The Wasilla Hillbillies

I'll argue with you all night long that Govenatorial (sp) experience trumps the same amount of time in the Senate. I think the majority of the U.S. agrees as we regularly elect Govenors and not Senators. People look for executive decision making ability in their leaders. Those in the Senate who are 1 in 100 votes don't have to show the same leadership as does a Govenor who makes the final decision.

so Palin is more qualified to be president than McCain ?
no, i said a highly stressfully job that requires that much leave from family when you have small children.. like under age 7. Why would you have all those kids if you were planning to be absent from there lives?

God forbid I sound like Cypress here but couldn't the father be in charge of the kids while the mother works? It's not that uncommon.
SF, I really don’t want to have to be forced into the position of having to sit down with you, and read my posts aloud, slowly, as if I were your mama.
I called YOU, someone from Bedrock, because no one on this board seems to know what is happening.

I knew that one of the reasons why people like Onceler and DH weren’t hitting you and Damo back on your ludicrous claims that this Reality show Queen was in anyway qualified or credentialed, was because for men, this is a touchy issue. Though of course, it never stopped you from slamming Hillary, hypocrite.

Comparing a woman who was the mayor of a town that had a little over 900 water hookups, and who by the way, left that small little town deeply in depth, to a man who is on the FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, in the United States Senate, is laughable on its face, but it is the republican talking point of the day, and you do always have those down.

It's not working. The desperation is starting to smell.

The title of your thread was Wasilla hillbillies... was it not??? Sorry that I used the Bedrock comment rather than the hillbilly one. I am sure you weren't trying to insult the residents at all. It was all directed solely at us.

I am not comparing her time as mayor to his time as a Senator. But I will definitely compare her time as governor to his time as Senator. His sitting on the foreign relations committee is pretty much meaningless given that AGAIN... he has spent two thirds of his time as Senator running for President. He has only been a Senator since early 2005. He started campaigning in early 2007. He has ducked every major issue in the Senate since he has been there. Sitting on the foreign relations committee does give him SOME experience, but it is not much. WHAT has he done on the committee? ANYTHING????

Do I really need to go find the thread where YOU stated he continuously ducks the hard issues? That he doesn't take a stand?
I'll argue with you all night long that Govenatorial (sp) experience trumps the same amount of time in the Senate. I think the majority of the U.S. agrees as we regularly elect Govenors and not Senators. People look for executive decision making ability in their leaders. Those in the Senate who are 1 in 100 votes don't have to show the same leadership as does a Govenor who makes the final decision.

Politico's don't think that's the reason that Senators lack of success.

Senators have their names attached to a huge # of bills, and inevitably, there are contradictions that come up because of how many measures one bill can include; analysts ascribe much more to that - and to the ability of opposition candidates to paint Senators as "flip floppers" - than they do to the fact that Americans are looking for "executive experience."
God forbid I sound like Cypress here but couldn't the father be in charge of the kids while the mother works? It's not that uncommon.

he races snowmobiles all winter. i know those types ;)

but yes thats a good point... but a couple things. #1 the baby has down syndrum.. thats makes it like having 2 babies. #2 clearly some mismanagements happening when 17yo daughters getting knocked up. Wonder if had anything to do with moms new job as governor.
""01-10-2008, 07:58 AM
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Because at one point Obama said that he didn’t know how he would have voted on the Iraqi resolution if he was in the Senate at the time, which he wasn’t.

Damo is touching on something here that many of us have shied away from because I know for myself, I don’t want to denigrate the first realistic black candidate we’ve had, I’m very excited about it. (one of the large points of my post is that it has not escaped my notice that liberal men do not feel the same way about the first realistic woman candidate we’ve had).

The fact is Obama has not done one thing which would even imply he’s going to step for the big fights. He has avoided controversy as if it were the plague!

He ducked Jena
He ducked the moveon/Petraus vote
He ducked the Iran vote

Not once has he been there to take the shit. Guess what? Hillary has. And she’s taken the shit for it. Obama sees controversy he ducks. No one can find him. Pat Buchanon has been congratulating him on MSNBC for being smart enough to duck “that Jena nonsense”. Except to a lot of people, it’s not nonsense.

