The White Working Class Must Redeem Itself


1960s Chick Magnet
Working class whites had a legitimate gripe with the Democratic Party.

Ever since Clinton in '92, Democrats have tried to shift to the middle to get closer in line with Reagan Republicans.

The social safety net has been neglected.
Access to education has been neglected.
Most importantly, positive action to provide jobs in a changing economy has been neglected.

Attempting to boost the overall economy has been a colossal failure as a strategy to provide real, living wage jobs. Democrats used to have the stones to make REAL moves---National Recovery Act---WPA Projects---to put people to work.

Now they cower to small government philosophy and do nothing.

What's worse, however, is that working class whites---

not in any way to ignore people of color---

I'm addressing the specific trumpanzee demographic---

made the worst, dumbest reaction that they could possibly have made .

Instead of trying to move the Democratic Party back to the left where it belongs---

where it's been helping working class people of all races since 1932---

they thought that the very Republican Corporate Oligarchs who oppress them by design

would be the ones to come to there rescue.

How did the teabaggers and other right wing nut jobs pull this off?

They appealed to the working class lack of sophistication.

The racism.
The xenophobia.
The misogyny.
The religious superstition.
Every bad angel of a man/woman's nature was appealed to by the right,
and to the shame of the white working class, it worked.
The Republicans have fooled their own victims into supporting the latter's own oppressors.

This sheeplike victim- mistake cost Germany it's autonomy from 1932 to 1990.
This is 2018. Calamities only get worse.

The white working class will either redeem itself this coming Tuesday or it will deserve the unspeakable hell in front of it.
Yes, that's right, the unsubstantial people in this society have no political party to represent them. For quite some time now. The system works exactly as it has been designed, for whom it was designed to work for.
Yes, that's right, the unsubstantial people in this society have no political party to represent them. For quite some time now. The system works exactly as it has been designed, for whom it was designed to work for.

You've left out the part where you blame yourself for sitting on your ass and not voting, F. L.

I'm a hard-left progressive liberal trying to move my party back where it belongs.

You're just sitting on your ass, drooling and whining, and because of that, you deserve no relief.

If you hate Trump so much, help the people who can actually beat him.

If you just want to be a detached hippie above the fray, learn to tolerate the misery that strategy will deservingly bring you.

I'm all about helping people, but why should anybody help a slothful slug like you?
You've left out the part where you blame yourself for sitting on your ass and not voting, F. L.

I'm a hard-left progressive liberal trying to move my party back where it belongs.

You're just sitting on your ass, drooling and whining, and because of that, you deserve no relief.

If you hate Trump so much, help the people who can actually beat him.

If you just want to be a detached hippie above the fray, learn to tolerate the misery that strategy will deservingly bring you.

I'm all about helping people, but why should anybody help a slothful slug like you?

Sure pard, sure. You've not been paying attention, Don is merely a symptom of a dysfunctional political/economic system and society.

Feel free to quote that in your next hissy fit.

It's the system stupid, and it runs on people like you.
The dysfunction of the system is on people like you doing nothing about it, Lum.

It's working beautifully for the oligarchs,

and your apathy is their greatest asset.

You may just as well put your MAGA cap on. It's as good as any other dunce cap.
The day after tomorrow is election day, people.

Make your lives actually mean something.

Go to your polling place and vote straight BLUE like a sentient human being.

Or accept that human civilization's time has come and gone,
because only the Democrats can beat the Republicans,
and the Republicans are the party of the post-apocalyptic dystopia.
Working class whites had a legitimate gripe with the Democratic Party.

Ever since Clinton in '92, Democrats have tried to shift to the middle to get closer in line with Reagan Republicans.

The social safety net has been neglected.
Access to education has been neglected.
Most importantly, positive action to provide jobs in a changing economy has been neglected.

Attempting to boost the overall economy has been a colossal failure as a strategy to provide real, living wage jobs. Democrats used to have the stones to make REAL moves---National Recovery Act---WPA Projects---to put people to work.

Now they cower to small government philosophy and do nothing.

What's worse, however, is that working class whites---

not in any way to ignore people of color---

I'm addressing the specific trumpanzee demographic---

made the worst, dumbest reaction that they could possibly have made .

Instead of trying to move the Democratic Party back to the left where it belongs---

where it's been helping working class people of all races since 1932---

they thought that the very Republican Corporate Oligarchs who oppress them by design

would be the ones to come to there rescue.

How did the teabaggers and other right wing nut jobs pull this off?

They appealed to the working class lack of sophistication.

