the us of a dollar is worth about 70% of what it was worth at the end of 2001

Moron, please tell us how you suffered personally.

I along with 4 million other middle class people became millionaires. And it wasn't soooo hard. tool:clink:
Moron, please tell us how you suffered personally.

I along with 4 million other middle class people became millionaires. And it wasn't soooo hard. tool:clink:

Have you ever heard of "caring about others"?

Topspin the fucking idiot doesn't believe in inflation, only in the hyperinflationary currency system. When confronted with the obvious effect of that system, inflation, he turns irrational and idiotic.
Toppy's gauge of the economy, which even Greenspan has said was handled terribly: the increased # of millionaires.

What an idiotic way to gauge the overall health of our finances. You've been exposed tops...badly....
I've been exposed as handing you your ass at least 100 times poor boy.
you put words in my mouth cause you too stupid to build you own case.
Maybe that's why the best you can do is sell shit somebody else makes.
I've been exposed as handing you your ass at least 100 times poor boy.
you put words in my mouth cause you too stupid to build you own case.
Maybe that's why the best you can do is sell shit somebody else makes.

It always gets personal with you when you don't have a factual leg to stand on.

I'd LOVE to see evidence of that "handing my ass to me 100 times a day". You've done nothing but embarass yourself on this board.

My fave was when you posted that article with the 4% GDP, and concluded that it meant housing wasn't affecting the economy that much, but in the same article they warned that growth would slow significantly in the next 2 quarters because of it.

That was smart....
And lori all you do is whine, I never see you predicting anything, buying anything or showing any financial sense. Just showing glee when negative news comes out the the shehanite you are.
Desh you would know an economic board from an ironing board, haven't even used you piece of shit AA to get a real job. So wtf do you know anyway
And lori all you do is whine, I never see you predicting anything, buying anything or showing any financial sense. Just showing glee when negative news comes out the the shehanite you are.
Desh you would know an economic board from an ironing board, haven't even used you piece of shit AA to get a real job. So wtf do you know anyway

I know you have been consistantly wrong on many issues in the time that I have known you.

You have the mental age of an adolesant.

You just cant seem to show any respect to the people who have proven you wrong over and over.

Your petty insults for people are meaningless and you refuse to see that they make you smaller and lose you any respect you so obviously crave.

If you do have any education it was wasted.
I'd be really really interested to know where you got that figure from because I don't believe that is accurate.

I think bush has done a fantastic job on the economy, and republican candidates for prez should loudly and proudly proclaim it, and promise to do more of the same.
I think bush has done a fantastic job on the economy, and republican candidates for prez should loudly and proudly proclaim it, and promise to do more of the same.

What does that have to do with DQ's claim that the dollar has lost 70% of its value?