Plutocracy is exactly what the Repubs have been trying to build.
Nope. You are describing Democrats again.
That is the only explanation for what Mcconnell does.
A RINO is a Democrat.
It is also what trump was blundering into.
Nope. Trump is a capitalist.
Fascism is how the Trumpys operate.
Capitalism is not fascism.
it has no traces in the Dem party.
Both fascism and communism are forms of socialism.
Fascism is government manipulation of markets (What DEMOCRATS want!).
Communism is government ownership of markets (what DEMOCRATS want!).
Both fascism and communism are forms of socialism. They are theft of wealth. See the writings of Karl Marx, which can be found at the website in my sig.
You are wildly misusing contradictory terms again.
Inversion fallacy. You can't get away with blaming others for YOUR problems.
I doubt anyone here hates the Constitution at all...let alone, so much.

The Constitution has served this Republic well for 250 years...and most likely will continue to serve it for many more. It has its faults...but most of the egregious faults simply cannot be remediated in today's political climate. Perhaps some time in the future we will grow up enough to make the much needed reforms.

Democrats do not recognize the Constitution of the United States. Neither do you.
you never have Frank, I always pitty senile old men

C'mon, MAGA...don't allow me to upset you so. You start spelling words incorrectly when I have upset you.

Take it easy. Chill, man.

No. Continuing to support the wanna-be dictator, usurper a pro-tyranny rant.

C'mon, Asswipe. Get your mojo back. Try to enjoy this nonsense.

What office is Trump running for right now? None? Yes! That's correct!

I'm thinking I need to weedwhack around my back porch and you're thinking "Fuckkkk Trummppppp!". See the difference there?

It's isn't so much that authoritarian Marxist asshats like you hate Trump, it's that you hate Americans that like Trump and support American ideals.

You also hate the Founding Fathers' vision for America.

I never seen a commie Italian American until you, Frank Apisa. Out of 100s of Italians in town, and fuckin' aye I know a lot of them.

I know an old Italian engineer, he designs skyscrapers in NY.

Are you the moulinyani?

You're an eggplant Italian, huh? Is that the deal?
What office is Trump running for right now? None? Yes! That's correct!

Trump is now running for Dictator...and assholes like you are supporting that run.

I'm thinking I need to weedwhack around my back porch and you're thinking "Fuckkkk Trummppppp!". See the difference there?

Actually, I just got a new weedwhacker...and I'll be doing some weedwhacking tomorrow. Today I have people coming over to take down two trees in the back, one in the front, and top off two trees that have branches that soon will be rubbing against the roof if not pruned.

And I am thinking that the people continuing to support Trump in his run for the office of Dictator of the US are a lot like the people in 1930's Germany who supported Hitler's bid to Make Germany Great Again.

It's isn't so much that authoritarian Marxist asshats like you hate Trump, it's that you hate Americans that like Trump and support American ideals.

I do not hate Trump nor do I hate Trump supporters. I leave the hating to you people.

You also hate the Founding Fathers' vision for America.

You have a warped notion of what the Founding Fathers vision for America was. I support their vision...and want to protect it from the likes of Trump and his sheeple.

I never seen a commie Italian American until you, Frank Apisa. Out of 100s of Italians in town, and fuckin' aye I know a lot of them.

I am NOT a "commie." I am a capitalist. I have actually worked for a large brokerage firm on Wall Street in NYC. Have you?

I know an old Italian engineer, he designs skyscrapers in NY.

Are you the moulinyani?

You're an eggplant Italian, huh? Is that the deal?

You are just another racist...shooting off racists tropes. I can understand why you continue to support Trump. He is one also.
Trump is now running for Dictator...and assholes like you are supporting that run.

Actually, I just got a new weedwhacker...and I'll be doing some weedwhacking tomorrow. Today I have people coming over to take down two trees in the back, one in the front, and top off two trees that have branches that soon will be rubbing against the roof if not pruned.

And I am thinking that the people continuing to support Trump in his run for the office of Dictator of the US are a lot like the people in 1930's Germany who supported Hitler's bid to Make Germany Great Again.

I do not hate Trump nor do I hate Trump supporters. I leave the hating to you people.

