the worst of liberalism

redneck southerners are too fucking stupid to understand the exponentially lower murder rate in Europe so don't even bring that up.

And LSU grads are too ignorant to understand that european gun death rates have been on the rise, and those in the US have been declining for several decades.

Also, only the monumentally stupid think you can compare two dissimilar cultures and come up with any evidence except the stupidity of the person making the comparison.
I don't fear guns. I fear that some people in this country are not willing to look at reasonable gun control because of paranoia and self absorption at the expense of others.

So, is there any gun legislation that will reduce gun related crime?
Reduce crimes committed with guns? Yeah gun control will do that. Will gun control reduce crime? No, and there are studies to indicate that crime will rise.
A simple 'click' would answer your question, but I guess you need a 'nanny'

What The Act Does

o The Act makes it unlawful for a person to possess a large capacity ammunition magazine unless it was
lawfully possessed before the bill was enacted. It also prohibits the transfer or sale of large capacity
ammunition magazines.

o The Act defines large capacity ammunition magazines as those devices holding more than 10 rounds of
So I can own 1,000 ten round magazines, but one 11 round mag is too dangerous? What about the millions of mags already in circulation? And the black market for them?

o The Act does not restrict in any way the sale or possession of conventional-sized ammunition magazines
used by sportsmen and other law-abiding firearms owners.
So people who own 'high capacity magazines' aren't law abiding? Where is/are sports mentioned in the constitution? And for the record, most 30 round magazines ARE conventional for the guns their designed for. Prohibiting them to people would in effect be regulating that they use magazines that are less reliable and more likely to malfunction, putting people who use them at greater risk in defensive situations.

o The bill eliminates a problem of the lapsed federal ban, as it prevents sellers from circumventing the law by
stockpiling large capacity magazines, and then selling them after the ban takes effect.
Yes it certainly would eliminate the ability of law abiding citizens to sell their own private property. And of course we know this would work, just look at how no one drank during prohibition.

o Leading experts on gun policy have concluded that banning high-capacity magazines is “a common-sense
policy change that is likely to generate modest but important benefits to society at a very small cost, and so is worth doing.”
These experts are? The benefits? How would you enforce it? Why would you criminalize literally millions of otherwise law abiding citizens?
I am not against citizens having a gun for protection. But I can see why some people can become totally anti gun. It is because of people who make excuses for any possible restrictions.
Please find a reason to justify a restriction and you may have a point. As of yet you've only used the 'no one needs' argument, which is surprising, because how do you know what I or anyone else need?
Where did I ever say that the Constitution does not limit government?

during times of war, the president has broad powers. this is what you've said, even though it contradicts the constitution's plain text.

and the dispute is you saying that the constitution only protects rights of american citizens. this is not true as it makes no distinction of that during it's many clauses prescribing powers to the government.

"After several years of crime rates holding relatively steady, the FBI is reporting that violent crimes – including gun crimes – dropped dramatically in the first six months of 2009, with murder down 10 percent across the US as a whole."

"Concurrently, the FBI reports that gun sales – especially of assault-style rifles and handguns, two main targets of gun-control groups – are up at least 12 percent nationally since the election of President Obama, a dramatic run on guns prompted in part by so-far-unwarranted fears that Democrats in Congress and the White House will curtail gun rights and carve apart the Second Amendment."

"The debate over whether guns spur or deter crime has been under way for decades. So far, research has come out with, in essence, a net-zero correlation between gun sales and crime rates"

Gun sales up 12% and gun murder rates down 10%. But guns are the cause of crime?????

And the major force in the higher gun sales is assault rifles and high capacity magazine weapons. But gun murder is still down 10%.

Bfgrn, the saddest part is that you want to restrict freedoms based on a VERY few crimes that received huge media coverage, and you choose to ignore the facts.
Just as I is not about reasonable restrictions or common sense is the right wing paranoid slippery slope and their ONLY priorities...ME, MYSELF and I.

BTW, are you willfully lying or just ignorant? It sure looks like states with less gun control have more gun violence.


Why is the District of the Columbia the highest when up until 2008 (after this chart was made I might at) all guns were banned? And what are the TOTAL deaths per state, not just deaths by guns? I'm willing to bet those numbers are gonna change pretty significantly.

"Less Gun Control: Over the last quarter-century, many federal, state and local gun control laws have been eliminated or made less restrictive. The federal “assault weapon” ban, upon which gun control supporters claimed public safety hinged, expired in 2004 and the murder rate has since dropped 10 percent. The federal handgun waiting period, for years the centerpiece of gun control supporters’ agenda, expired in 1998, in favor of the NRA-supported national Instant Check, and the murder rate has since dropped 21 percent. Accordingly, some states have eliminated obsolete waiting periods and purchase permit requirements. There are now 40 Right-to-Carry states, an all-time high, up from 10 in 1987. All states have hunter protection laws, 48 have range protection laws, 48 prohibit local gun laws more restrictive than state law, 44 protect the right to arms in their constitutions, 33 have “castle doctrine” laws protecting the right to use guns in self-defense, and Congress and 33 states prohibit frivolous lawsuits against the firearm industry.9 Studies for Congress, the Congressional Research Service, the Library of Congress, the National Institutes of Justice, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found no evidence that gun control reduces crime.10 The FBI doesn’t list gun control as one of the many factors that determine the type and level of crime from place to place"

Fewer gun restrictions and reductions in gun crimes.
during times of war, the president has broad powers. this is what you've said, even though it contradicts the constitution's plain text.

and the dispute is you saying that the constitution only protects rights of american citizens. this is not true as it makes no distinction of that during it's many clauses prescribing powers to the government.

1. No it doesn't.
2. Its retarded to think that a document written by the people of one country can be used to guarantee rights of people from another country.
And LSU grads are too ignorant to understand that european gun death rates have been on the rise, and those in the US have been declining for several decades.

Also, only the monumentally stupid think you can compare two dissimilar cultures and come up with any evidence except the stupidity of the person making the comparison.

And alabama redneck checks in with a dumbass redneck NRA talking point. Exponentiall lower rates creeping up are still exponetially lower. Alabama does suck at algebra
1. No it doesn't.
sure it does.
2. Its retarded to think that a document written by the people of one country can be used to guarantee rights of people from another country.
no it's not, when you consider that the framers of the constitution despised all governments in any country. why would they create a limited government when at the same time would allow that government unlimited power over foreigners?
sure it does.

no it's not, when you consider that the framers of the constitution despised all governments in any country. why would they create a limited government when at the same time would allow that government unlimited power over foreigners?

Where did I ever say that the government has unlimited powers over foreigners?