the us of a dollar is worth about 70% of what it was worth at the end of 2001

And lori all you do is whine, I never see you predicting anything, buying anything or showing any financial sense. Just showing glee when negative news comes out the the shehanite you are.
Desh you would know an economic board from an ironing board, haven't even used you piece of shit AA to get a real job. So wtf do you know anyway

This thread is hysterical, and I almost missed it.

You never see him buying anything??? Topper are you having us "turbolibs" followed?
These have to go into the "Classic Topperisms" file. The first one is completely incoherent, and the second one as fine an example as you're going to come by of why you should very carefully proof read any post you call someone else "stupid" in.

"Desh you would know an economic board from an ironing board, haven't even used you piece of shit AA to get a real job. So wtf do you know anyway"

"cause you too stupid to build you own case."
I think bush has done a fantastic job on the economy, and republican candidates for prez should loudly and proudly proclaim it, and promise to do more of the same.

I don't think the economy is doing terrible or even bad, it's not great but just ok.
I do remember when Bush senior signed the Dem run house's tax increase and the downturn turned into a severe recession. Good thing Bush junior got that right at least.
I've actually hugged trees; if topper only knew.

Maybe he does, since he's got those spies out there checking out my purchasing activity...
yeah much easier to become a millionaire today because it is worth less.
I guess that is why topper became one ?

I would think comapred to the early 60s getting to be worth 200k or so then would equate to millionaire status now.

Topper needs to adjust his number of millionaires for inflation :D
In January of this year the dollar was worth 1.17 Canadian as of this month it is down to 1.04. On January 2, 2001 the US dollar was worth 1.49 Canadian, January 2, 2002 it was 1.59 just in case you wanted to make that 9-11 claim. Go to and you can look up what they dollar has done all the way back to 1990. On plus side a weaker dollar makes it easier for people over seas to travel here and buy US goods.
US, I thought weak dollars gave people a trade advantage and helped them "cheat" in the economy? Why is a cheap dollar good for China and bad for America?

BTW, Topsin, an obvious effect of inflation is that there will be more millionares. Duh. Any real economist would laugh at you for posting such a ridiculous gauge of the economy.

Go take economics 101, dumbass. Any idiot can sit 40,000 in a mutual fund for 30 years and become a "millionare", but a modern "millionare" is worth about as much as someone with 100,000 dollar whenever you were growing up.
US, I thought weak dollars gave people a trade advantage and helped them "cheat" in the economy? Why is a cheap dollar good for China and bad for America?

BTW, Topsin, an obvious effect of inflation is that there will be more millionares. Duh. Any real economist would laugh at you for posting such a ridiculous gauge of the economy.

Go take economics 101, dumbass. Any idiot can sit 40,000 in a mutual fund for 30 years and become a "millionare", but a modern "millionare" is worth about as much as someone with 100,000 dollar whenever you were growing up.
It isn't, they back their money on the dollar.
Darn all these college educated types joining me in trailer trash status ?

Welcome all, beer is in the fridge and the burger is on the grill.
Moron, please tell us how you suffered personally.

I along with 4 million other middle class people became millionaires. And it wasn't soooo hard. tool:clink:

I haven't been able to go on a trip to Paris or London for the last 3 years.