The racism.
The xenophobia.
The misogyny.
The religious superstition.
Every bad angel of a man/woman's nature was appealed to by the right,
and to the shame of the white working class, it worked.
The Republicans have fooled their own victims into supporting the latter's own oppressors.

This sheeplike victim- mistake cost Germany it's autonomy from 1932 to 1990.
This is 2018. Calamities only get worse.

The white working class will either redeem itself this coming Tuesday or it will deserve the unspeakable hell in front of it.

The republicans have cheated in election for decades

that is why the people are not getting what they want

its NOT Democratic party weakness

Yes, that's right, the unsubstantial people in this society have no political party to represent them. For quite some time now. The system works exactly as it has been designed, for whom it was designed to work for.

Oh fuck off

its not keeping the republican party from cheating in elections that brought us here.

The white working class will either redeem itself this coming Tuesday or it will deserve the unspeakable hell in front of it.

It sounds like the Democratic Party that needs to redeem itself, not the white working class.

The problem is that the white working class is not far left and as long as they believe the Democrats are looking down on them because of their religion, guns, patriotism, and voting choices they are not returning to the Democratic party.

I am not discussing the merits of their views and do not agree with most of them, but I do see how JPP posters hate and denigrate those that simply disagree with their politics. At one time the working class was the core of the Democratic party until the snobs ran them off. They preach intolerance in the name of tolerance.
Bill Clinton went after the big money. He courted banks and big organizations to help finance the party. So the Dems grew closer to banking, and healthcare companies. Politics is a 2 part problem. First you have to rasie the money to run for office. If you win, then you cannot ignore those who helped you get in.

Want to get a government by and for the people, we have to have public financing of political campaigns. No outside money. They listen to who gives them the money, If it is the people, then they will work for them.
Low skilled/low wage American Black, Brown, and White workers feel threatened by importing Third World Labor. You can spin it anyway you want, but low skilled/low wage American Workers DON'T want to compete against imported Third World Labor. That's a lot of Voters out there the Democrats are stabbing in the back by supporting importation of Third World Labor.

Working class whites had a legitimate gripe with the Democratic Party.

Ever since Clinton in '92, Democrats have tried to shift to the middle to get closer in line with Reagan Republicans.

The social safety net has been neglected.
Access to education has been neglected.
Most importantly, positive action to provide jobs in a changing economy has been neglected.

Attempting to boost the overall economy has been a colossal failure as a strategy to provide real, living wage jobs. Democrats used to have the stones to make REAL moves---National Recovery Act---WPA Projects---to put people to work.

Now they cower to small government philosophy and do nothing.

What's worse, however, is that working class whites---

not in any way to ignore people of color---

I'm addressing the specific trumpanzee demographic---

made the worst, dumbest reaction that they could possibly have made .

Instead of trying to move the Democratic Party back to the left where it belongs---

where it's been helping working class people of all races since 1932---

they thought that the very Republican Corporate Oligarchs who oppress them by design

would be the ones to come to there rescue.

How did the teabaggers and other right wing nut jobs pull this off?

They appealed to the working class lack of sophistication.

The racism.
The xenophobia.
The misogyny.
The religious superstition.
Every bad angel of a man/woman's nature was appealed to by the right,
and to the shame of the white working class, it worked.
The Republicans have fooled their own victims into supporting the latter's own oppressors.

This sheeplike victim- mistake cost Germany it's autonomy from 1932 to 1990.
This is 2018. Calamities only get worse.

The white working class will either redeem itself this coming Tuesday or it will deserve the unspeakable hell in front of it.
The dysfunction of the system is on people like you doing nothing about it, Lum.

It's working beautifully for the oligarchs,

and your apathy is their greatest asset.

You may just as well put your MAGA cap on. It's as good as any other dunce cap.

Already voted hon, run along and seek your release somewhere else. Cheers.
Bill Clinton went after the big money. He courted banks and big organizations to help finance the party. So the Dems grew closer to banking, and healthcare companies. Politics is a 2 part problem. First you have to rasie the money to run for office. If you win, then you cannot ignore those who helped you get in.

Want to get a government by and for the people, we have to have public financing of political campaigns. No outside money. They listen to who gives them the money, If it is the people, then they will work for them.

We have public funding for presidential elections. It didn't seem to change things much. All presidential candidates used it for the general election since 1976 which meant they could not take outside money and their total and state spending was limited. That stopped when Obama chose not to take the federal funds in 2008 because he could raise and spend more without those limitations.

The public does not seem to support it since a decreasing number check the $3 option on their tax return (although that does not affect the amount going to the fund).
It sounds like the Democratic Party that needs to redeem itself, not the white working class.

The problem is that the white working class is not far left and as long as they believe the Democrats are looking down on them because of their religion, guns, patriotism, and voting choices they are not returning to the Democratic party.

