LMAO... I have already mentioned her being under investigation. There is nothing wrong with anyone doing so. I understand the left will try to spin it as you have and try to make it a big ole mountain rather than the mole hill that it is. Even with that I have no problem if the left does it, though I will mock them for doing so.
I also have no problem with discussing her position on the bridge during her campaign and the decision she made once in office.
I do have a problem with people going after her kids.
Who’s going after her kids?
What really makes me laugh, is that the National Enquirer hasn’t even checked in yet. I understand how behind you guys are, you should have ran ass over to the Alaskan blogs as soon as this was announced. Even the Anchorage Daily News. Something. Cause you are way behind.
This family is hillbilly central. Her sister is in the middle of what is described as a “very bitter divorce”. She’s got NINE kids. (shouldn’t that qualify her for the presidency?) Her husband, the infamous brother-in-law (again, keep in mind, we haven’t even heard from that one yet), was at first, presented as a violent psycho, who had beaten his wife and tasered his 11 year old step child. Not so fast. He had not beaten his wife, and the tasering incident goes like this; the kid asked to be tasered because he wanted “to know what it feels like”, so the husband puts it on test (I guess, phasers on stun? Lol) and tasers the kid for a second. Proving, that yes, he’s a dumbassed hillbilly (seeing a pattern), but a violent psychopath? Umm, no.
So, besides for being in what appears to be some pretty serious trouble for abusing her power, and then, LYING ABOUT IT, she’s got a family that is ready for their own tv show.
Sarah Palin herself, announced her last pregnancy, when she was already 7 months pregnant. Here is the anchorage daily news story about that:
As you can see, at the time, everyone, including people in her office, were “stunned” to learn of her pregnancy, because at 7 months, Palin “simply does not look pregnant”. Interesting, but just as a sidebar, until you find out, that according to Sarah, while she is in Texas to give a speech, her water broke. She went ahead and gave the speech. She then boarded, not one, but two, commercial flights, one from texas to seattle, and one from seattle to Alaska. Once in Alaska, she bypassed the Anchorage hospital, and drove 50 minutes, to give birth in Wasilla. Any woman I have spoken to, does not believe the story, because they all say, by your fifth child they come out so fast, you barely have time to get to the nearest hospital, never mind start flying all over the place. Face it, if it happened that way, this woman is criminally stupid. It was mid-year when her daughter Bristol, was yanked out of her school for months. Now apparently, transferred to another school, but still not sure on that.
But, that’s what started the “disgusting rumors” about who the mother of the 5 month old infant is. What’s the real story? I don’t know. But I will tell you something, before you cry sexism you need to remember, this woman is using having given birth to five children, and having “chosen to give birth to a down syndrome baby” as highlights of her resume. I know of no man who uses the number of children he has as career highlights. So, you live by the sword…you know the rest. Now, it’s easy to attack the people asking questions on this, but what you need to get, is that these things have been swirling about in Alaska, and in the Alaskan state legislature, for 6 months now. This has nothing to do with “the liberals” “the democrats” or Obama.
And John McCain would have known about them, if his vetting team did not arrive in Alaska THE NIGHT BEFORE he announced Palin as his pick.
She also faced a recall effort in Wasilli because she fired two employees for not supporting her reelection effort.
Face it, she wasn’t vetted. You guys are in big trouble.