You have a warped notion of what the Founding Fathers vision for America was. I support their vision...and want to protect it from the likes of Trump and his sheeple.

I am NOT a "commie." I am a capitalist. I have actually worked for a large brokerage firm on Wall Street in NYC. Have you?

You are just another racist...shooting off racists tropes. I can understand why you continue to support Trump. He is one also.

Running for dictator, huh? Who's running against him in that race?

"And I am thinking that the people continuing to support Trump in his run for the office of Dictator of the US are a lot like the people in 1930's Germany who supported Hitler's bid to Make Germany Great Again."

Oh? Well I'm still thinking I need to do some weedwhacking and that you're delusional AF and it's Democrats acting like it's 1930s Germany and treating "the unvaxxed" like 1930s German Jews.

Do tell me more about how you support the Founding Fathers' vision for America. Provide some examples, pls.

It's looking like it's just a matter of time before Biden sends out armed squads to purge the "unvaxxed" like in a bad fiction novel, but for real.

What kind of weedwhacker did you get, Frank? Some kind of battery-powered gimmick, hmm?
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Running for dictator, huh? Who's running against him in that race?

A guy who is almost an identical twin of the guy who ran against Stalin last time he ran.

"And I am thinking that the people continuing to support Trump in his run for the office of Dictator of the US are a lot like the people in 1930's Germany who supported Hitler's bid to Make Germany Great Again."

Oh? Well I'm still thinking I need to do some weedwhacking and that you're delusional AF and it's Democrats acting like it's 1930s Germany and treating "the unvaxxed" like 1930s German Jews.

Stop THINKING about doing the weedwhacking...and go do the weedwhacking. I find that works better. Give it a shot.

We've had mandatory vaccinations in the US since the founding days. George Washington required it of his troops. Schools have required them from when I started grammar school back in 1941.

Do tell me more about how you support the Founding Fathers' vision for America. Provide some examples, pls.

I do my best to stop people like Trump from gaining power.

It's looking like it's just a matter of time before Biden sends out armed squads to purge the "unvaxxed" like in a bad fiction novel, but for real.

Yeah. Maybe starting tomorrow.

What kind of weedwhacker did you get, Frank? Some kind of battery-powered gimmick, hmm?

Yeah, battery powered, Matt. First time ever...and I love it. Allows you to move around a lot more freely than electric cord power...and is ten times as quiet as the gas powered one. (Lady next door is in bad shape. I try to work as quietly as possible.) It is a Black and Decker...not terribly expensive...and works like a charm. I got it a few weeks ago...and although I was apprehensive about it, it works great. The battery can be stored on the it is always charged...and it lasts what seems like forever.
A guy who is almost an identical twin of the guy who ran against Stalin last time he ran.

Stop THINKING about doing the weedwhacking...and go do the weedwhacking. I find that works better. Give it a shot.

We've had mandatory vaccinations in the US since the founding days. George Washington required it of his troops. Schools have required them from when I started grammar school back in 1941.

I do my best to stop people like Trump from gaining power.

Yeah. Maybe starting tomorrow.

Yeah, battery powered, Matt. First time ever...and I love it. Allows you to move around a lot more freely than electric cord power...and is ten times as quiet as the gas powered one. (Lady next door is in bad shape. I try to work as quietly as possible.) It is a Black and Decker...not terribly expensive...and works like a charm. I got it a few weeks ago...and although I was apprehensive about it, it works great. The battery can be stored on the it is always charged...and it lasts what seems like forever.

1) Who is this mystery man?!

2) I've had my fill of it for the moment. Back porch was no problem, but then I got into the fenceline and other areas the mower does not reach.

3) That was only for the military. FAIL

4) How is that possible when the FF never knew Trump?

5) They're probably trial-ballooning it today.

6) Ok, if it works for you.

Oh! The cat is gonna be mad at me. Weedwhack splackins all in her food.

Here she comes now...gonna hide.

I'm using a commercial-grade Echo with 105 Ugly line by Shakespeare.

With a custom head that makes it 1 notch shy of a brush cutter.

Eh! She's eatin' it! I'm good :D

So far, so good! Bees didn't come at me fer weedwhackin' in their territory. Got quite a bit done but..I wanna do a couple more things before it gets hot.
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1) Who is this mystery man?!

