The would be AG was a child sex predator

Commuting a death sentence still means they stay in prison. They just don't get killed by a lethal injection. They still die in prison if that helps.

Unlike Matt Gaetz who was about to become Attorney General.

I don't know if you can think very hard about this but the two are NOT the same. Just not.

If you are OK with and WANT a sex predator like Matt Gaetz as attorney general you will have to wait until Trump pardons Ghislane M. and gives her a cabinet post.

In Toxic TOP's simple and psychotic world, anything a (D) does is automatically evil. Even pardoning the Thanksgiving turkey, or commuting death sentences to life without parole. I mean, WWJD, right? But anything an (R) does -- rape, theft of classified material, killing a homeless mentally ill guy on the subway, fraud, tax evasion, drugs, prostitution, sodomy, child molestation, infidelity, insurrection, lying -- that's all okay in her book.
Commuting a death sentence still means they stay in prison. They just don't get killed by a lethal injection. They still die in prison if that helps.

Unlike Matt Gaetz who was about to become Attorney General.

I don't know if you can think very hard about this but the two are NOT the same. Just not.

If you are OK with and WANT a sex predator like Matt Gaetz as attorney general you will have to wait until Trump pardons Ghislane M. and gives her a cabinet post.
I understand perfectly what that means...They were sentenced to death for their crimes....and that is how their lives should end...
Can Joe disgrace himself any more? He still has time, but these commutations were unforgivable...
Matt Gaetz is not going to be the Attorney you can relax...If he broke laws, he'll be punished...
I would imagine you're not OK with any of President Trump's choices...but have no complaints about Joe and Kam's failed 4 years...and disastrous administration...but that's politics...we deal with who is in office, because that's politics...
And in reply to your ocmment...The two are not the same, are they? If you're OK with these men getting a reprieve, then it's probably likely they did not slaughter your family...or a police officer in your about their disgusting crimes and put yourself in the position of the victim's families...
Joe doesn't care about anyone but himself...History won't be kind to him...or the people who pulled his strings for all those years...
Do you want to know what my biggest take of this whole thread is? Nothing to do with the topic actually,....instead it is the treatment Damo is receiving from most of the board LWers of late simply because he is behaving even handedly as a good mod or site owner should. C'mon lefties, BETTER and stop acting like butthurt little children who cant get their way over every little thing. You should be embarrassed. Recently Owl even wanted Damo to prevent myself and others from using the Heston laughing gif THAT THIS SITE PROVIDES for us all to use because she said it took up too much space yet she has no problem whatsoever with Dutch's constant oversized gifs.

You see,....that's REALLY the problem here. This TEAM sport way of looking at things,....BAD IF YOU DO IT but JUST FINE when we do the same. Any mod or site owner can see thru that crap in a heartbeat and wont put up with it. Anyway, as you will, you will anyway,.... even still....... Happy Holidays to ALL.
Its also been pretty funny to see dutch go from management ass licker to anti Damo. It took years to get to that point,...but it did happen. Dutch has been publicly scolded a few times of late and it seems to have taken a toll on his fragile little ego. The butthurt is strong in that one lately. :laugh: Everythings going to be ok Dutchie boy,....maybe get yourself a new teddy bear to squeeze when you are feeling insecure and fragile. You never know, just might help someone like you.
I understand perfectly what that means...They were sentenced to death for their crimes....and that is how their lives should end...
Can Joe disgrace himself any more? He still has time, but these commutations were unforgivable...
Matt Gaetz is not going to be the Attorney you can relax...If he broke laws, he'll be punished...
I would imagine you're not OK with any of President Trump's choices...but have no complaints about Joe and Kam's failed 4 years...and disastrous administration...but that's politics...we deal with who is in office, because that's politics...
And in reply to your ocmment...The two are not the same, are they? If you're OK with these men getting a reprieve, then it's probably likely they did not slaughter your family...or a police officer in your about their disgusting crimes and put yourself in the position of the victim's families...
Joe doesn't care about anyone but himself...History won't be kind to him...or the people who pulled his strings for all those years...

My, aren't we extra angry and bloodthirsty this morning. Run out of vodka for your coffee already? Poor dumb twat.
Do you want to know what my biggest take of this whole thread is? Nothing to do with the topic actually,....instead it is the treatment Damo is receiving from most of the board LWers of late simply because he is behaving even handedly as a good mod or site owner should. C'mon lefties, BETTER and stop acting like butthurt little children who cant get their way over every little thing. You should be embarrassed. Recently Owl even wanted Damo to prevent myself and others from using the Heston laughing gif THAT THIS SITE PROVIDES for us all to use because she said it took up too much space yHoet she has no problem whatsoever with Dutch's constant oversized gifs.

You see,....that's REALLY the problem here. This TEAM sport way of looking at things,....BAD IF YOU DO IT but JUST FINE when we do the same. Any mod or site owner can see thru that crap in a heartbeat and wont put up with it. Anyway, as you will, you will anyway,.... even still....... Happy Holidays to ALL.
Merry Christmas Eve!!
As you can see this message hit home...;)
Do you want to know what my biggest take of this whole thread is? Nothing to do with the topic actually,....instead it is the treatment Damo is receiving from most of the board LWers of late simply because he is behaving even handedly as a good mod or site owner should. C'mon lefties, BETTER and stop acting like butthurt little children who cant get their way over every little thing. You should be embarrassed. Recently Owl even wanted Damo to prevent myself and others from using the Heston laughing gif THAT THIS SITE PROVIDES for us all to use because she said it took up too much space yet she has no problem whatsoever with Dutch's constant oversized gifs.

You see,....that's REALLY the problem here. This TEAM sport way of looking at things,....BAD IF YOU DO IT but JUST FINE when we do the same. Any mod or site owner can see thru that crap in a heartbeat and wont put up with it. Anyway, as you will, you will anyway,.... even still....... Happy Holidays to ALL.

Does Damo's ass taste good to you? Poor Karen. :laugh:


Your attempted distraction failed. We're still going to discussion your hero Matt Gaetz and his vile behaviors. Deal with it, Twinkie.
That doesn't matter to Toxic and the other deplorables. If no charges are filed then it's okay, never happened, all those girls/women are lying and they just made up that stuff about drugs. **eyeroll**
Even if charges are filed, the accusations are all false. And if a guilty verdict is returned, it's because deep state and lawfare and blah blah blah. Republicans have proven unequivocally that they're fine with pedophilia, rape, sexual assault, human trafficking, and drug abuse as long as it's one of their own doing it.
Does Damo's ass taste good to you? Poor Karen. :laugh:


Your attempted distraction failed. We're still going to discussion your hero Matt Gaetz and his vile behaviors. Deal with it, Twinkie.
Clearly you do not read very well,...or are simply lying as anyone can see that I made it quite clear that if he broke the law he should be charged. Then again,...what's new. Same ole same ole with the board left,....just make up a false narrative out of thin air and run with it.
Its also been pretty funny to see dutch go from management ass licker to anti Damo. It took years to get to that point,...but it did happen. Dutch has been publicly scolded a few times of late and it seems to have taken a toll on his fragile little ego. The butthurt is strong in that one lately. :laugh: Everythings going to be ok Dutchie boy,....maybe get yourself a new teddy bear to squeeze when you are feeling insecure and fragile. You never know, just might help someone like you.
Can't quit me.
