Bush set a lot of that stuff up and Clinton kept it going. No president has even tried to do anything except Trump.
Its statements like this that show how brainwashed they are.
Bush set a lot of that stuff up and Clinton kept it going. No president has even tried to do anything except Trump.
Its statements like this that show how brainwashed they are.
Its statements like this that show how brainwashed they are.
why are you selling out humanity to globalist totalitarians?
did you think it through or are you dumb?
I am not.
I always call you a pimp. You behave like one. Lie, cheat and steal.
you're very dumb.
very dumb indeed, and brainwashed against your own interests.
your mind is infected with satanic nihilism.
Poor Ass Hat.
Are you aware that our grandkids lack the opportunities we had because our generation fell for the political theater of red vs blue?
We can change the president but we can't change the neolib race to the bottom policies.
Biden spent his entire political career screwing the working class yet you voted for him anyway
This is a complex situation. There is nothing simple about it. The rich and powerful exert an outsized influence over our government because corruption is legal. People on both sides of the isle agree that big money has too much control in government, but there is too much apathy, which leads most to assume nothing can be done about it. (That is incorrect. There is much which can be done, but we lack the strive and organization to accomplish progress on that front.)
As long as the rich and powerful control government, they will increase their wealth and power. The 99% will continue to lose.
As long as apathy reigns, and people believe nothing can be done about the situation, no progress will be made.
To complicate that little dynamic, consider that big money spends heavily on the promulgation of propaganda which keeps people emotionally hateful of government and politics in general. As long as things remain on an emotional basis, a logical solution will not be realized.
Congress will not vote to end the legal corruption. Congress must be largely replaced with people who make that a priority. But every election is dominated by emotional propaganda, making people sick and tired of hearing about the whole thing. So we simply get more of the same. It won't change until people get better educated and take the initiative to get informed and vote.
Good people are not voting in great enough numbers to make a difference. Too many voters are motivated by hateful propaganda and not well enough informed. If they vote at all. Remember the apathy thing. Good people simply become disgusted with the whole thing and decide to avoid getting well enough informed to vote with confidence. Since they don't know what to do, they don't vote. Easy choice in this busy world.
Our self created government relies on the active monitoring of the progress of our country by every citizen. People really need to learn what's going on and get involved. What we have instead is the active participation of misguided emotional people who have been persuaded to actually vote against their own better interest, based on wedge issues.
We can fix corruption. It won't be easy, but it is entirely possible. We already have all the tools we need. It will just take a long time. Perhaps longer than many of us will live. It was the same way with the women's vote. People who fought for that were already dead when it finally happened.
Should we avoid fixing corruption because it won't happen instantly?
Apathy says yes, don't try, it's not worth it.
Fixing corruption
Reducing poverty is great, but the percentage of Americans actually living in poverty is also important.
Average annual poverty rate under Democrats: 14.6%
Average annual poverty rate under Republicans: 12.7%
I am not arguing about whether anything was better or worse under either party, I am just challenging the research and data used to try to prove partisan points.
I'm sorry, but neither party really cares about the working class. It truly is a matter of the haves and have-nots, regardless of politics.
Yes, and where the working class had been sliding over the course of the 20 years before that, it gained after that. Were you aware of that? Were you aware that over the course of the two decades before NAFTA, the poverty rate rose, unemployment rates rose, and median real incomes hardly budged at all? Were you aware that after NAFTA became law, the poverty rate plummeted, unemployment rates fell, and median real incomes soared?
Were you aware that the poverty rate for children rose 7.9 points in the two decades before Clinton took office, but then plummeted 6.1 points on his watch?
Were you aware that Glass-Steagall never actually got repealed, and instead all that happened is that certain provisions of it were repealed-- the major one being the rule against common ownership of retail and investment banks? Were you aware that the Treasury made a profit on its bailouts of the banks?
Were you aware that before Obama took office, military spending was a much larger share of GDP than it was by the end of his presidency, and that before he took office we were suffering much higher rates of KIA's in foreign military engagements?
He is? Do you have a link to him currently doing that?
What makes you think that?
You need to own up to the measurable facts. When Democrats have led, on average, the real median income growth has been strong, unemployment rates have fallen, and poverty rates have plummeted... none of which is true for Republican have led. Don't the facts have a place in this discussion?
Hello American Man,
The working class does a whole lot better with Democrats than Republicans.
Republicans are totally and completely subservient to the super-rich.
Democrats have some members who have sold out to big money, but not as many as Republicans, and Democrats do a better job of looking out for the 99%.
It is too easy to say the parties are the same, but the reality is far more complex.
If it wasn't for Democrats, the working class would have no minimum wage, no weekends, no overtime pay, no Social Security, no Medicare and no unemployment compensation. All of those things came from Democrats.
Reducing poverty is great, but the percentage of Americans actually living in poverty is also important. For example, using that same census data on the poverty rate from 1959-2020 (I began with 1961 as the start of a presidential term). If you take the average poverty rate for each year for percent of all people below the poverty level we find:
The poverty level for each year under a Democratic or Republican presidency and average all of those annual rates we find:
Average annual poverty rate under Democrats: 14.6%
Average annual poverty rate under Republicans: 12.7%
I am not arguing about whether anything was better or worse under either party, I am just challenging the research and data used to try to prove partisan points. In another post I showed teen birth rate was lower under Republican than Democratic presidents.
Some idiot always tries to claim I am left-wing or right-wing just because I challenge their partisan arguments.
The policies are planned way in advance but there's no way Bush could pass NAFTA, it took Clinton to get it done. The best thing Trump did was call out the FBI and CIA for playing politics.Bush set a lot of that stuff up and Clinton kept it going. No president has even tried to do anything except Trump.
The policies are planned way in advance but there's no way Bush could pass NAFTA, it took Clinton to get it done. The best thing Trump did was call out the FBI and CIA for playing politics.
No. What makes you think that?
What makes you think that? Remember, during Democratic administrations, poverty rates have, on average, dropped dramatically (over 12 points total since they started measuring), whereas under Republican ones poverty rates have actually risen, net. Don't those facts matter?
Biden voted for pretty much every policy that helped the working class in the last several decades, including minimum wage hikes, child tax credits, new labor rights, collective bargaining protections, higher taxes on the rich, environmental protections, etc. I know it's really tempting to dismiss everyone as a neolib, so you can feel above the fray and too cool for both parties. But facts matter. The fact is Biden has been fighting for policies that help the working class for decades.
^Unadulterated bullshit.