The working class is getting royally screwed.

You seem to make a lot assumptions about who pays taxes

"pp" is one of those individuals who thinks the poor schmuck making thirty grand a year with four kids is getting over cause he doesn't pay the same percentage of tax that a Bill Gates pays
Yes, and where the working class had been sliding over the course of the 20 years before that, it gained after that. Were you aware of that? Were you aware that over the course of the two decades before NAFTA, the poverty rate rose, unemployment rates rose, and median real incomes hardly budged at all? Were you aware that after NAFTA became law, the poverty rate plummeted, unemployment rates feel, and median real incomes soared?

Were you aware that the poverty rate for children rose 7.9 points in the two decades before Clinton took office, but then plummeted 6.1 points on his watch?

Were you aware that Glass-Steagall never actually got repealed, and instead all that happened is that certain provisions of it were repealed-- the major one being the rule against common ownership of retail and investment banks? Were you aware that the Treasury made a profit on its bailouts of the banks?

Were you aware that before Obama took office, military spending was a much larger share of GDP than it was by the end of his presidency, and that before he took office we were suffering much higher rates of KIA's in foreign military engagements?

He is? Do you have a link to him currently doing that?

What makes you think that?

You need to own up to the measurable facts. When Democrats have led, on average, the real median income growth has been strong, unemployment rates have fallen, and poverty rates have plummeted... none of which is true for Republican have led. Don't the facts have a place in this discussion?
Are you aware that our grandkids lack the opportunities we had because our generation fell for the political theater of red vs blue? We can change the president but we can't change the neolib race to the bottom policies. Zoomers are left to clean up the clusterfuck created by boomers codependency on all them good paying military contractor jobs. Biden spent his entire political career screwing the working class yet you voted for him anyway. Dems are the party of WW3.
It's no secret that CEOs are wealthier now than at any time in history. What is less known, however, is that the working class is poorer than it has been in generations.


In 1974, my grandfather was a 20-something mechanic earning $6.25 per hour. It may not sound like a whole lot of money, but when you account for inflation, $6.25/hr in 1974 is equal to $36.65/hr in 2022.

His highest education is a high school diploma and by his 20s he was earning the equivalent of $36/hr.

This is why America is falling apart. It's not because of the left or the right, but the left and the right -- the wealthy elites stealing and hoarding our hard-earned wealth, bit by bit over the decades, and we're left with empty pockets and a struggle to survive.

Plenty of jobs that pay that out there. With the same educational requirements. And cannot be filled. Trades for example. The problem is not many want to do actual physical work for that money. They want to either collect or sit behind a screen.
Yup, they are getting screwed by those who inherited millions of dollars, its the American way... I call it economic slavery.

We need desperately to shift the tax burden from the lower middle class back to the wealthy, but it aint going to happen any time soon.

the lower middle class doesnt pay income tax now. cant lower nothing.
I think it's inaccurate to treat this as a "both sides" thing. While you can complain that the left hasn't done more, there's a SPECTACULAR difference between what has happened under Democratic leadership and Republican leadership.

Take the poverty rate as an example, since that's really the test when it comes to the working class: are things getting better, such that more of them are climbing out of poverty and into the middle class? Or are things getting worse, such that more of them are sliding into poverty?

The data is here:

What it says is really striking. We know what the change in the poverty rate is for every year from 1960 to 2000. During years with a Democratic president, the cumulative change in the poverty rate is negative 12.2. In other words, 12.2% of all Americans aren't in poverty but would be if not for those Democrat-led improvements. Meanwhile, in years with Republican presidents, the poverty rate ROSE cumulatively, 1.2 points.

Reducing poverty is great, but the percentage of Americans actually living in poverty is also important. For example, using that same census data on the poverty rate from 1959-2020 (I began with 1961 as the start of a presidential term). If you take the average poverty rate for each year for percent of all people below the poverty level we find:

The poverty level for each year under a Democratic or Republican presidency and average all of those annual rates we find:

Average annual poverty rate under Democrats: 14.6%
Average annual poverty rate under Republicans: 12.7%

I am not arguing about whether anything was better or worse under either party, I am just challenging the research and data used to try to prove partisan points. In another post I showed teen birth rate was lower under Republican than Democratic presidents.