Beats me. He had a mask on.

2) I've had my fill of it for the moment. Back porch was no problem, but then I got into the fenceline and other areas the mower does not reach.

That's my problem...fencing all around a rather deep property. Catches the string and ends up fucking everything up. So the Black and Decker has the wheel on the front that you can place up against the fence and it works pretty decently. I've gotta do my stuff tomorrow. Got the trees to worry about today.

3) That was only for the military. FAIL

Mandatory vaccines have been around for a very long while...and not just for the military. The only reason there is reluctance right now to this vaccine is because the moron, Trump, pushed that narrative...and his sheeple are not able to think for themselves.

4) How is that possible when the FF never knew Trump?

How is what possible...and what it FF?

5) They're probably trial-ballooning it today.

Could be. Too bad the right has to be prodded. But...there is no cure for stupid.
Hello Frank,

One sees lots of variations on the theme, "You don't love (respect) the Constitution and Bill of Rights" crap here in this forum...almost always including "warnings" about the danger of "government" overreach.

Well...I personally think there is MUCH LESS DANGER from government going amok...or from our government becoming tyrannical…than there is from our citizens being unwilling to be governed.

I doubt any of us right now, except perhaps Donald Trump, wants a dictatorship; I doubt any of us, except perhaps Donald Trump, wants governmental tyranny.

But THE REAL DANGER RIGHT NOW IN AMERICA does not come from the danger of dictatorship, even with that dictator wanna-be in office...or serious governmental overreach. It comes, rather, from the fact that a significant minority of the people want not to be governed at all. They deplore government…the single most important ingredient in civilized society.

I suspect a lot of that absurdity was started during the first inaugural address by Ronald Reagan. As chief executive, he unwisely endorsed the notion of hatred of “being governed” with his (just about always, unfortunately, quoted out of context), “…government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

He was wrong…or at least, I sure as hell hope he was wrong, because if he was correct…democracy does not stand a chance of success. Democracy demands that government be a MAJOR FACTOR in the solution to problems…and there is no chance of democracy working if government truly is the problem.

And government requires that the people being governed...CONSENT TO BEING GOVERNED.

Just sayin’!

What an awesome thread. I would add my thanks to the OP but it's far too late now. This thread was originated just a few weeks prior to when I joined JPP.

I completely agree with the OP.

I have long said that Reagan did America a grave disservice with that crack about government being the problem.
If there are issues with our government, we have the power to deal with them. Our government was designed to be flexible so that we could modify it and improve it to address new challenges.

Some have greatly misconstrued the 2nd Amendment to believe it was intended that the people might take up arms against our own government. That was never intended at all. The reason people have the right to bear arms is to be able to form a well regulated militia to defend the nation, if needed. Remember, the Constitution also said that we would have no standing army. The reason for this is that England used a standing army against her own subjects, including colonists. Americans had quite enough of that.

People were not citizens of England. They were subjects of the crown. As subjects, no rights were inherent. They are instead granted by the crown. Since the colonies were given charters by the crown, and that was done generally to create profits for the crown, the subjects of those colonies were policed by the well regulated standing English army. The American subjects did not like that. They had no right to privacy. An army might barge right into your home if they wanted to.

The founders were concerned that if the USA had a standing army it might be used against the citizens of the USA, so the Constitution stipulated that the USA would have no standing army. We only have one today because we made changes, and one of those changes includes a rule that our standing army may not be used against our own citizens.

We Americans are expected to respect our government, appreciate the Constitution, and work WITH IT to improve the country where needed, as seen fit.

Government hatred as very un American.

If we don't have a government we can respect and appreciate, it is our own darn fault. We have all the tools needed to make our government totally work for us.
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Hello Frank,

What an awesome thread. I would add my thanks to the OP but it's far too late now. This thread was originated just a few weeks prior to when I joined JPP.

I completely agree with the OP.

I have long said that Reagan did America a grave disservice with that crack about government being the problem.

Right you are, Poli.

I actually voted for Reagan in 1980. I was pissed at Carter and did not think things through. I regretted it almost immediately...when I heard that line from his first Inaugural Address.

Unfortunately, the people of the right have bought the notion hook, line, and sinker...much to the disadvantage of the US.