Shaken, not stirred!
WTF? The man posts a story about racially motivated violence. (had it been a black kid on a bus of mostly white kids there would have been no question)
And all you people start in about him whining? What the fuck? If what he said so farfetched?
Since when is any of this whining?
Jeez people, if you have something relevant to say then say it. But attacking the messenger just because his message is not to your liking is just sad.
When the messenger skews the information by exaggeration, they deserve to be criticized. Using a subject title as, "the war against whites" is a-typical of the exaggerations, misrepresentations, lies, hype, propaganda of the neocons and/racists. Last time I checked, individual incidents do not represent/indicate a "war". But logic has never been determining factor in the never ending BS bullhorn of the frustrated neocon.