Some idiot always tries to claim I am left-wing or right-wing just because I challenge their partisan arguments.
"pp" is one of those individuals who thinks the poor schmuck making thirty grand a year with four kids is getting over cause he doesn't pay the same percentage of tax that a Bill Gates pays
see?'s things like this that make us realize demmycrats lie constantly........your statement about me is not true......primarily because unlike you I realize a guy making $30k a year with four kids isn't paying any federal income taxes and is cashing his EIC check annually.......
1. We are no longer in the Industrial Age. We've progressed to the Electronics Age. A different set of skills are now often needed, just as in the Industrial Age from the prior Rennaissance Age, and the Ancient period before it.

2. Who gives a shit what the CEO makes if your wage is satisfactory for you? All you're doing is playing the Leftist class warfare theories of Marx by demanding "fair and equal."

3. America is falling apart because the Left is increasingly gaining control of government and policy. That happens everywhere the Left gets in charge.

Stop making excuses for the capitalist class. Stop lying about wages. Once upon a time in 'Murica, you could afford a family and a house with nothing but a high school education and a single income. That was the norm. Now it's the exception. Stop groveling before the capitalist pigs at the top.

Hey. I have a riddle for you. When inflation goes up, every aspect of doing business goes up, too, except for one thing. What is it?

Can you guess?

(Answer: the cost of labor.)
its been well documented that 50% of Americans pay no federal income taxes.........I make no assumptions about you.....I simply you pay federal income taxes?......

Maybe if you include children and elderly, but I note that once again no citation.
Stop making excuses for the capitalist class. Stop lying about wages. Once upon a time in 'Murica, you could afford a family and a house with nothing but a high school education and a single income. That was the norm. Now it's the exception. Stop groveling before the capitalist pigs at the top.

Hey. I have a riddle for you. When inflation goes up, every aspect of doing business goes up, too, except for one thing. What is it?

Can you guess?

(Answer: the cost of labor.)

he is in the early libertarian phase of believing corporations are all good and government is all bad.

he will tell you all about the benefits of free markets but then go all deaf and dumb on the topic of monopolies, cartels and state capture, which eliminate all the benefits of free markets for consumers and workers.
stop being that way, Jarot......first, it has been common knowledge for decades....even CNBC admits it.........second, you are notorious for never providing links....but here, suck it up.....

it was even worse last year.....

Thank you, now I see you were not just pulling a usual Pimp pulling shit out your ass. . .

So if you count homemakers, kids and elderly... (and the Mitt Romney type) I think that number is reasonable. If you have no income, you pay no income tax.
Thank you, now I see you were not just pulling a usual Pimp pulling shit out your ass. . .

So if you count homemakers, kids and elderly... (and the Mitt Romney type) I think that number is reasonable. If you have no income, you pay no income tax.

only a CuNt would feel it necessary to call me Pimp just because I proved you remember what we are actually discussing......if you have no income, are you part of the "working class"?.......
Clinton signed NAFTA into law
Clinton's welfare reform took food stamps away from 10s of millions of children
Clinton's repeal of Glass–Steagall resulted in banksters pillaging the US treasury
Obama bailed out the banksters yet allowed for millions of illegal foreclosures
Obama started at least 5 new wars that left the fed insolvent
Obama is still pushing for a TPP that removes environmental protections
Biden is trying to instigate WW3 with Russia and China

Dems need to own up to their screwing of the working class.

Bush set a lot of that stuff up and Clinton kept it going. No president has even tried to do anything except Trump.
only a CuNt would feel it necessary to call me Pimp just because I proved you remember what we are actually discussing......if you have no income, are you part of the "working class"?.......

I always call you a pimp. You behave like one. Lie, cheat and steal.