There is no such thing as antisemitism


There is only racism against Jews.

I reject all attempts to cleave off racism against Jews as something special and different from all other forms of racism. Something that specifically involves Israel. All forms of racism are racism. Including racism against Jews. Hating Israel is not racism against Jews, anymore than hating Saudi Arabia is racism against Arabs.
Perhaps if we just got shot of hating people and stick to explaining their mistakes we would make life simpler. Zionists are racist Nazis, whereas real Jews have suffered too much to believe such filth unless being bullied by those who pretend to represent them; Saudi Arabia in an antiquated dictatorship, and the people who live there are oppressed and deserve our sympathies. The original hatred of Jewish people was religious, but Hitler made it racist, so no, it's not really distinguishable from any other form. Hate is worked up by the bosses to divide us, so that they can keep thieving and strutting.
This is more like 'religion hatred'. It's not about 'race'. It's about 'religion'.
I think the 'Christians' claim the 'Jews' killed 'Jesus' (who Christians claim is a 'Man-God', but apparently could also 'die')
Perhaps if we just got shot of hating people and stick to explaining their mistakes we would make life simpler. Zionists are racist Nazis, whereas real Jews have suffered too much to believe such filth unless being bullied by those who pretend to represent them; Saudi Arabia in an antiquated dictatorship, and the people who live there are oppressed and deserve our sympathies. The original hatred of Jewish people was religious, but Hitler made it racist, so no, it's not really distinguishable from any other form. Hate is worked up by the bosses to divide us, so that they can keep thieving and strutting.

This is the Welsh wanker that wanted to live in Israel one time, how did that work out for you Taffy?
There is only racism against Jews.

I reject all attempts to cleave off racism against Jews as something special and different from all other forms of racism. Something that specifically involves Israel. All forms of racism are racism. Including racism against Jews. Hating Israel is not racism against Jews, anymore than hating Saudi Arabia is racism against Arabs.

Who cares what you think?
There is only racism against Jews.

I reject all attempts to cleave off racism against Jews as something special and different from all other forms of racism. Something that specifically involves Israel. All forms of racism are racism. Including racism against Jews. Hating Israel is not racism against Jews, anymore than hating Saudi Arabia is racism against Arabs.

Jews are not a race, but a brotherhood of Jesus-haters. You can't be racist against Jews any more than you can be racist against poop. You really are stupid if you can't see the difference between religion and race.
Jews are not a race, but a brotherhood of Jesus-haters. You can't be racist against Jews any more than you can be racist against poop. You really are stupid if you can't see the difference between religion and race.

Thank you, Bobb.
(Once again, Watermark gets a severe thrashing)
Jews are not a race, but a brotherhood of Jesus-haters. You can't be racist against Jews any more than you can be racist against poop. You really are stupid if you can't see the difference between religion and race.

There is only one race now, amongst humans - homo sapiens, to which we all belong. Racism is a mental illness spread by capitalists to divide people and keep its thievings.
There is only one race now, amongst humans - homo sapiens, to which we all belong. Racism is a mental illness spread by capitalists to divide people and keep its thievings.

India and China are two of the most racist nations on Earth ffs. The caste system is thousands of years old and the Chinese believe in Han supremacy!
There is only one race now, amongst humans - homo sapiens, to which we all belong. Racism is a mental illness spread by capitalists to divide people and keep its thievings.

I agree with you. But, Jews pretend to be a race, a master race. And, Evangelicals, being antichrist fcktards, believe Jews are a race, a divine race.
There is only racism against Jews.

I reject all attempts to cleave off racism against Jews as something special and different from all other forms of racism. Something that specifically involves Israel. All forms of racism are racism. Including racism against Jews. Hating Israel is not racism against Jews, anymore than hating Saudi Arabia is racism against Arabs.

A picture is worth a thousand words
Jesus was a Jew

Mason the Moron, we've been through this. I ask you to prove Jesus was a Jew, and you just stand there with drool dripping off your chin. If you want to prove Jesus is pig poop, let's see your case for him being a God damn Jew.
Mason the Moron, we've been through this. I ask you to prove Jesus was a Jew, and you just stand there with drool dripping off your chin. If you want to prove Jesus is pig poop, let's see your case for him being a God damn Jew.

Christians believe Jesus was a Christian.