Like I said, I put the both of them about on par with each other."
So because she’s a woman, we are not allowed to mention that she is under investigation in her home state, for abuse of power? And that she has already been caught lying during that investigation?
This is reform? This is change? She claimed executive privilege, when asked by the special investigator to turn over any emails pertaining to the firing of the public safety chief. That’s BUSH/CHENEY, that’s not change, that’s not reform, that’s not the maverick.
Seriously, have SF and Damo bullied the people on this board to the extent that none of you know this woman is under a corruption investigation? That she has already been revealed as a liar in her “I said thanks, but no thanks” statement in her Friday speech?
All I can say is, believe what you want. SF can rant and rave and twist and shout and the facts will remain…you guys don’t get what’s coming. WORST VP PICK IN HISTORY.
If it has to be that everyone but JPP posters know that…well, that’s your problem. Just to be clear? I have not stopped laughing since the initial announcement. You know how badly I don’t want grandpa fester to become president. What does that tell you?
""01-10-2008, 07:58 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Because at one point Obama said that he didn’t know how he would have voted on the Iraqi resolution if he was in the Senate at the time, which he wasn’t.

Damo is touching on something here that many of us have shied away from because I know for myself, I don’t want to denigrate the first realistic black candidate we’ve had, I’m very excited about it. (one of the large points of my post is that it has not escaped my notice that liberal men do not feel the same way about the first realistic woman candidate we’ve had).

The fact is Obama has not done one thing which would even imply he’s going to step for the big fights. He has avoided controversy as if it were the plague!

He ducked Jena
He ducked the moveon/Petraus vote
He ducked the Iran vote

Not once has he been there to take the shit. Guess what? Hillary has. And she’s taken the shit for it. Obama sees controversy he ducks. No one can find him. Pat Buchanon has been congratulating him on MSNBC for being smart enough to duck “that Jena nonsense”. Except to a lot of people, it’s not nonsense.

Like I said, I put the both of them about on par with each other."

Yeah, I always knew he'd be better than McCain, but I didn't really fall in love with him until the convention.

Wasn't that some convention? Perfectly done.

Yours is a mess though huh?

Hurricane Sarah, bearing down! LOL

SF, I'm really smart. I do not want John McCain elected. I feel really good. That's all you need to know.
Yeah, I always knew he'd be better than McCain, but I didn't really fall in love with him until the convention.

Wasn't that some convention? Perfectly done.

Yours is a mess though huh?

Hurricane Sarah, bearing down! LOL

SF, I'm really smart. I do not want John McCain elected. I feel really good. That's all you need to know.

I would agree that you are intelligent, that you do not want McCain elected etc...

I would also agree the Dems had a good second half of their convention. The first two days were a bit sad (Hillary was ok, the rest sucked)... the second two more than made up for it.

Gustav may be a blessing if it keeps W out of prime time. As for the rest, we shall see.

But none of the above changes the fact that Obama has very little experience... other than at ducking controversial votes. :)
"But none of the above changes the fact that Obama has very little experience"

You & Dixie keep getting this reversed.

What was McCain's campaign before last Friday? What was his MAIN argument against Obama?

Off the table, through November. Good luck campaigning on Iraq & the economy.
no, i said a highly stressfully job that requires that much leave from family when you have small children.. like under age 7. Why would you have all those kids if you were planning to be absent from there lives?
They can live in the same house as they do, most are much older than the youngest and do not need constant attention or aid to care for, and they can certainly afford the aid.

It's silly to pretend that teen kids can't understand or handle that their mother has an important job like VP, or that the father can't step up. It's inane to give a man the pass on it, because his wife's there to care for the kids, yet to hold any other person to a different standard because of biological plumbing.
So because she’s a woman, we are not allowed to mention that she is under investigation in her home state, for abuse of power? And that she has already been caught lying during that investigation?
This is reform? This is change? She claimed executive privilege, when asked by the special investigator to turn over any emails pertaining to the firing of the public safety chief. That’s BUSH/CHENEY, that’s not change, that’s not reform, that’s not the maverick.
Seriously, have SF and Damo bullied the people on this board to the extent that none of you know this woman is under a corruption investigation? That she has already been revealed as a liar in her “I said thanks, but no thanks” statement in her Friday speech?
All I can say is, believe what you want. SF can rant and rave and twist and shout and the facts will remain…you guys don’t get what’s coming. WORST VP PICK IN HISTORY.
If it has to be that everyone but JPP posters know that…well, that’s your problem. Just to be clear? I have not stopped laughing since the initial announcement. You know how badly I don’t want grandpa fester to become president. What does that tell you?

