the USA is a democracy

Nah. They have a permanent migraine. I didn't give it to them! :D All that stress and fear they constantly live under I suppose!

Sending along Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom for Christiananality pedophilia suicidal super ego survival of the fittest fascists sociopsychopathilogical homicidal farming for election fixing .....which ought to fulfill the Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition & Fuhrer's Extermination Christiananality pedophilia communism commission.....
The majority does rule you brain dead moron.

The person who gets the majority of the electoral college votes becomes POTUS.

The Senators and HOuse members are all elected by a majority in their districts.

The Governors and State assembly people are all elected a majority in their districts.

In your stupidity you seem to be making an 'all or none fallacy' where because we have strong minority protections in place therefore it cannot be BOTH, when it is.

But at least you make your position clear. The School system, every prior POTUS and what has been said for 100 years is all WRONG. Why?

Because we are supposed to instead take the word of you and Marjorie Greene as you are smarter and know better. :laugh:

Reagan said this democracy was worth dying for
What makes you stupid is not realizing that 'a representative Republic' is a subset of the various forms of Democracy.

We are back to this stupid argument that a fork is not also cutlery because it is a fork, when it is BOTH.

Redefinition fallacy (democracy<->republic). A republic is NOT a democracy. A democracy has no representatives.
A fork is not cutlery. It is not a knife.
It is easy, but we are dealing with very stupid people who keep saying 'it is a fork...not cutlery' when it is BOTH.

A 'representative republic' is a form of democracy, thus it is BOTH.


Redefinition fallacies (democracy<->republic, fork<->cutlery). Argument by repetition fallacy.
And yet all through your school history, no matter the schools you went to and no matter the level you went to, it was ALWAYS taught to you, that we are form of democracy. Every POTUS speaks to it.

But you say 'nuh huh, they are all wrong and we the derps, the most stupid in society, are correct'.

Both at a Federal and State level the power given to the elected politicians is one the citizens vote for and give them that power and can take away. We run a completely democratic process to choose who will be our voices in Congress and State legislatures.

The United States was never a democracy.
A democracy has no representatives.
The majority does rule you brain dead moron.
No, it does not. The Constitution rules.
The person who gets the majority of the electoral college votes becomes POTUS.
The procedure for choosing the electoral college is defined in the Constitution of the United States, Kewpie. That is not a democracy. Democracies have no constitution and no representatives. A democracy is government by popular vote. A republic is government by law (a constitution).
The Senators and HOuse members are all elected by a majority in their districts.
Only by authority of the Constitution of the United States. Further, their authority and power is defined by the same document. So is their term of office. Not a democracy.
The Governors and State assembly people are all elected a majority in their districts.
You are cherry picking.

An example where the majority does NOT rule:
The House votes by majority to pass a bill.
The Senate must pass THE SAME BILL. If they don't, the bill is dead. If they do, the bill goes to the President to approve. If that SINGLE PERSON vetoes that bill, it must go back to Congress and start the whole process over again! It probably won't make it.

2nd example: The President is commander in chief. No majority vote is necessary to carry out this function.

3rd example: Congress votes by majority a bill and the President signs it. The Supreme Court or some lower court may find that law so created violates provisions in the Constitution and will nullify that law. It no longer exists!
In your stupidity you seem to be making an 'all or none fallacy' where because we have strong minority protections in place therefore it cannot be BOTH, when it is.
This is YOUR problem.
But at least you make your position clear. The School system, every prior POTUS and what has been said for 100 years is all WRONG. Why?
You don't get to speak for the dead. Regardless of what ANY President has said, the United States was never a democracy.
Because we are supposed to instead take the word of you and Marjorie Greene as you are smarter and know better. :laugh:
Not knowing the English language is YOUR problem. You can't lay YOUR problem on anybody else.
And in your stupidity you do not realize it is the majority, thru the institutions i cited above actually creating ALL THE RULES the minority must adhere too.

So you need to stop being so stupid. When the HOuse and Senate vote or your State Legislature votes, and put in place a new law that does rule you, they do so via MAJORITY vote you pea brained moron.

Having 'protections' in place for the minority =/= the majority is not making the rules.

You are ignoring the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of every State now.
And yet everything i stated is FACT and exactly how our system works. You cannot counter a simple statement made so you just keeping repeating empty nonsense.

You are perfect example of todays Marjorie Greene Magat party espousing your view of reality.

Buzzword fallacy. Learn what 'fact' means. It does NOT mean 'Universal Truth' or 'proof'.
Learn what 'reality' means and how it's defined.

You really need to learn English.
The United States of America, collectively, are indeed one type of democracy, but
they're also a fucking dempster fire.

Especially the "red" ones.

Perhaps one day history will be able to tell us
how so many fucking stupid people wound up on the same continent
when most of them didn't even come from here.
The United States of America, collectively, are indeed one type of democracy, but
they're also a fucking dempster fire.

Especially the "red" ones.

Perhaps one day history will be able to tell us
how so many fucking stupid people wound up on the same continent
when most of them didn't even come from here.

Sir, we are all over....the idea of avoiding collapse timed out somewhere 20-40 years ago...we can quibble about the last date we might have saved ourselves had we been that bright.
The United States of America, collectively, are indeed one type of democracy, but
they're also a fucking dempster fire.

Especially the "red" ones.

Perhaps one day history will be able to tell us
how so many fucking stupid people wound up on the same continent
when most of them didn't even come from here.

The United States was never a democracy.
A democracy has no constitution.
We are a democracy

Every dictionary and encyclopedia agrees

Fucking lying assed idiots dont get to rewrite history or facts of any kind
We are a democracy
The United States was never a democracy. A democracy has no representatives and no constitution.
Every dictionary and encyclopedia agrees
You don't get to quote every dictionary or every encylopedia, and NONE of these define any word.
Fucking lying assed idiots dont get to rewrite history or facts of any kind
You are describing yourself again.