I am not discussing the merits of their views and do not agree with most of them, but I do see how JPP posters hate and denigrate those that simply disagree with their politics. At one time the working class was the core of the Democratic party until the snobs ran them off. They preach intolerance in the name of tolerance.

The snob comment tells the whole story.
Non-college educated whites would rather corporate oligarchs economically exploit them than accept helpful legislation from people that they view as snobs.
They will suffer because of it, and what's more, they will richly deserve the suffering.

Your problem, Flash, is that you don't know what you don't know,
and you lack the intellectual discipline to learn what you need to learn.
You'd rather vote the agenda of billionaire oligarchs who view you as a useful idiot--that's exactly what you and they are doing--
than accept help from people of whom you're jealous---than you yourself help your friends and neighbors----why?---because our grammar is better than yours?
Because we watch PBS and MSNBC instead of brainless sitcoms?
Because we believe in science instead of religious superstition? What the hell is your problem?

You need socialized medicine, you need better labor laws and stronger unions, you need easier access to education, and you need any number of other socially progressive Democratic initiatives, but you'd rather go without because you're afraid to challenge your preconceptions and use your brain. You're willing to let your children and grandchildren suffer because of it, too.

That's right--you don't trust your own brain. Or you don't have much of one--it's one or the other.
Working class whites had a legitimate gripe with the Democratic Party.

Ever since Clinton in '92, Democrats have tried to shift to the middle to get closer in line with Reagan Republicans.

The social safety net has been neglected.
Access to education has been neglected.
Most importantly, positive action to provide jobs in a changing economy has been neglected.

Attempting to boost the overall economy has been a colossal failure as a strategy to provide real, living wage jobs. Democrats used to have the stones to make REAL moves---National Recovery Act---WPA Projects---to put people to work.

Now they cower to small government philosophy and do nothing.

What's worse, however, is that working class whites---

not in any way to ignore people of color---

I'm addressing the specific trumpanzee demographic---

made the worst, dumbest reaction that they could possibly have made .

Instead of trying to move the Democratic Party back to the left where it belongs---

where it's been helping working class people of all races since 1932---

they thought that the very Republican Corporate Oligarchs who oppress them by design

would be the ones to come to there rescue.

How did the teabaggers and other right wing nut jobs pull this off?

They appealed to the working class lack of sophistication.

The racism.
The xenophobia.
The misogyny.
The religious superstition.
Every bad angel of a man/woman's nature was appealed to by the right,
and to the shame of the white working class, it worked.
The Republicans have fooled their own victims into supporting the latter's own oppressors.

This sheeplike victim- mistake cost Germany it's autonomy from 1932 to 1990.
This is 2018. Calamities only get worse.

The white working class will either redeem itself this coming Tuesday or it will deserve the unspeakable hell in front of it.

My Lord you're dumb.
Low skilled/low wage American Black, Brown, and White workers feel threatened by importing Third World Labor. You can spin it anyway you want, but low skilled/low wage American Workers DON'T want to compete against imported Third World Labor. That's a lot of Voters out there the Democrats are stabbing in the back by supporting importation of Third World Labor.

You and I both have much more in common with Honduran refugees than we do with the Koch brothers, Jack.
You want an imaginary center solution so badly that you insist that it exists when there's no sign of it.

In our real world, Jack, the actual choices are Democratic Socialism or Republican Fascism--that's it. That's all you are seeing because that's all that exists. Trust your own fucking eyes.

The Fascist Republicans envision themselves as lords and us as serfs. And they get the dimmer bulbs among us to vote against our own self interests.
The Socialist Democrats want us to have healthcare and education and decent jobs, and they are willing to tax your dear close friends, the Koch brothers and other corporate oligarchs, to do it.
Glutting the domestic labor pool drives wages down.

If you believe in the lie, a great delusion will be sent and you will believe it.

You have come out of us, for you are not of us.
Oh fuck off

its not keeping the republican party from cheating in elections that brought us here.


You cannot use the word “liberty” when your government, as ours does, watches you 24 hours a day and stores all of your personal information in government computers in perpetuity. You cannot use the word “liberty” when you are the most photographed and monitored population in human history. You cannot use the word “liberty” when it is impossible to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs or General Dynamics. You cannot use the word “liberty” when the state empowers militarized police to use indiscriminate lethal force against unarmed citizens in the streets of American cities. You cannot use the word “liberty” when 2.3 million citizens, mostly poor people of color, are held in the largest prison system on earth. This is the relationship between a master and a slave. The choice is between whom we want to clamp on our chains—a jailer who mouths politically correct bromides or a racist, Christian fascist. Either way we are shackled.

