Joe Biden is not a dictator...and has no intentions of being a dictator.

Trump wants to be a dictator. Apparently he wants to hold the Guinness Record for stupidity in a dictator.

Frank, just to give you a "heads up," Trump is no longer president! How the fuck can he be a dictator?
Frank, just to give you a "heads up," Trump is no longer president! How the fuck can he be a dictator?

Try to read with meaning, RB. I said he wants to be a dictator...NOT THAT HE IS A DICTATOR.

Although he does dictate to the people who still support him. They cannot think for themselves...and he tells them what to think. Just last week he told them to think that the Arizona recount showed that he had won Arizona...even though it actually showed he lost by a few extra votes. He is fucking nuts...and so are his continuing supporters.

(Wearing big boy pants for today's round. First time since summer. Too goddam cold to play in shorts.)
Try to read with meaning, RB. I said he wants to be a dictator...NOT THAT HE IS A DICTATOR.

Although he does dictate to the people who still support him. They cannot think for themselves...and he tells them what to think. Just last week he told them to think that the Arizona recount showed that he had won Arizona...even though it actually showed he lost by a few extra votes. He is fucking nuts...and so are his continuing supporters.

(Wearing big boy pants for today's round. First time since summer. Too goddam cold to play in shorts.)

Meanwhile, Biden is actively being a dictator and you're too idiotic to see it.
I have several friends who choose the VA because they love the treatment they get there. They are not subject to multiple procedures since regular doctors are paid per procedure. They also are trying to keep you healthy because they are not making money off you if you have to keep coming. The system saves money if you are healthy.

WTF????? You are responding to a post from 4 years ago????? Talk about ancient history. LOL
One sees lots of variations on the theme, "You don't love (respect) the Constitution and Bill of Rights" crap here in this forum...almost always including "warnings" about the danger of "government" overreach.

Well...I personally think there is MUCH LESS DANGER from government going amok...or from our government becoming tyrannical…than there is from our citizens being unwilling to be governed.

I doubt any of us right now, except perhaps Donald Trump, wants a dictatorship; I doubt any of us, except perhaps Donald Trump, wants governmental tyranny.

But THE REAL DANGER RIGHT NOW IN AMERICA does not come from the danger of dictatorship, even with that dictator wanna-be in office...or serious governmental overreach. It comes, rather, from the fact that a significant minority of the people want not to be governed at all. They deplore government…the single most important ingredient in civilized society.

I suspect a lot of that absurdity was started during the first inaugural address by Ronald Reagan. As chief executive, he unwisely endorsed the notion of hatred of “being governed” with his (just about always, unfortunately, quoted out of context), “…government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”

He was wrong…or at least, I sure as hell hope he was wrong, because if he was correct…democracy does not stand a chance of success. Democracy demands that government be a MAJOR FACTOR in the solution to problems…and there is no chance of democracy working if government truly is the problem.

And government requires that the people being governed...CONSENT TO BEING GOVERNED.

Just sayin’!

Yep; America hating, constitution crapping leftist morons like you would think the Constitution is crap. :palm:
Meanwhile, Biden is actively being a dictator and you're too idiotic to see it.

Joe Biden is not being a dictator...nor is he acting like one. The moron, Trump, did try to act like a dictator...and asswipes like you eat it up.

Oh, well...the morons of the right in 1930's Germany did the same thing.

That worked out well.
Try to read with meaning, RB. I said he wants to be a dictator...NOT THAT HE IS A DICTATOR.

Although he does dictate to the people who still support him. They cannot think for themselves...and he tells them what to think. Just last week he told them to think that the Arizona recount showed that he had won Arizona...even though it actually showed he lost by a few extra votes. He is fucking nuts...and so are his continuing supporters.

(Wearing big boy pants for today's round. First time since summer. Too goddam cold to play in shorts.)

Frank, you're digging yourself a deep hole. Obama had supporters for a second term election, didn't he? Do you think he'd have lost support if he hadn't won?

Yeah, it's cooling down here too. Driving the golf cart at night gets cold. This job should end soon and I won't be doing it next year, unless I get weekends off. My car will be ready for spring :)
Yep. You're just making shit up.

No I am not. But if you think I am going to waste my time doing research for you...research you obviously have not done or you would not think what I am saying to be a lie... are delusional.

Asswipe, you are not cut out for this kind of thing. Stick to kissing wanna-be dictator ass.
Frank, you're digging yourself a deep hole.

I am not digging any kind of hole. I am merely laughing at people willing to continue support for someone so obviously a liar as Trump...who does his lying out in public where the facts about which he is lying are in full view.

Obama had supporters for a second term election, didn't he? Do you think he'd have lost support if he hadn't won?

Barack Obama was a man...and intelligent, classy man. Trump is a mouse...and unintelligent, classless mouse. There is a difference.

Yeah, it's cooling down here too. Driving the golf cart at night gets cold. This job should end soon and I won't be doing it next year, unless I get weekends off. My car will be ready for spring :)

Stayed cool for he entire round...and we played on a course I truly dislike. But...I was outside getting a bit of exercise and laughing with good friends. What do you do that requires a golf cart. I have a friend who uses one regularly. He manages a huge warehouse...and getting from one end to the other as often as is needed...requires transportation.
I am not digging any kind of hole. I am merely laughing at people willing to continue support for someone so obviously a liar as Trump...who does his lying out in public where the facts about which he is lying are in full view.

Barack Obama was a man...and intelligent, classy man. Trump is a mouse...and unintelligent, classless mouse. There is a difference.

Stayed cool for he entire round...and we played on a course I truly dislike. But...I was outside getting a bit of exercise and laughing with good friends. What do you do that requires a golf cart. I have a friend who uses one regularly. He manages a huge warehouse...and getting from one end to the other as often as is needed...requires transportation.

I'm a night shift security guard at a campsite. Sometimes during the weekdays (they are rare) when there aren't many campers, I sit in my car and listen to the radio all night. I usually work weekends, they are rather busy, 160-180 campers. Some are rather creative with decorations and lights, some have projectors and use the side of their trailer or a bed sheet for a screen. Hell, it's just like home, but with bugs, tree sap and another camper up your ass.

Yep, golf carts are usually the mode of transportation in large warehouses. Silent and rechargeable. Like ours. They need more horsepower! (but that's another story)