the us of a dollar is worth about 70% of what it was worth at the end of 2001

Toby wasn't good enough to keep up an act for that long. It's got to be Brent. He's the only one capable of saying in character for as long as Top has. Remember his Christ-Fascist role followed by his LDS thing? He's a convincing poser when he wants to be.

Toby was just fucking stupid and probably died by putting his head in a blender by accident.
Toby wasn't good enough to keep up an act for that long. It's got to be Brent. He's the only one capable of saying in character for as long as Top has. Remember his Christ-Fascist role followed by his LDS thing? He's a convincing poser when he wants to be.

Toby was just fucking stupid and probably died by putting his head in a blender by accident.

Brent is supposed to be on a little island up off of BC studying the bible or something....

Actually I do not think spinner is Toby, but unfortuntely is real, as in really messed up.
When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, the US dollar was worth .67 against the British Pound, In March 1997 the beginning of Clinton's second term it was .65. On the day that Bush took office it was worth .69 and on the first day of his second term it was worth .52. As of Friday it is worth .49. That is quite drop on the Bush watch.
Toby wasn't good enough to keep up an act for that long. It's got to be Brent. He's the only one capable of saying in character for as long as Top has. Remember his Christ-Fascist role followed by his LDS thing? He's a convincing poser when he wants to be.

Toby was just fucking stupid and probably died by putting his head in a blender by accident.

LOL, but he did not want to waste the rest of the margarita.
When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, the US dollar was worth .67 against the British Pound, In March 1997 the beginning of Clinton's second term it was .65. On the day that Bush took office it was worth .69 and on the first day of his second term it was worth .52. As of Friday it is worth .49. That is quite drop on the Bush watch.

That's 37%. Where is this 70% that DQ is talking about coming from?
DQ didn't say it dropped 70% in value. He said its worth 70% of what it was seven years ago.

Aren't those the same things? What is the basis of comparison he is using to say the value of the Dollar has dropped (or is worth) 70% (less)?
Aren't those the same things? What is the basis of comparison he is using to say the value of the Dollar has dropped (or is worth) 70% (less)?


If something is worth 70% of what it used to be, that means it dropped 30% from its original value. Not 70% in value.

Anyway, I'm just going on the thread title. I haven't read everything.

If something is worth 70% of what it used to be, that means it dropped 30% from its original value. Not 70% in value.

Anyway, I'm just going on the thread title. I haven't read everything.

Yeah, you're right. I did misread (or misunderstood) it. I guess I'm still curious on what basis his comparison in value is made. I show the chart where vs. the Euro since 2000 the dollar has dropped 63%. Some else showed a different chart with dollar value vs. the pound.
Yeah, you're right. I did misread (or misunderstood) it. I guess I'm still curious on what basis his comparison in value is made. I show the chart where vs. the Euro since 2000 the dollar has dropped 63%. Some else showed a different chart with dollar value vs. the pound.

Cawacko, I understand that you just got confused on the arithmetic. It happens to us all.

When confronted with a similar math puzzle in the future, just mentally remind yourself: "Bush is 70% as smart as Bill Clinton".

With this image in mind, it should be clear to you that Bush is 30% less smart than Bill Clinton (although, my money says he's really about half as smart as slick Willy) ;)
Cawacko, I understand that you just got confused on the arithmetic. It happens to us all.

When confronted with a similar math puzzle in the future, just mentally remind yourself: "Bush is 70% as smart as Bill Clinton".

With this image in mind, it should be clear to you that Bush is 30% less smart than Bill Clinton (although, my money says he's really about half as smart as slick Willy) ;)
Hmmm... He "tricked" Kerry into believing he didn't mean to invade Iraq, thus he voted for the war... What does that say about John F. Kerry?
Keep on spinning and assuming Damo. We have hard facts on Bush.
And I have Kerry's words saying that he voted for the war because he thought that Bush would use it as a diplomatic tool, and not invade.

It isn't spin, nor is it a protection of Bush, it was a question based on the Bush is 70% as smart thing a continuation of the same joke. Why do you have to try and be a turd every time I extend on a joke?

Is it jealousy?
Hmmm... He "tricked" Kerry into believing he didn't mean to invade Iraq, thus he voted for the war... What does that say about John F. Kerry?

Well, first I was supporting Howard Dean for the nomination.

Second, "tricking" has nothing to do with a relative test of intelligence. There's been times a 12 year old kid was able to trick me into doing something. ;)

Third, do you really thing it was Curious George who came up with the plan to trick and lie the nation into war. LOL. It was Cheny, PNAC, and the NeoCons.
Well, first I was supporting Howard Dean for the nomination.

Second, "tricking" has nothing to do with a relative test of intelligence. There's been times a 12 year old kid was able to trick me into doing something. ;)

Third, do you really thing it was Curious George who came up with the plan to trick and lie the nation into war. LOL. It was Cheny, PNAC, and the NeoCons.
LOL. Now uscit, THIS is spin. Kerry himself stated how much he "believed Bush" when he said, "he wasn't going to use the power to invade". Even though in 2000 when he ran he, even then spoke of getting even stronger on the US position against Saddam than a policy of 'regime change'. What is stronger than such a policy?

Getting "tricked" when their previous words were right before you is a sign of "great intelligence"?

LOL. Now uscit, THIS is spin. Kerry himself stated how much he "believed Bush" when he said, "he wasn't going to use the power to invade". Even though in 2000 when he ran he, even then spoke of getting even stronger on the US position against Saddam than a policy of 'regime change'. What is stronger than such a policy?

Getting "tricked" when their previous words were right before you is a sign of "great intelligence"?


did I say that was not spin ? Specualtion is most always spin.