Gross understood that unchecked corporate power would inevitably lead to corporate fascism. It is the natural consequence of the ruling ideology of neoliberalism that consolidates power and wealth into the hands of a tiny group of oligarchs. The political philosopher Sheldon Wolin, refining Gross’ thesis, would later characterize this corporate tyranny or friendly fascism as “inverted totalitarianism.” It was, as Gross and Wolin pointed out, characterized by anonymity. It purported to pay fealty to electoral politics, the Constitution and the iconography and symbols of American patriotism but internally had seized all of the levers of power to render the citizen impotent. Gross warned that we were being shackled incrementally. Most would not notice until they were in total bondage. He wrote that “a friendly fascist power structure in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, or today’s Japan would be far more sophisticated than the ‘caesarism’ of fascist Germany, Italy, and Japan. It would need no charismatic dictator nor even a titular head … it would require no one-party rule, no mass fascist party, no glorification of the State, no dissolution of legislatures, no denial of reason. Rather, it would come slowly as an outgrowth of present trends in the Establishment.”

Gross foresaw that technological advances in the hands of corporations would be used to trap the public in what he called “cultural ghettoization” so that “almost every individual would get a personalized sequence of information injections at any time of the day—or night.” This is what, of course, television, our electronic devices and the internet have done. He warned that we would be mesmerized by the entertaining shadows on the wall of the Platonic cave as we were enslaved.

Gross knew that the most destructive force against the body politic would be the war profiteers and the militarists. He saw how they would siphon off the resources of the state to wage endless war, a sum that now accounts for half of all discretionary spending. And he grasped that warfare is the natural extension of corporatism. He wrote:

Under the militarism of German, Italian, and Japanese fascism violence was openly glorified. It was applied regionally—by the Germans in Europe and England, the Italians in the Mediterranean, the Japanese in Asia. In battle, it was administered by professional militarists who, despite many conflicts with politicians, were guided by old-fashioned standards of duty, honor, country, and willingness to risk their own lives.

The emerging militarism of friendly fascism is somewhat different. It is global in scope. It involves weapons of doomsday proportions, something that Hitler could dream of but never achieve. It is based on an integration between industry, science, and the military that the old-fashioned fascists could never even barely approximate. It points toward equally close integration among military, paramilitary, and civilian elements. Many of the civilian leaders—such as Zbigniew Brzezinski or Paul Nitze—tend to be much more bloodthirsty than any top brass. In turn, the new-style military professionals tend to become corporate-style entrepreneurs who tend to operate—as Major Richard A. Gabriel and Lieutenant Colonel Paul L. Savage have disclosed—in accordance with the ethics of the marketplace. The old buzzwords of duty, honor, and patriotism are mainly used to justify officer subservience to the interests of transnational corporations and the continuing presentation of threats to some corporate investments as threats to the interest of the American people as a whole. Above all, in sharp contrast with classic fascism’s glorification of violence, the friendly fascist orientation is to sanitize, even hide, the greater violence of modern warfare behind such “value-free” terms as “nuclear exchange,” “counterforce” and “flexible response,” behind the huge geographical distances between the senders and receivers of destruction through missiles or even on the “automated battlefield,” and the even greater psychological distances between the First World elites and the ordinary people who might be consigned to quick or slow death.

We no longer live in a functioning democracy. Self-styled liberals and progressives, as they do in every election cycle, are urging us to vote for the Democrats, although the Democratic Party in Europe would be classified as a right-wing party, and tell us to begin to build progressive movements the day after the election. Only no one ever builds these movements. The Democratic Party knows there is no price to pay for selling us out and its abject service to corporations. It knows the left and liberals become supplicants in every election cycle. And this is why the Democratic Party drifts further and further to the right and we become more and more irrelevant. If you stand for something, you have to be willing to fight for it. But there is no fight in us.

The elites, Republican and Democrat, belong to the same club. We are not in it. Take a look at the flight roster of the billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who was accused of prostituting dozens of underage girls and ended up spending 13 months in prison on a single count. He flew political insiders from both parties and the business world to his secluded Caribbean island, known as “Orgy Island,” on his jet, which the press nicknamed “the Lolita Express.” Some of the names on his flight roster, which usually included unidentified women, were Bill Clinton, who took dozens of trips, Alan Dershowitz, former Treasury Secretary and former Harvard President Larry Summers, the Candide-like Steven Pinker, whose fairy dust ensures we are getting better and better, and Britain’s Prince Andrew. Epstein was also a friend of Trump, whom he visited at Mar-a-Lago.

Scum vs. Scum