The would be AG was a child sex predator

I don't believe that he was "replaced" (he withdrew voluntarily, btw) before the scurrilous facts were revealed. He backed out becuse he knew what they had found and feared its release. .

We have no idea why charges were not filed, particularly regarding the statutory rape of the then 17-yo. She refused to testify in court? Republican prosecutors protect their own? As for the illegal drugs, unless he's caught with them in his possession they can't do much, can they? The entire thing, again, speaks to Gaetz's lack of moral character, and the lack of moral character of those who tried to stop this report from going public, those who defend him, and most of all, the fascist sleaze who wanted him to be his AG... knowing all of this well before we did.
It's possible that he met her in NYC where 17 is the age of consent... :dunno:

I don't know either. Though I am not shocked or bothered by this, since he isn't the nominee. I was far more bothered by an active AG who oversaw a politicized Justice Department than I am about some guy that was nominated for a minute before backing out "voluntarily"...
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It's possible that he met her in NYC where 17 is the age of consent... :dunno:

I don't know either. Though I am not shocked or bothered by this, since he isn't the nominee. I was far more bothered by an active AG who oversaw a politicized Justice Department than I am about some guy that was nominated for a minute before backing out "voluntarily"...

So you'll be terribly bothered when AG Bondi, at #VPTrump's bidding, starts going after his political enemies?

I almost wish Biden HAD weaponized the Justice Dept. like conspiracists claim. Then none of this would be an issue and Trump would be rotting in prison where he has belonged for years.
So you'll be terribly bothered when AG Bondi, at #VPTrump's bidding, starts going after his political enemies?

I almost wish Biden HAD weaponized the Justice Dept. like conspiracists claim. Then none of this would be an issue and Trump would be rotting in prison where he has belonged for years.
If she does, yes. The left regularly practices projection. They just expect the other side to do what they did while they were there. It would bother me if they do. I am always, and I mean always, on the side of the Constitution over all you folks' idea of what's egregious when the "other side" does it, but okay when your own side practices it.
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If she does, yes. The left regularly practices projection. They just expect the other side to do what they did while they were there. It would bother me if they do. I am always, and I mean always, on the side of the Constitution over all you folks' idea of what's egregious when the "other side" does it, but okay when your own side practices it.

I'm curious -- can you tell us which Trumpites have been corruptly and wrongfully prosecuted by the Biden Justice Dept.? You keep insinuating that it was weaponized but so far haven't mentioned any specific instances. Well, there's the whole Hunter Biden thing. Oh. Wait. lol
He cannot hold his own with adult women his own age. He needs young impressionable, unsophisticated girls who would think that the interest of a powerful congressman is flattering. And like I said elsewhere, if he pays them, it isn't cheating on his wife. It's merely a business transaction.
The ethics committee seems to suggest MAGA hero Matt Gaetz targeted these teenagers because they were economically vulnerable and could be coaxed into prostitution.
The ethics committee seems to suggest MAGA hero Matt Gaetz targeted these teenagers because they were economically vulnerable and could be coaxed into prostitution.

I plan on reading it either tonight or in the morning. I'm sure it's available on line somewhere. If someone's already found it, please post the link to it, and thanks.

@Damocles said something earlier about the girl being in NYC where sex with a 17 yo is legal. I forgot to respond to that so will here. When this story first broke a few years back, Gaetz was being investigated for taking a minor out of state to have sex with her. I haven't read the report yet so don't know if that was addressed in it, or not.
I'm curious -- can you tell us which Trumpites have been corruptly and wrongfully prosecuted by the Biden Justice Dept.? You keep insinuating that it was weaponized but so far haven't mentioned any specific instances. Well, there's the whole Hunter Biden thing. Oh. Wait. lol
Here is a 17,000 page report on it. Enjoy.

Here is a 17,000 page report on it. Enjoy.

Great, thanks.
Here is a 17,000 page report on it. Enjoy.

Think she'll read it?
I plan on reading it either tonight or in the morning. I'm sure it's available on line somewhere. If someone's already found it, please post the link to it, and thanks.

@Damocles said something earlier about the girl being in NYC where sex with a 17 yo is legal. I forgot to respond to that so will here. When this story first broke a few years back, Gaetz was being investigated for taking a minor out of state to have sex with her. I haven't read the report yet so don't know if that was addressed in it, or not.
I cannot believe so many conservatives on this forum are defending the right of men in their 40s to pursue 17 year old girls for sex. None of them have daughters?
I cannot believe so many conservatives on this forum are defending the right of men in their 40s pursuing 17 year old girls for sex. None of them have daughters?

I can't believe that any conservatives on this forum are defending the right of men in their 40s to pursue 17 year old girls for sex.

Maybe that's because there aren't any, sex pest.