The White Working Class Must Redeem Itself

I don't vote. I don't authorize any of these government bodies to represent me. I do not receive services.

That will get his knickers all up in a twist, but I get it. I did vote this time, but look, the "lessor of two evils" is still evil, and the vote will never, without other action, alter anything at all but the empty vessel personality here and there that serves the corporate state.
That will get his knockers all up in a twist, but I get that. I did vote this time, but look, the "lessor of two evils" is still evil, and the vote will never, without other action, alter anything at all but the empty vessel personality here and there that serves the corporate state.

So you're between 30-42?
That will get his knickers all up in a twist, but I get it. I did vote this time, but look, the "lessor of two evils" is still evil, and the vote will never, without other action, alter anything at all but the empty vessel personality here and there that serves the corporate state.

Yeah. I've jumped the shark and gone spiritual.
Your keeping your lazy ass at home and not going out to vote straight blue is reinforcing all the negative manifestations that you cite, Lum.
Your apathy makes you complicit in all of our ills.
If you are unable to see a difference in the candidates running, perhaps gross mental deficiency is your legitimate excuse not to vote.

Those of us trying to help have enough to face in the Republican Fascists and their drooling trumpanzee minions.
Thanks for reinforcing the opposition with the fucking brain dead apathetic faction as well.

Aww. Look at it care so hard. Isn't it precious.
You know you orange man haters might like
Some of the "Jared Kushner is literally the antichrist" stuff we have here on alt right.
Warning: clickbait may be true
The snob comment tells the whole story.
Non-college educated whites would rather corporate oligarchs economically exploit them than accept helpful legislation from people that they view as snobs.
They will suffer because of it, and what's more, they will richly deserve the suffering.

Your problem, Flash, is that you don't know what you don't know,
and you lack the intellectual discipline to learn what you need to learn.
You'd rather vote the agenda of billionaire oligarchs who view you as a useful idiot--that's exactly what you and they are doing--
than accept help from people of whom you're jealous---than you yourself help your friends and neighbors----why?---because our grammar is better than yours?
Because we watch PBS and MSNBC instead of brainless sitcoms?
Because we believe in science instead of religious superstition? What the hell is your problem?

That's right--you don't trust your own brain. Or you don't have much of one--it's one or the other.

What the hell is my problem? It is people who cannot read posts carefully and who make assumptions based on a simplified us v. them mentality that assumes if I say anything critical of Democrats I must be a Republican Trump supporter.

My post clearly stated "I am not discussing the merits of their views and do not agree with most of them" and was just attempting explain one reason the Democrat has lost the support of working class whites. It is not some imaginary boogeyman (billionaire oligarchs, 1%, Koch Brothers) who the working class resent but those they think they are better than they are because of different political views or lifestyle or better grammar.

They don't need somebody to tell them what they "need" or don't need to accept help from people who think they know what is better for them. They don't need somebody to tell them to watch MSNBC rather than "brainless sitcoms" (anyone who gets their news from Fox or MSNBC is brainless).

You have no clue whose agenda I vote for but you assume you do because you see everything in an overly simplistic partisan division. Your post is a perfect example of the attitude that has alienated the white working class and led to Trump's election. Telling people you know what is better for them while looking down on them is not concern for people but using them. You look down on those you see beneath you but are jealous of those doing financially better than you because they must not deserve it if you don't have what they do.

Work less on your superior grammar and more on reading comprehension and non-partisan news sources.
Yes, that's right, the unsubstantial people in this society have no political party to represent them. For quite some time now. The system works exactly as it has been designed, for whom it was designed to work for.

They're unsubstantial because they believe someone should do for them what they refuse to do for themselves.
The day after tomorrow is election day, people.

Make your lives actually mean something.

Go to your polling place and vote straight BLUE like the mindless fucking drones you are.

I like that, that should be the new official slogan of the Democrat Party.
It is not some imaginary boogeyman (billionaire oligarchs, 1%, Koch Brothers) who the working class resent but those they think they are better than they are because of different political views or lifestyle or better grammar.

I am admittedly brutal in my verbal assessment of fellow working class members who vote against our best economic interests .

But not resenting the Koch brother type oligarchs--not being a class warrior-- isn't the issue, Flash.
The issue is supporting their policies and candidates--both of which are flagrantly exploitive of the working class..

