascism is quite old. It has been around since at least the beginning of ancient Rome.

However, you are basically correct. Fascism is government manipulation of markets. It is a form of socialism. It can only be implemented by oligarchies or dictatorships. It is tyranny. It is what Democrats want.
Wikipedia describes fascism as, "A far right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, central autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy."
Correct. The rest is bullshit. There's no denying that there's both LW authoritarianism and RW authoritarianism. LW is authoritarianism by committee (socialism) and RW is by a single leader like your heroes Adolf, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet and Pedo Don.

Strong, smart and educated Americans want neither. Weak, stupid and poorly educated ones love to be taken care of by a dictatorship.

European liberalism, conservatism and communism are forms of fascism. A totalitarian state is an empire. Empire is what the American Revolution won - for the first time in the world. The American right (not Trumpists) are anti-fascists.