Beats me. He had a mask on.

That's my problem...fencing all around a rather deep property. Catches the string and ends up fucking everything up. So the Black and Decker has the wheel on the front that you can place up against the fence and it works pretty decently. I've gotta do my stuff tomorrow. Got the trees to worry about today.

Mandatory vaccines have been around for a very long while...and not just for the military. The only reason there is reluctance right now to this vaccine is because the moron, Trump, pushed that narrative...and his sheeple are not able to think for themselves.

How is what possible...and what it FF?

Could be. Too bad the right has to be prodded. But...there is no cure for stupid.

It doesn't even work, stupid.

It's mostly poison.
It doesn't even work, stupid.

It's mostly poison.

It works...and it works very effectively.

But, to the sheeple who have to follow the Trump line...I guess you have got to sell that nonsense.

Nobody except the morbidly stupid buying, Asswipe.

You are on your own.
Trump is now running for Dictator...and assholes like you are supporting that run.

Actually, I just got a new weedwhacker...and I'll be doing some weedwhacking tomorrow. Today I have people coming over to take down two trees in the back, one in the front, and top off two trees that have branches that soon will be rubbing against the roof if not pruned.

And I am thinking that the people continuing to support Trump in his run for the office of Dictator of the US are a lot like the people in 1930's Germany who supported Hitler's bid to Make Germany Great Again.

I do not hate Trump nor do I hate Trump supporters. I leave the hating to you people.

You have a warped notion of what the Founding Fathers vision for America was. I support their vision...and want to protect it from the likes of Trump and his sheeple.

I am NOT a "commie." I am a capitalist. I have actually worked for a large brokerage firm on Wall Street in NYC. Have you?

You are just another racist...shooting off racists tropes. I can understand why you continue to support Trump. He is one also.

Just because Biden's a dictator doesn't mean that all u.s. presidents are dictators.

You voted for the dick 'tater.
Just because Biden's a dictator doesn't mean that all u.s. presidents are dictators.

You voted for the dick 'tater.

Joe Biden is not a dictator...and has no intentions of being a dictator.

Trump wants to be a dictator. Apparently he wants to hold the Guinness Record for stupidity in a dictator.
What is your understanding of what it's supposed to do?

Link to most epidemiologists opinion, please.

Do your own work, Asswipe.

So you think big government is infallable. Government is run by people and people make mistakes. An example is the scandal of the VA treatment of vets. Our government deciding what is best for you. No I love this country and wore the uniform for 24 years but I also know that no matter what our government isn't perfect.

I have several friends who choose the VA because they love the treatment they get there. They are not subject to multiple procedures since regular doctors are paid per procedure. They also are trying to keep you healthy because they are not making money off you if you have to keep coming. The system saves money if you are healthy.