suck that putin cock
Globalization is bad for working classes of all nations.
suck that putin cock
They still are subjects of a corporate oligarchy either way.
Oh look, "the left" and it's McCarthyism. Keep on voter shaming, it's a winning strategy.
You and I both have much more in common with Honduran refugees than we do with the Koch brothers, Jack.
You want an imaginary center solution so badly that you insist that it exists when there's no sign of it.
In our real world, Jack, the actual choices are Democratic Socialism or Republican Fascism--that's it. That's all you are seeing because that's all that exists. Trust your own fucking eyes.
The Fascist Republicans envision themselves as lords and us as serfs. And they get the dimmer bulbs among us to vote against our own self interests.
The Socialist Democrats want us to have healthcare and education and decent jobs, and they are willing to tax your dear close friends, the Koch brothers and other corporate oligarchs, to do it.
you love that putin cock huh
Please...please...keep on losing, lol.
Yes. One where they get to work and live, and one where they get exterminated for caring about their own lives.
Immigrants did the work of the industrial revolution, AssHat.
What's your Native American Tribal name?
If you don't have one, why are you turning against your fellow immigrants?
you and Putin love that idea huh
The whole world was different then. The country was literally being built.
Now growth is a figment created by bubble-crafting propagandists, legerdemain by the black hand.
You and I both have much more in common with Honduran refugees than we do with the Koch brothers, Jack.
You want an imaginary center solution so badly that you insist that it exists when there's no sign of it.
In our real world, Jack, the actual choices are Democratic Socialism or Republican Fascism--that's it. That's all you are seeing because that's all that exists. Trust your own fucking eyes.
The Fascist Republicans envision themselves as lords and us as serfs. And they get the dimmer bulbs among us to vote against our own self interests.
The Socialist Democrats want us to have healthcare and education and decent jobs, and they are willing to tax your dear close friends, the Koch brothers and other corporate oligarchs, to do it.
Capitalism must expand or die. It is more important than humanity.
Your keeping your lazy ass at home and not going out to vote straight blue is reinforcing all the negative manifestations that you cite, Lum.
Your apathy makes you complicit in all of our ills.
If you are unable to see a difference in the candidates running, perhaps gross mental deficiency is your legitimate excuse not to vote.
Those of us trying to help have enough to face in the Republican Fascists and their drooling trumpanzee minions.
Thanks for reinforcing the opposition with the fucking brain dead apathetic faction as well.
Capitalism must expand or die. It is more important than humanity.
The whole world was different then. The country was literally being built.
Now growth is a figment created by bubble-crafting propagandists, legerdemain by the black hand.
You can't even see the oligarch foot. That's the pressure that you're feeling on your throat.
Until you can explain how your interests coincide with the Koch Brothers and other oligarchs funding the GOP candidates,
your excuses for not supporting the complete progressive liberal agenda isn't very convincing.