the worst of liberalism

Why is the District of the Columbia the highest when up until 2008 (after this chart was made I might at) all guns were banned? And what are the TOTAL deaths per state, not just deaths by guns? I'm willing to bet those numbers are gonna change pretty significantly.

The entire chart is dishonest as Bf presents it.

"Causes of death attributable to firearm mortality include ICD-10 Codes W32-W34, Accidental discharge of firearm; Codes X72-X74, Intentional self-harm by firearm; X93-X95, Assault by firearm; Y22-Y24, Firearm discharge, undetermined intent; and Y35, Legal intervention involving firearm discharge. Deaths from injury by firearms exclude deaths due to explosives and other causes indirectly related to firearms."

Its hard to sell me that this is about gun crime when you include those shot by the police.

According to your pretty little table, there were 10.7 (per 100k pop.) gun deaths in the US in 2007. But the FBI Uniform Crime Reports shows there were only 16,929 murders in the US in 2007. Your table claims 32,849 gun deaths. Were the 15k gun suicides??

And all the murders in 2007 were not committed with a gun, so the number would be closer to 10K. You want to fight crime, how about starting with clear facts instead of nonsense?
And alabama redneck checks in with a dumbass redneck NRA talking point. Exponentiall lower rates creeping up are still exponetially lower. Alabama does suck at algebra

Comparisons of dissimilar cultures is an NRA talking point? wtf? lol

And yes, ours is a more violent country. That is about the people, not the guns. Switzerland has more guns per capita than the US, but lower violent crime rates than virtually all of Europe.

I think that you overpaid for that vaunted (or imaginary) education of yours. Typically the people who sling the most insults have the fewest facts and the least to say on the topic. Thanks for proving that one true.
I'm not expecting a dumbass nra moron like king of kids to get it.

the college educated have an easier time understanding millions less guns equals 90% less murders.
I'm not expecting a dumbass nra moron like king of kids to get it.

the college educated have an easier time understanding millions less guns equals 90% less murders.
Then why hasn't the murder rate gone down in Britain? They got rid of all their guns, they shouldn't have any murders? Why is it increasing. Explain it.
I'm not expecting a dumbass nra moron like king of kids to get it.

the college educated have an easier time understanding millions less guns equals 90% less murders.

But apparently some college educated have not done the research to show that the over-simplification you are trying to portray as fact is totally bogus.

If you could disarm the criminal population, your theory might work. But you can't so it doesn't.

If you start with the assumption that we americans are a more violent culture (easily shown), the fact that we started with higher numbers is not surprising. Our murder rates have been dropping for several decades, while those of many european nations have been rising.

In the UK their street cops are unarmed. How well do you think that would work here? I am not talking about against armed criminals, but just in general.
I never said I wouldn't dissarm the criminals first
4x the murders makes me take a big fat shit on your weak ass point of there rate climbing.
I never said I wouldn't dissarm the criminals first
4x the murders makes me take a big fat shit on your weak ass point of there rate climbing.
Explain it. Explain why Britain is having their rates rise. If you cannot explain it, then you wrong.
I never said I wouldn't dissarm the criminals first
4x the murders makes me take a big fat shit on your weak ass point of there rate climbing.

Quoting total numbers and ignoring murder rates makes you either a idiot or an undereducated lib who won't do any research on the topic.
I never said I wouldn't dissarm the criminals first

How the hell would you do that?? 90 years of trying to stop drug runners hasn't done a damn thing. 500k illegal aliens walk in every year. How are you going to disarm the criminals first???
England and France are much like us, except we murder 4x as much. your a fucking redneck idiot

In what ways are they more like us than Switzerland?

Specifically, how are England and France like us?