The would be AG was a child sex predator

I love this place...
TDS: "
An affliction suffered by several on this board.

She lives rent-free in your head. You can't get through a thread without mentioning her name.

Her mere existence makes you melt down. Funny." ....LIG

Actually, dear whore, the discussion has morphed all over the place since you last left one of your slime trails on it yesterday. No one has missed you or talked about you since. YOU came here this morning and once again tried to make it about YOU again with your neediness and desperate cries for someone, anyone to LOOK AT MEEEEE.

You have no shame, no courage, no intelligence, no morals, no compassion, no friends, no life, no nothing but your rage and your bitterness. How terribly sad.
It's good to be "in charge" of so many threads around here...;) All I have to do is say Good Morning...and then sit back and let the hate take over...
I don't believe in heaven or hell, except that perhaps we make our own here on Earth, with our own choices and actions. Hell must be very much like being one of those angry, bitter, miserable hate-filled losers you named. To quote one of them, what a blessing that we aren't them.
I don't either. I wrote a paper when I was 20 years old about the meaning of life -- as 20 year olds will do. I unearthed it by accident a few years ago during a move. Interestingly enough, the thesis is still true for me. I don't know what came before this life or what comes after this life. Maybe/Probably nothing. But I do know that I can make this world a better place for my short lifetime by doing good things and treating people well. It's a shame that not a single Xtian MAGA on this forum understands that.
Actually, dear whore, the discussion has morphed all over the place since you last left one of your slime trails on it yesterday. No one has missed you or talked about you since. YOU came here this morning and once again tried to make it about YOU again with your neediness and desperate cries for someone, anyone to LOOK AT MEEEEE.

You have no shame, no courage, no intelligence, no morals, no compassion, no friends, no life, no nothing but your rage and your bitterness. How terribly sad.
Not until all the mammon-worshiping pedophiles elected to office in both DC and Florida are pushed out of office.

Why do so many MAGAts support mammon-worshiping pedophiles? Does anyone know?


I think a lot of Americans, esp. RW ones, not-so-secretly worship royalty and monarchies and kings. Hence Trump's ability to impress the credulous with his pretend fabulous lifestyle and wealth. The gullible dupes even believed that rot about him donating his presidential salary. They totally ignored the fact that on the few of his tax returns ever published, there wasn't a cent given to any charity. In fact, he used his Trump Foundation "charity" as a piggybank and cash cow, and got it shut down for fraud. Nothing went to the veterans it was supposedly for, just like the pretend "barf donations" will never go to anyone.
If Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal are to be believed, Trump is very accustomed to pulling out a wad of cash to convince women to have sex
Some people will do anything for money. Is there any doubt that all of the MAGAts on JPP would drop to their knees and blow their Orange Jesus for a million bucks? In public and swallowing?

I think a lot of Americans, esp. RW ones, not-so-secretly worship royalty and monarchies and kings. Hence Trump's ability to impress the credulous with his pretend fabulous lifestyle and wealth. The gullible dupes even believed that rot about him donating his presidential salary. They totally ignored the fact that on the few of his tax returns ever published, there wasn't a cent given to any charity. In fact, he used his Trump Foundation "charity" as a piggybank and cash cow, and got it shut down for fraud. Nothing went to the veterans it was supposedly for, just like the pretend "barf donations" will never go to anyone.
Agreed. They are conservatives like Tories and the Taliban. Notice how they push the Old Testament over the words of Jesus in the New Testament.

Clearly they worship monetary wealth over spiritual wealth. This is another reason why I believe they have forsaken the values of our Founders.
Don't you drag a cute giraffe face into PAT's shit-filled swine pen!

Fun fact: There's a zoo in Colorado that lets you buy lettuce and feed their herd of giraffes. They also let the penguins walk around wildly like peacocks. And there are two sloths that don't live in cages. They just don't touch anyone or run away. It's wild.

That's cool! I don't know if they still do this, but in the winter if the temps were below 50F, the St. Louis Zoo would have a "penguin parade." The keepers would let them out of their cold penguin house to waddle along the sidewalks and greet the visitors. It was so cute.

Not the best pic; fogged up lens:
