The West is racing towards WW3

You were the one who told me to suck STRATCOM's dick. Did you think STRATCOM was a person?
First, no I was not. I tend to be more professional than that.

Second off, I also understand what figurative means. "Sucking someone's dick" is an expression meaning to become subservient to them.
First, no I was not. I tend to be more professional than that.
I stand corrected. You merely jumped into a conversation. I apologize for any confusion I may have caused.

On a side note, you really should learn the significance of STRATCOM.

It’s the end of the world as we know it​

The American-NATO rush toward nuclear war with Russia​

JUN 21, 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, is not one to wake up in the morning afraid of a potential US nuclear attack. Speaking recently from Hanoi, Putin said “They [the US and NATO] seem to think that at some point we will get scared. But at the same time, they also say they want to achieve a strategic defeat of Russia on the battlefield.” Putin then ominously remarked that, “It means the end of the 1,000-year history of the Russian state. I think this is clear to everyone. Isn’t it better to go all the way, until the end?”

Accusing the West of “lowering the threshold” for the use of nuclear weapons against Russia, Putin declared that Russia must now reconsider its own nuclear posture considering NATO’s apparent willingness to make operational tactical nuclear weapons—a clear reference to Jens Stoltenberg’s June 16 comments. Russia last published its nuclear weapons doctrine, formally known as “Basic Principles of State Policy on Nuclear Deterrence,” in 2020. This doctrine declares that Russia could use nuclear weapons if an enemy “threatened the existence of the Russian state” in response to an enemy’s use of weapons of mass destruction against Russia or its allies, or if Russia received credible information that a nuclear strike was being planned or about to take place.

Putin, in his Hanoi remarks, downplayed the notion of Russia embracing a policy of nuclear preemption. “We don’t need a preventive strike,” Putin said, “because with a retaliatory strike the enemy is guaranteed to be destroyed.”

When asked by reporters whether Ukraine's use of Western long-range weapons against Russian territory could be considered an act of aggression and a direct threat to the Russian state, Putin replied “This requires additional research, but it’s close.
No one is completely sure how, but the Ukrainians are shooting down a lot of Russian planes that were thought to be safe. Meanwhile, the Russians are having a hard time shooting down any Ukrainian planes, or even drones.

Once again, facts contradict you.
I think the reports coming from Ukraine on Russian casualties are greatly exaggerated just as reports of enemy casualties in every war going back to Ramses II and beyond have been.
The planes are ceasing to exist. How do you think it is happening?

And why can't the Russians capture the left bank of the Dnipro? The Ukrainian's back are to the river, it should be an easy win. And leaving such a big beachhead against Russian lines is a strategic nightmare.
I'd say, based on past wars, that for every plane Ukraine actually shoots down, it claims 3 to 5 more that didn't get shot down.