Working class whites don't like minorities, feminists, gays, foreigners, academics, atheists, and sophisticates.
And despite not being Native Americans themselves, they hate other immigrants as well.

And because of that, out of spite, they are willing to vote against the healthcare, educational opportunities, labor protections, and healthy environment that they desperately need. They're played by their own exploiters who prey on their fears and prejudices.

If they don't think that they need those things that progressive liberals support, then they're just too beaten down to be lucid anymore.
After all, it's not having had them that made them resentful to begin with.
The white working class redeemed itself 2 years ago, right after Hillary told the coal miners they would never get their jobs back.
I am admittedly brutal in my verbal assessment of fellow working class members who vote against our best economic interests .

But not resenting the Koch brother type oligarchs--not being a class warrior-- isn't the issue, Flash.
The issue is supporting their policies and candidates--both of which are flagrantly exploitive of the working class..

Working class whites don't like minorities, feminists, gays, foreigners, academics, atheists, and sophisticates.
And despite not being Native Americans themselves, they hate other immigrants as well.

And because of that, out of spite, they are willing to vote against the healthcare, educational opportunities, labor protections, and healthy environment that they desperately need. They're played by their own exploiters who prey on their fears and prejudices.

If they don't think that they need those things that progressive liberals support, then they're just too beaten down to be lucid anymore.
After all, it's not having had them that made them resentful to begin with.

A lot of judging going on there. You say you are working class but don't have those traits?
I am admittedly brutal in my verbal assessment of fellow working class members who vote against our best economic interests .

But not resenting the Koch brother type oligarchs--not being a class warrior-- isn't the issue, Flash.
The issue is supporting their policies and candidates--both of which are flagrantly exploitive of the working class..

Working class whites don't like minorities, feminists, gays, foreigners, academics, atheists, and sophisticates.
And despite not being Native Americans themselves, they hate other immigrants as well.

And because of that, out of spite, they are willing to vote against the healthcare, educational opportunities, labor protections, and healthy environment that they desperately need. They're played by their own exploiters who prey on their fears and prejudices.

If they don't think that they need those things that progressive liberals support, then they're just too beaten down to be lucid anymore.
After all, it's not having had them that made them resentful to begin with.

Government polices that benefit one's economic interests is not what many voters want. It assumes the job of government is to provide people
with financial rewards. Also, many have become disillusioned with government efforts to reduce poverty and other social welfare policies because they have accomplished little, are wasteful, and much of the money goes to the "oligarchs" you complain about. Why should the working class support that?

I know working class people who are involved in these programs and complain not about the poor people getting these benefits but the rip-off of government taxes by those running the programs (example: ambulances taking people to doctor appointments). Education spending per pupil adjusted for inflation has increased significantly with no gain in performance or basic reading or math skills. I taught college for 40 years and watched students but mostly the college rip off taxpayers by milking the government for all the Pell Grant money it could get (but nothing illegal). Saying government spending ("investment") on education, the hungry, health care, etc. all sound like noble causes but many of them are inefficient and wasteful--you could cut them without hurting anybody.

Also, those who do like those programs see little difference in the parties since they both support and increase government funding. Democratic claims that Republicans want to cut Social Security are false in that most of that talk is simply rhetoric and many know some changes must be made to SS to keep it solvent. Some of those changes could involve cuts like President Obama's chained COLAs.

It was hard for the working class to see Democrats as working in their economic interests when Clinton was promising to put coal miners out of business. The working class has been voting Democratic for many years and any perceived "exploitation occurred under both parties (a rather outdated Marxist boogeyman).

"Working class whites don't like minorities, feminists, gays, foreigners, academics, atheists, and sophisticates." This is a bigoted and largely untrue generalization (and you forgot the media). And, it makes you guilty of the same type of hate of these people that you criticize them for.

Being brutal toward a working class white is no better than being brutal to gays, immigrants, etc. Hate is hate and should be redirected toward simple disagreement and debate. A person who believes certain government programs are wasteful and ineffective, whether they are right or wrong, does not mean they do not care about others.

You are being rational and basing your politics on issues, but that does not determine elections. It is emotion. Bush voters agreed more with Gore on issues but said Bush "shared their values." Factors such as income or education used to predict how a person would vote, but by 2000 the best predictor was "frequency of church attendance." Again, I do not share the values or most of the views of working class whites, but neither do I hate or show contempt for them and realize such an attitude makes their support for Trump stronger.