Theodicy, the problem of evil

You'll watch. You want to be told what to believe. It's not like you'll be calling boooolsch't on anything. Instead, you'll be reciting passages in the same manner as fundamentalist Christians reciting passages from the Bible.
Cypress has no views of his own,he gets his nut,dropping names! If you press him for his views,what he believes ,he blocks you!
I have never seen such a mind so filled with contradictory thoughts!
Two nutty sock puppet masters agreeing to attack JPP intellectuals. Priceless!
Salty doesn't appear to be using full AI. More like "markov chain text generators" like a version of autocomplete on the phone. If it were real AI I would think they would be more coherent.

the ones Grind used to play with used the most frequently used words on a page and tried to turn them into sentences.....when salty first started posting he was using one that never used least he corrected that problem, though they are still incoherent......
Two nutty sock puppet masters agreeing to attack JPP intellectuals. Priceless!

I shudder to think how much time is wasted here by the gossip girls indulging their petty grievances.

I shudder to think how much time is wasted here by the gossip girls indulging their petty grievances.

The demented ones can't leave their facility. It's either play on the Internet in their rooms or go to the dayroom to watch "The Price is Right" with the zombies.

If, as I've predicted elsewhere, there is a massive domestic WSE terrorist attack (probably next summer) then the backlash will see a push to limit hate on the Internet. The bullshit lies, hatred and advocation of violence seen daily on JPP will diminish as many of these people have nanny software on their computers.

Depends how you look at it, really.

Still trying after decades to see how SCOTUS Christiananality pedophilia Islamidiotocracy looks at a 9 year old after Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement's thieving US Constitution arsonists theodicy dictates after just being released from hospital medical care one knows who just assassinated JFK.....but then again wonder how they also look at a Washington, D.C. born USA citizen as Islam for the second or third time....
The Bible contains multiple references to Satan. The word appears just twice in the Torah , both times in the story of Balaam, the seer who is asked by the Moabite king Balak to curse the Jews. When Balaam goes with Balak’s emissaries, God places an angel in his path “l’satan lo” — as an adversary for him. The term appears in multiple other instances in the Prophets, often in a similar context — referring not to a specific figure as the Satan, but rather as a descriptor for individuals who act as a satan, i.e. as adversaries.

Only twice in the Hebrew Bible does Satan appear as a specific figure, as HaSatan — the Satan. One is a brief reference in the Book of Zecharia, where the high priest is described as standing before a divine angel while Satan stands at his right to accuse him. The other is in the Book of Job, where Satan has a central role in the story as an angel in the divine court. According to the biblical narrative, Satan — here too commonly translated as the Adversary — seems to urge God to create hardship for his righteous servant Job, arguing that Job is faithful only on account of his wealth and good fortune. Take those away, Satan claims, and Job will blaspheme. God permits Satan to take away Job’s wealth, kill his family and afflict him physically, none of which induces Job to rebel against God.

The Book of Job is sometimes cited to support the claim that the Jewish view of Satan as an agent of God is different from the Christian view, which sees Satan as an autonomous force opposed to God. In the story, Satan inflicts suffering on a human being and seeks to induce him to sin — but only with God’s permission.

Most notably perhaps the idea that, in the Hebrew Bible at least, Satan is ultimately subordinate to God, carrying out his purpose on earth. Or that he isn’t real at all, but is merely a metaphor for sinful impulses.
the ones Grind used to play with used the most frequently used words on a page and tried to turn them into sentences.....when salty first started posting he was using one that never used least he corrected that problem, though they are still incoherent......

After 40 some years of SCOTUS "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Christiananality pedophilia of "serve the Pope or die" and some 20 plus years of Islam "death to the infidels" those crooks on Capital Hill Fourth Reich July 9/11 national religion is back to it's normal Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement suicidal super ego sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming.....
Two nutty sock puppet masters agreeing to attack JPP intellectuals. Priceless!

Like those twin brother sock puppets of Christiananality pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" & Islamidiotocracy "death to the infidels" in a more perfect union suicidal schizoid super ego nutshell problem in evil masters of puppet theodicy....