Yes, Perry, I know you are a mental midget who lied about his degrees, doesn't know shit about artists and has a man-crush on Cypress.
I just barfed a little in my mouth.
Yes, Perry, I know you are a mental midget who lied about his degrees, doesn't know shit about artists and has a man-crush on Cypress.
Because Tahiti is among his most famous artwork.
No it doesn't. How do you arrive at stupid points like that??
I didn't. But I'm sure you did.
Dishonest how, Perry Putz?
Negative. I have over 2400 hours in helos but haven't flown one since 1989.
You're a retard who Googles shit and posts it without understanding what the fuck you are doing. Sad.
I have over 2400 hours in helos....
I just barfed a little in my mouth.
I just barfed a little in my mouth.
Jesus, Oom....
I've never know anybody who had to be air lifted to the hospital that many times.
I know that you don't have crossing lights in rural Texas,
but you can at least look both ways!
Why would I be pissed at you, Perry? I feel sorry for you, son.^^^Now you're pissed. Do you like it?
Yes. Over 3500 hours in T-34s and about 18000 hours with the airlines. A majority of the airlines is cruising at altitude with the autopilot on and me making paracord jewelry or reading a newspaper. LOL
LOL Tell that to my 401K and military pension, son. What do you have? You don't work. What will happen to you when your parents pass? A home for the mentally disabled? The streets? Where will you go? Your parents must be about my age which means another 15-20 years to go at best.AH ahahahahahahaha! Funny one, Doc. Like you have ever been behind the yoke of anything that can fly. (And it doesn't count when the pilot gives you the little plastic wings when you fly with mommy).
You're hilarious!
Yes. Over 3500 hours in T-34s and about 18000 hours with the airlines. A majority of the airlines is cruising at altitude with the autopilot on and me making paracord jewelry or reading a newspaper. LOL
^^^Hey! I found a picture of you from when you were on active duty flying Helos!
Compulsively jealous. I know you can't help yourself, Perry. You're mentally disabled and jealous of normal people. I feel sorry for you, son. I really do.
As long as the nurse is cute!
Yes, one you regain consciousness---I can see that.
^^^Yeah, but at least I'm not on here claiming I flew helicopters! You're hilarious.
The problem of evil belongs to Christian theology. If you are not Christian, then no problem.
Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia
Theodicy - In the philosophy of religion, a theodicy, (/θiːˈɒdɪsi/) meaning 'vindication of God' in Greek, is an argument that attempts to resolve the problem of evil that arises when omnipotence, omnibenevolence, and omniscience are all simultaneously ascribed to God. Unlike a defence, which merely tries to demonstrate that the coexistence of God and evil is logically possible, a theodicy additionally provides a framework wherein God's existence is considered plausible.
One line of reasoning --> Because of Hitler, Pol Pot, mass murderers, earthquakes, floods, fires, cancer there cannot be an omniscient and beneficent higher power deserving of admiration and veneration.
The other line of reasoning. Humans are imbued with free will. Having the freedom to choose means having the freedom to choose righteousness, or moral depravity. Earthquakes and floods aren't evil. People die of earthquakes and floods because of where they choose to live, and the building materials they construct with. Earthquakes and floods are part of a natural cycle that makes life flourish, by replenishment of top soil and maintaining and recycling an active crust. Most cancers are due to our choices and development of synthetic chemicals and environmental pollution. We wouldn't be fully human if we did not cultivate virtues like courage, self sacrifice, charity. Forced to have perfect and happy lives free of any adversity, the virtues that make us fully human would not be cultivated.