My name is not Francis...and I do not do any "believing."
Ergo: You don't do any knowing either, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and I do not do any "believing."
Lighten Up Francis
But not about your believing, Francis.
Ergo: You don't do any knowing either, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and I cannot post about my "beliefs"...because I do not do "believing."
My name is not Francis...and of course I know many things even though I do not do "believing."
Therefore you've not started any discussions about your beliefs, Francis, which solidifies my comment regarding you starting a discussion.
That would mean, Francis, that you know nothing.
My name is not Francis.
I have started many discussions.
My name is not Francis...and I know lots of things.
But not about your beliefs, Francis.
Only those things you believe in, Francis.
My name is not Francis.
I've already posted the "Lighten up, Francis" video.
My name is not Francis...and I know plenty of things.
Also...I do not do "believing."
OK, Francis, Frankie, Francois, Franco, Franks 'N' Beans, Francine.
Sorry, Boris.
I didn't realize you were a jerkoff.
Believing? Sure you do. Because LIEberalism is all about believing lies.
That's MISTER Jerkoff to you, prag.
I do not do "believing."
And while I am not a liberal...I would rather be scab than a trailer park scum dorky American conservative.