the war against whites

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Okay, I've just given you ONE example of how your statement is just plain wrong. You're trying to justify your statement IN SPITE of receiving information that essentially proves your contention wrong displays a stubborness on your part.

One may not like Rock's subject matter, but when one is exposed to ALL of his material, to call him a "racist" is ignorance at best.

I can see that if he pokes fun at american half brains for their overt racism you might be of that opinion. I am not american. I do not live in america. And some might agree that I am not a half brain. (Others may have different opinions)
I find him loud, racist and completely unacceptable. He appears to me to be a black, white thicko. And again, you're being stubborn....YOU find him racist based on the LIMITED (by your own admission) exposure to his material. But as evidence given, Rock's humor is ABOUT racism, NOT purporting it. Being an American (and one of African descent at that), I understand his humor. Some of his stuff is funny to me, most of it is boring, and his annoying voice doesn't help matters much. What seems to bother you and some others is the SUBJECT matter itself. Some people just don't like comedians trying to make light of bigotry and racism...and if they're particular ethnic/racial group is the target, they like it even less. Hey, to each his own....but to knee jerk label a comedian racist because of the aforementioned is just plain wrong.
Of course if one considers those attributes normal and acceptable one would have an opposing view. See above......since the basis for your condescending remark is incorrect, that makes your slight all the more pathetic and just plain rude.
There are, of course, white comics who are equally despicable, certainly on the UK circuit, although the one that readily springs to mind has been dead for a couple of years. Wouldn't know.....I don't have cable TV, and US commercial tv gets very limited exposure to the BBC (a few dramas on PBS, old sitcoms).
Clearly we are not likely to agree so I suggest we close the subject.

So long as your properly informed and now acknowledge such, I concur.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
So one incident on a school bus prompts you to start a thread called "the war on whites".

Funny, but I must have been out that day when the "call to arms" memo was circulated.

Yet if I began a list of ALL the similar incidents that have happened to black folk in the past 5 years, you'd be one of the first to try and discredit or diminish it. And of course, if your prediction is wrong, you'll spin like a top to avoid admitting such....assuming of course that the "crime" goes through the court system for under age kids in the first place.

You're right up there with the "drugster" Limbaugh, who hitched any and all hate crimes against white folk to Obama's 7 month old term as President.

Like I said before, your screen name is a joke.


Thanks for proving my point, genius. Carry on!
interesting.....I thought it meant "YOU have no argument"......

What's really interesting is that you consider your mind farts "thoughts".

The nit that thinks he/she is smarter than most people was called out for his knee jerk bigotry and typical neocon exaggerations.....and neither he/she or you and the other neocon parrots can logically defend his BS either. So blather on, just demonstrate what you really are.
What's really interesting is that you consider your mind farts "thoughts".

The nit that thinks he/she is smarter than most people was called out for his knee jerk bigotry and typical neocon exaggerations.....and neither he/she or you and the other neocon parrots can logically defend his BS either. So blather on, just demonstrate what you really are.

you didn't call me out on shit. you consistently tweet the neocon crap while your liberal throne is enmeshed in it with no ability to cognizantly remember who the fuck you're talking to. You're one of the biggest jokes around here.

on the bright side, you make a bunch of us laugh our asses off.
you didn't call me out on shit. you consistently tweet the neocon crap while your liberal throne is enmeshed in it with no ability to cognizantly remember who the fuck you're talking to. You're one of the biggest jokes around here.

Aww, what's the matter bunky.....did I hit a nerve? Hell, I wasn't even responding to you here....what are you, the PMP bitch? I mean, you must've forgotten this

on the bright side, you make a bunch of us laugh our asses off.

And pray tell, who is this group you refer to? Your fellow neocon parrots like the PostModernFool and Southie, Ice Dancer, Bravo? My, my...what an illustrious group of must be proud. :rofl:
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What's really interesting is that you consider your mind farts "thoughts".

The nit that thinks he/she is smarter than most people was called out for his knee jerk bigotry and typical neocon exaggerations.....and neither he/she or you and the other neocon parrots can logically defend his BS either. So blather on, just demonstrate what you really are.

????....I thought everyone except DNC was smarter than you.....
So long as your properly informed and now acknowledge such, I concur.

You are judging my comments on your own very american prejudices. You fail to understand that many of these prejudices are quite alien to non americans. You label yourself as an American of African descent, an expression quite foreign to me and one that hints at the carriers own possibly racist attitudes. Labels are always dangerous. Your acceptance of Rock’s boorishness appears to be based on your own position in american society. Do you expect me to understand that?
I would find Chris Rock unacceptable if he was sky blue pink. He is loud and completely unfunny and, yes, he is racist.
BTW the British comedy circuit does not suggest that the BBC is involved. It exists, as in your own country, on a myriad of TV channels and as many clubs and pubs.
You call my comments pathetic. Yours, I fear demonstrate a typical american attitude of parochialism and ignorance of the rest of the world. That is really sad. You should get out more.
Oh, and a question. Why do you refer to yourself as an American of African descent? I live in a society in which I am in a tiny minority. I describe myself as white. The majority population describe themselves as yellow. Why do you (Americans generally) have so many ‘shoulder-chip’ linguistic euphemisms? It appears that colour and not race per se is the big hang up. I would not like to be an American.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
What's really interesting is that you consider your mind farts "thoughts".

The nit that thinks he/she is smarter than most people was called out for his knee jerk bigotry and typical neocon exaggerations.....and neither he/she or you and the other neocon parrots can logically defend his BS either. So blather on, just demonstrate what you really are.
????....I thought everyone except DNC was smarter than you.....

Right....and your "thoughts" along with a metro card will only get you on a bus.

Say goodnight gracie!
Had someone had the balls to do that you probably would not be in the mess you are in now. Live with it.
We didnt have Bush and we are OK. Aus didnt have Bush and they are OK.
You are just a sour, dried up old crone who lost and needs to blame someone for your own incredible stupidity and ignorance.
Happy now? So piss off.

And yet you are to scared to request the death of your Chinese masters.
You're a coward.
azzhat and sty the two biggest crybabies about their personal failures.
Hey, I know lets blame black people. LOFL

sty get a degree or two
azztool try being more important to your boss than someone who's trying to set the record for times being outsourced.:clink:

what a fucking retarded response. Dude makes up some strawman.

the internet investment guru who brags online. LOL

attention whore much?
You are judging my comments on your own very american prejudices. Nope, just responding to what YOU wrote...working on information YOU provided. You fail to understand that many of these prejudices are quite alien to non americans. Prejudice is universal, as your knee jerk prejudice against America will surely rear it's head soon. As I previously explained, your opinion was based on only SOME information...and as the saying goes, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. You label yourself as an American of African descent, an expression quite foreign to me and one that hints at the carriers own possibly racist attitudes. You have a penchant for admiting you're ignorant of a subject, then you proceed to make judgments and assertions. Fascinating. Labels are always dangerous. Only if misused. Your acceptance of Rock’s boorishness appears to be based on your own position in american society. An amazing display of supposition and conjecture on your part...had you read carefully what I previously wrote, you'd know that I'm not a big fan of Rock, but that doesn't automatically make me an apologist for your imagined racism tag. Do you expect me to understand that? No, not with your closed mind and pious attitude.
I would find Chris Rock unacceptable if he was sky blue pink. He is loud and completely unfunny to a degree I concur and, yes, he is racist. If that were true, then kindly explain how the quote I gave you supports your statement?
BTW the British comedy circuit does not suggest that the BBC is involved. It exists, as in your own country, on a myriad of TV channels and as many clubs and pubs. Okay.
You call my comments pathetic. Given your intentional avoidance of the quote I gave you, and continuing your erroneous contention, I had no choice. Yours, I fear demonstrate a typical american attitude of parochialism and ignorance of the rest of the world. That is really sad. You should get out more. And here's where the wheels come off your wagon, Low. Your childish "We're better than you Yanks" attitude always clouds your judgement. How in the hell does my merely pointing out that you don't know ALL the facts equate with "parochialism"? And since I already acknowledged that we don't get the same exposure to Brit comedy like you do, how does that serve as a jumping off point for a condescending jibe as if I didn't say such? Jeez, I criticize you and you get all pissy. Get a hold of yourself, man!
Oh, and a question. Why do you refer to yourself as an American of African descent? I live in a society in which I am in a tiny minority. I describe myself as white. The majority population describe themselves as yellow. Why do you (Americans generally) have so many ‘shoulder-chip’ linguistic euphemisms? It appears that colour and not race per se is the big hang up. I would not like to be an American.

you ask and answer your own questions a lot, you know. That should have been corrected in high school. No matter. My description was to point out to YOU, a European "white" living amongst the "yellow" people, that I am an American of a particular lineage that can give a better insight into ALL the material offered and it's significance to this particular culture (America). We're only a little over 200 years old, with a native population usuruped by European immigrants who brought over their caste system, class system, slaves, etc. So yes, our personal definitions may seem alien to you.....just as your describing yourself ONLY as a "white" (white what? Brit? French? Italian? Russian? Polish?)living among the "yellow" would be alien to us....but as I said before, America does not have sole ownershipe on prejudice.
And yet you are to scared to request the death of your Chinese masters.
You're a coward.

So far neither the government of China nor the government of Hong Kong have affected the world as detrimentally as the gibbering idiot bush who you appear to be in love with. As usual, you bloody fool, dont reply, I will not tolerate your stupidity any more than the other sane contributors to this board do.
Oh, and just one small pointlet. I said that bush's death would be of benefit to the world. His absence has proved that point quite well.
Your country has been part of the deaths of many world leaders and no doubt you will continue to poke your unwelcome noses, guns and bombs into the affairs of others. Now piss off, idiot.
So far neither the government of China nor the government of Hong Kong have affected the world as detrimentally as the gibbering idiot bush who you appear to be in love with. As usual, you bloody fool, dont reply, I will not tolerate your stupidity any more than the other sane contributors to this board do.
Oh, and just one small pointlet. I said that bush's death would be of benefit to the world. His absence has proved that point quite well.
Your country has been part of the deaths of many world leaders and no doubt you will continue to poke your unwelcome noses, guns and bombs into the affairs of others. Now piss off, idiot.

So that would be a YES that you're scared to call for the death of your Chinese masters.
But then, you kowtow so well.