LMAO... I have already mentioned her being under investigation. There is nothing wrong with anyone doing so. I understand the left will try to spin it as you have and try to make it a big ole mountain rather than the mole hill that it is. Even with that I have no problem if the left does it, though I will mock them for doing so.

I also have no problem with discussing her position on the bridge during her campaign and the decision she made once in office.

I do have a problem with people going after her kids.
God forbid I sound like Cypress here but couldn't the father be in charge of the kids while the mother works? It's not that uncommon.
Duh. Any man in the same position wouldn't have even had the question asked. Because they would all just assume the woman would step up to "her" task. The hypocrisy smells of desperation.
"But none of the above changes the fact that Obama has very little experience"

You & Dixie keep getting this reversed.

What was McCain's campaign before last Friday? What was his MAIN argument against Obama?

Off the table, through November. Good luck campaigning on Iraq & the economy.

LMAO... What exactly do I have reversed Lorax? If Obama has suddenly sprung a vast amount of experience, do enlighten me.
LMAO... What exactly do I have reversed Lorax? If Obama has suddenly sprung a vast amount of experience, do enlighten me.

You have reversed the fact that this somehow HURTS Obama. It doesn't. It hurts McCain, because in one swoop, he picked Dan Quayle the sequel, and took the experience argument off the table, as many here predicted the decision would.

Like I said, good luck campaigning on that economy....
The "city" Palin was mayor of, that gives her United States Senator level "experience" ROTFLMAO


Courtesy of

1) She is also currently the GOVERNOR OF THE STATE... but I know, it is funnier to pretend people are comparing her time as mayor rather than her time as governor to Obamas time running for President (aka his first half of his first Senate term)

2) I also got a chuckle out of the photo as I have been to that bar.
...and took the experience argument off the table...
Did he really? I see a hell of a lot of argument going on comparing her experience to Obama's. I've never seen an election where the TOP of one party's ticket was being compared to the VP on the other party's ticket. This brings Obama down IMHO and elevates McCain by comparison. I think this serves McCain well.
You have reversed the fact that this somehow HURTS Obama. It doesn't. It hurts McCain, because in one swoop, he picked Dan Quayle the sequel, and took the experience argument off the table, as many here predicted the decision would.

Like I said, good luck campaigning on that economy....

Where have I said that this hurts Obama? Other than her potential to bring in some of the blue collar Dems (mainly men imo) and her ability to bring out more of the conservative base....

Still, I know you are desperately hoping that she is another Qualye... but in reality... she is still the VP... YOUR party put the inexperience at the TOP of the ticket. There is a difference, no matter how much you try to spin it.

Side note: Qualye had more time in the Senate than your PRESIDENTIAL candidate. So experience wise... not a smart comparrison. Though I readily admit Obama is still a better candidate than Quayle ever could have dreamed of being.
They can live in the same house as they do, most are much older than the youngest and do not need constant attention or aid to care for, and they can certainly afford the aid.

It's silly to pretend that teen kids can't understand or handle that their mother has an important job like VP, or that the father can't step up. It's inane to give a man the pass on it, because his wife's there to care for the kids, yet to hold any other person to a different standard because of biological plumbing.

The couple have five children: sons Track (19) and Trig (4 months) and daughters Bristol (17), Willow (14), and Piper (7) [ages as of September 2008]

and soon another baby.

Im just going by my experience with jane swift. You may be right but much lesser things have been brought up about the candidates such as skin cancer with mccain or obama being a Muslim.. etc.
The couple have five children: sons Track (19) and Trig (4 months) and daughters Bristol (17), Willow (14), and Piper (7) [ages as of September 2008]

and soon another baby.

Im just going by my experience with jane swift. You may be right but much lesser things have been brought up about the candidates such as skin cancer with mccain or obama being a Muslim.. etc.
The reality is no man has been held to this standard while many presidents have had young children. What it points out is the hypocrisy among a group who propound equality.