Try to read with meaning, RB. I said he wants to be a dictator...NOT THAT HE IS A DICTATOR.
Obviously, you have never listened to any of Trump's speeches, paid any attention to his accomplishments as President, or even know what a dictator is.
Although he does dictate to the people who still support him.
No, he doesn't. I know this is a concept unfamiliar to you, but people support Trump because they WANT to voluntarily.
They cannot think for themselves...and he tells them what to think.
Are you describing yourself here again? Hint: yes.
Just last week he told them to think that the Arizona recount showed that he had won Arizona...even though it actually showed he lost by a few extra votes. He is fucking nuts...and so are his continuing supporters.

The AZ audit does show anybody won. It shows election fraud did occur by the Democrats and that the AZ legislature was correct in not choosing their electors.
Joe Biden is not being a dictator...nor is he acting like one.
The moron, Trump, did try to act like a dictator...
Further proof that you have no idea what the word 'dictator' means.
Oh, well...the morons of the right in 1930's Germany did the same thing.
That worked out well.
Nazism is the same thing the DEMOCRATS are currently trying to convert the government into. They are both fascists, a form of socialism.

Socialism is theft of wealth. It can take the form of communism, fascism, or even slavery. It is what the DEMOCRATS want.
No I am not. But if you think I am going to waste my time doing research for you...research you obviously have not done or you would not think what I am saying to be a lie... are delusional.

Asswipe, you are not cut out for this kind of thing. Stick to kissing wanna-be dictator ass.

Lie. Void reference fallacy. Omniscience fallacy. Insult fallacies. Redefinition fallacy (republic<->dictatorship). Assumption of victory fallacy.
No argument presented.
I am not digging any kind of hole. I am merely laughing at people willing to continue support for someone so obviously a liar as Trump...who does his lying out in public where the facts about which he is lying are in full view.

Barack Obama was a man...and intelligent, classy man. Trump is a mouse...and unintelligent, classless mouse. There is a difference.

Void argument fallacy. Special pleading fallacy. Insult fallacies. TDS. Bulverism. Redefinition fallacy (liar<->dictator).
No argument presented.