the USA is a democracy

What makes you stupid is not realizing that 'a representative Republic' is a subset of the various forms of Democracy.

We are back to this stupid argument that a fork is not also cutlery because it is a fork, when it is BOTH.

then it should be simple and easy for you racists to correctly state what the US is, instead of bastardizing the term 'democracy'......
then it should be simple and easy for you racists to correctly state what the US is, instead of bastardizing the term 'democracy'......

It is easy, but we are dealing with very stupid people who keep saying 'it is a fork...not cutlery' when it is BOTH.

A 'representative republic' is a form of democracy, thus it is BOTH.

What makes you stupid is not realizing that 'a representative Republic' is a subset of the various forms of Democracy.
What makes you gullible is your lack of education. A representational republic is not a democracy. In a democracy, the mob rules and there are no individual rights. In a representational republic, individual freedoms are protected from the majority.

You could have achieved so much more if only you had remained awake in class. Instead, we are back to this stupid argument of yours that a fork is a spoon because a fork is somehow a subset of various forms of spoon. You can't make this shit up.
What makes you gullible is your lack of education. A representational republic is not a democracy. In a democracy, the mob rules and there are no individual rights. In a representational republic, individual freedoms are protected from the majority.

You could have achieved so much more if only you had remained awake in class. Instead, we are back to this stupid argument of yours that a fork is a spoon because a fork is somehow a subset of various forms of spoon. You can't make this shit up.

The problem you have is that you are wrong... and stupid.

At not one stage of your schooling, before you quit in grade 3, were you taught anything other than that US IS A DEMOCRACY.

You just keep repeating 'its a fork... thus is cannot be cutlery' because you are so painfully stupid you do not realize it is BOTH and you cannot make this shit up.


Is America a democracy or a republic? Yes, it is

...But a democratic republic is us. Exactly.

Throughout our history we have functioned as both. Put another way, we have utilized characteristics of both. The people decide, but they do so through elected representatives working in pre-established, rule-bound and intentionally balky institutions such as Congress and the courts.

The government seated in Washington, D.C., represents a democratic republic, which governs a federated union of states, each of which in turn has its own democratic-republican government for its jurisdiction....

..."To take this as a rejection of democracy misses how the idea of government by the people, including both a democracy and a republic, was understood when the Constitution was drafted and ratified," Thomas said. "It misses, too, how we understand the idea of democracy today."

One way to understand that idea was articulated by Jefferson himself way back in 1816, when he wrote: "We may say with truth and meaning, that governments are more or less republican as they have more or less of the element of popular election and control in their composition." [emphasis added]

It is hard to imagine a better statement of the two concepts as they may be comingled and act in concert.

It falls to our generation to renew that understanding in the context of our own time, two full centuries later.
It is easy, but we are dealing with very stupid people who keep saying 'it is a fork...not cutlery' when it is BOTH.

A 'representative republic' is a form of democracy, thus it is BOTH.


and it was that 'easiness' of bastardizing a term that makes morons like you think an AR15 is an assault weapon.
and it was that 'easiness' of bastardizing a term that makes morons like you think an AR15 is an assault weapon.

And yet all through your school history, no matter the schools you went to and no matter the level you went to, it was ALWAYS taught to you, that we are form of democracy. Every POTUS speaks to it.

But you say 'nuh huh, they are all wrong and we the derps, the most stupid in society, are correct'.

Both at a Federal and State level the power given to the elected politicians is one the citizens vote for and give them that power and can take away. We run a completely democratic process to choose who will be our voices in Congress and State legislatures.
And yet all through your school history, no matter the schools you went to and no matter the level you went to, it was ALWAYS taught to you, that we are form of democracy. Every POTUS speaks to it.

But you say 'nuh huh, they are all wrong and we the derps, the most stupid in society, are correct'.

Both at a Federal and State level the power given to the elected politicians is one the citizens vote for and give them that power and can take away. We run a completely democratic process to choose who will be our voices in Congress and State legislatures.

you, being a leftist or liberal, i'm sure you either refuse to acknowledge the dumbing down and brainwashing of the socialist indoctrination system known as the public school system, or you approve of it as a well as cheering on the government propaganda that the US is a democracy, all in a push to imprint on younger people that the US is a majority rule nation. It makes it easier for the communists of the left to eliminate individual rights.
you, being a leftist or liberal, i'm sure you either refuse to acknowledge the dumbing down and brainwashing of the socialist indoctrination system known as the public school system, or you approve of it as a well as cheering on the government propaganda that the US is a democracy, all in a push to imprint on younger people that the US is a majority rule nation. It makes it easier for the communists of the left to eliminate individual rights.

The majority does rule you brain dead moron.

The person who gets the majority of the electoral college votes becomes POTUS.

The Senators and HOuse members are all elected by a majority in their districts.

The Governors and State assembly people are all elected a majority in their districts.

In your stupidity you seem to be making an 'all or none fallacy' where because we have strong minority protections in place therefore it cannot be BOTH, when it is.

But at least you make your position clear. The School system, every prior POTUS and what has been said for 100 years is all WRONG. Why?

Because we are supposed to instead take the word of you and Marjorie Greene as you are smarter and know better. :laugh:
The majority does rule you brain dead moron.

The person who gets the majority of the electoral college votes becomes POTUS.

The Senators and HOuse members are all elected by a majority in their districts.

The Governors and State assembly people are all elected a majority in their districts.

In your stupidity you seem to be making an 'all or none fallacy' where because we have strong minority protections in place therefore it cannot be BOTH, when it is.

But at least you make your position clear. The School system, every prior POTUS and what has been said for 100 years is all WRONG. Why?

Because we are supposed to instead take the word of you and Marjorie Greene as you are smarter and know better. :laugh:

your attempts at 'simplicity' is exactly why we call out your stupidity on the US being a democracy. the majority VOTES count, but in a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, the majority does not get to 'rule', as in what you say goes. The CONSTITUTION is set up so that individual rights are to be protected from majority rule.

stop being so fucking stupid
your attempts at 'simplicity' is exactly why we call out your stupidity on the US being a democracy. the majority VOTES count, but in a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, the majority does not get to 'rule', as in what you say goes. The CONSTITUTION is set up so that individual rights are to be protected from majority rule.

stop being so fucking stupid

And in your stupidity you do not realize it is the majority, thru the institutions i cited above actually creating ALL THE RULES the minority must adhere too.

So you need to stop being so stupid. When the HOuse and Senate vote or your State Legislature votes, and put in place a new law that does rule you, they do so via MAJORITY vote you pea brained moron.

Having 'protections' in place for the minority =/= the majority is not making the rules.
And in your stupidity you do not realize it is the majority, thru the institutions i cited above actually creating ALL THE RULES the minority must adhere too.

So you need to stop being so stupid. When the HOuse and Senate vote or your State Legislature votes, and put in place a new law that does rule you, they do so via MAJORITY vote you pea brained moron.

Having 'protections' in place for the minority =/= the majority is not making the rules.

The above poster is a perfect example of the leftists who appear incapable of understanding facts and reality, preferring instead to substitute whatever talking points from leftist pundits he's given.
The above poster is a perfect example of the leftists who appear incapable of understanding facts and reality, preferring instead to substitute whatever talking points from leftist pundits he's given.

And yet everything i stated is FACT and exactly how our system works. You cannot counter a simple statement made so you just keeping repeating empty nonsense.

You are perfect example of todays Marjorie Greene Magat party espousing your view of reality.
What makes you stupid is not realizing that 'a representative Republic' is a subset of the various forms of Democracy.

We are back to this stupid argument that a fork is not also cutlery because it is a fork, when it is BOTH.

A republic is not a democracy. Redefinition fallacy.
A fork is not cutlery. It is not a knife.

A democracy has no representatives. It is government by popular vote. It has no constitution either.
A republic is government by law (in other words, a constitution). That constitution defines representatives, their power and authority as well as the length of terms of their office, and how they are to be elected.

A democracy is not a republic.
The problem you have is that you are wrong... and stupid.

At not one stage of your schooling, before you quit in grade 3, were you taught anything other than that US IS A DEMOCRACY.
The United States was never a democracy. It was organized as a federated republic.
The federal government was a republic.
Each State is a republic.

Democracies have no constitutions and no representatives.

You just keep repeating 'its a fork... thus is cannot be cutlery' because you are so painfully stupid you do not realize it is BOTH and you cannot make this shit up.
A fork is not cutlery. It is not a knife. Only a knife is cutlery.

You really should learn English someday.
The United States was never a democracy. It was organized as a federated republic.
The federal government was a republic.
Each State is a republic.

Democracies have no constitutions and no representatives.

A fork is not cutlery. It is not a knife. Only a knife is cutlery.

You really should learn English someday.

Why are you confusing leftists with facts again? You know that gives them headaches.
And being offended. Don't forget being offended.

Heh. That's what causes their stress. That and fear.

They fear guns.
They fear Trump.
They fear elections.
They fear conservatives.
They fear oil and gasoline.
They fear the weather.
They fear CO2.
They fear methane.
They fear chemicals.
They fear people that live in the country.
They fear corporations and businesses that make a profit.
They fear the police.
They fear Ron Desantis.
They fear Christmas.
They fear gold.
They fear anyone that stands up for their rights.
They fear 'white' people.
They fear 'black' people.
They fear 'red' people.
They fear women.
They fear children.
They fear Christianity and the Bible.
They fear open expression of opinion.
They fear a volcano thousands of miles away.

and mostly, they fear being found out.
Heh. That's what causes their stress. That and fear.

They fear guns.
They fear Trump.
They fear elections.
They fear conservatives.
They fear oil and gasoline.
They fear the weather.
They fear CO2.
They fear methane.
They fear chemicals.
They fear people that live in the country.
They fear corporations and businesses that make a profit.
They fear the police.
They fear Ron Desantis.
They fear Christmas.
They fear gold.
They fear anyone that stands up for their rights.
They fear 'white' people.
They fear 'black' people.
They fear 'red' people.
They fear women.
They fear children.
They fear Christianity and the Bible.
They fear open expression of opinion.
They fear a volcano thousands of miles away.

and mostly, they fear being found out.

Leftists also fear
... that somewhere there is some happiness, and the leftists need to stamp it out now.
... that someone somewhere is successfully adding value to society, sharply contrasting with the leftist losers who add no value and only subsist on redistributions of others' wealth.
... that someone somewhere is using a weapon to defend himself against armed violence, and use of a weapon precludes it from being self-defense, automatically making it "attempted murder."
... that a woman somewhere is actually deciding to not abort her child.
... that other leftists are realizing that there is a daytime side of the moon.
... that leftists are finding out that "fascism" is a far left ideology, not far right.
... everyone finding out that the DNC HATES blacks, Muslims, Jews, and all the members of LGBTQIADHGTEVHJDFKJDCIJWKASDFGSDFGRTHOKASDFKASFDIAKEWRFGSDFGSG+,