There are no Red States. Only Red farms.

you are full of shit. If you research to find the areas or cities or states with the most educated or highest IQ they will all be in blue places.

IQ is a meaningless number. Democrats are ingrates.

No city can either feed nor house nor warm it's people without continuous supplies from outside. Those supplies come from the very people you despise.

So who's educated? Certainly not YOU, ingrate.
With well over two centuries gone by, I would hope that we ALL know more than the founders.

Most Americans certainly know a great deal less than the Founders and the trend is getting worse as social media continues to overtake learning. Unless you mean by “knowing” things like how to operate a toaster.
Of course not because if we did we never would have had such a dumbshit such as trump serve as president.

So you deny your own post again.
Illiteracy: proper nouns are capitalized.

Dumbshit eh? That dumbshit makes a hell of a lot more money than you do, AND he was elected President; something YOU have never accomplished either!

Given the fact that i've met more 'educated' morons with a college degree who I wouldn't trust to boil water, this doesn't really mean much.

THAT is the truth! These 'educated morons':

* believe that a magick Holy Gas is somehow warming the Earth.
* believe that the ozone layer is being destroyed by a magick Holy Gas.
* believe that taking away guns from law abiding citizens is going to reduce crime.
* deny and discard the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions (many of them have NEVER read these documents!).
* are racists and bigots.
* can't figure out what gender they are.
* think 'energy independence' is accomplished by destroying and removing energy sources such as coal, natural gas, hydroelectric, or nuclear power plants.
* think they are 'saving the planet', which doesn't need 'saving'.
* think they can actually control the weather, measure the Earth's temperature, show a 'measurement' that happened 10,000 years ago, measure the pH of the worlds oceans, measure the global ocean level, deny acid-base chemistry, quantum mechanics, the laws of thermodynamics, and the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and don't know what 'climate' or 'science' even means.
* think they are 'better educated' then people that actually grow the food, provide the electrical power, provide the water and sewer services, build and maintain the roads, drive the trucks, build, fly, and maintain aircraft, sail across the sea with huge container ships, run a warehouse, or build and maintain every building in the city.
Agreed on most educated. The whole "highest IQ" thing is controversial, as many highly educated people know, since there are not only many forms of IQ but problems in measuring the differences.

There is also the factor of mental stability as the maxim about "a fine line between genius and insanity" points out. In short, people often fall within a norm of human behavior with extremes on both ends, not just one end. The same goes for different occupations. Two examples are police and FedEx pilots.

Obviously, citizens want police to be stable and capable of handling the monotony of their daily job. No one wants a police officer anxious to "make something happen". For this reason, the average IQ of police tends to be slightly above average at 104. Too high and it could cause social problems.

Airlines have multiple written tests when assessing pilot applicants. FedEx was notable for having a limitation on IQ; too high and the application was tossed. The reason was similar to that of police officers; a very high IQ might become quickly bored by a job requiring sitting in a cockpit for several hours every day.

What Is the Theory of Multiple Intelligences?

IQ is a meaningless number, Sock.
You obviously have never flown a plane. You have no idea how long pilots have been 'sitting in the cockpit' without getting bored before they even build up enough hours to apply for an airline. Most cops are a hell of a lot smarter than YOU. They have to make some pretty touch decisions almost as a matter of routine. All YOU do is whine and throw insults.
My only problem with the caricature of the farmer as the self-sustaining,
They are self-sustaining.
isolated individualist,
They are not isolated.
is that it took substantial collectivist action to make American farming a profitable business.
No, it doesn't.
The dams built for irrigation water sources, agricultural price subsidies, the rural electrification programs, the money dedicated to agricultural research and pesticide development, the use of satellite data & GPS in farming, the weather forecasting services all requires substantial collectivist and government actions
Dams built by people a lot smarter than you, and most farms do not require any dams.
Subsidies are not profit. Communism is not capitalism.
Farmers can make their own electricity and often do. Something YOU don't know how to do.
Farmers do their own agricultural research.
You ban pesticides, moron.
Farmers don't need satellites or GPS to run their farms. You don't know how to build or launch a satellite.
Farmers can forecast their own weather, usually more reliably than a weather forecaster.

You just despise farmers and ranchers.
IQ is a meaningless number, Sock.
You obviously have never flown a plane. You have no idea how long pilots have been 'sitting in the cockpit' without getting bored before they even build up enough hours to apply for an airline. Most cops are a hell of a lot smarter than YOU. They have to make some pretty touch decisions almost as a matter of routine. All YOU do is whine and throw insults.

Sybil isn't here.
Sybil isn't here.
Is Sybil transgender?

Mantra 63 Babbling Bullshit
Not speaking about only farmers, but anyone who prefers rural living over city living. Like most human differences, it's a range of behavior with Hive mind and Individualist Mind on opposite ends. An extreme of the latter would be the nutjobs living off the grid in Idaho running around the woods playing paintball games and wearing camouflage.

Understood that humans are social animals and, except for hermits, have a range of contact with or support from other humans. Even the WSE nutjobs need other people to make their weapons.

You don't know how to make a gun or the ammunition for it, Sock.
You don't even know how to make a bow and arrows for it.
You don't even know how to make a knife or a sword.

But a lot of farmers do.

Farmers don't need to play paintball games or wear camouflage. That's city idiots doing that. Some farmers make money off of idiots like that.
They are self-sustaining.

They are not isolated.

No, it doesn't.

Dams built by people a lot smarter than you, and most farms do not require any dams.
Subsidies are not profit. Communism is not capitalism.
Farmers can make their own electricity and often do. Something YOU don't know how to do.
Farmers do their own agricultural research.
You ban pesticides, moron.
Farmers don't need satellites or GPS to run their farms. You don't know how to build or launch a satellite.
Farmers can forecast their own weather, usually more reliably than a weather forecaster.

You just despise farmers and ranchers.
Mantra 41 Idiocracy

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
You don't know how to make a gun or the ammunition for it, Sock.
You don't even know how to make a bow and arrows for it.
You don't even know how to make a knife or a sword.

But a lot of farmers do.

Farmers don't need to play paintball games or wear camouflage. That's city idiots doing that.
Mantra 61 Bovine Excrement

Mantra 1a.
Mantra 4a.
One of the "miscellaneous" documents on that site is Into the Night's mantra list.
And the irony is that those raising the most food are not the local small farmer as the right likes to think but rather large corporate farms often owned often by individuals living in those cities

Nope. Corporate farms are not 'living in the city', anchovies.
Exactly, at the very least, of how their ideas apply to the world two hundred years removed from their world, the whole notion of “Originalism” is a complete sham

You've tried to discard the Constitution of the United States before with this tactic. It won't work.