There is no such thing as antisemitism

Jesus believes in himself?

What do Yiddish speakers have to do with Jesus?

Jesus fulfilled Christian doctrine.

If you're a Jew you believe it's all Jewish.

If you're a Christian you're supposed to believe it's all Christian.

For some reason, this gets botched up in Western society.
So, Jesus spoke Yiddish, and rejected his own existence?

Poles call Jews correctly Zyd, after their Yiddish heritage.

Goofy, Westerners call them Jews,or Juden, or Juif, not sure why, since they're not Ancient Hebrews.
If you believe the Bible you believe he was a decedent of the Tribe of Judah.

Modern day Jews are not the ancestors of the Hebrew and Israelites, but Jesus linage was the line of David according to the Bible.
If you believe the Bible you believe he was a decedent of the Tribe of Judah.

Modern day Jews are not the ancestors of the Hebrew and Israelites, but Jesus linage was the line of David according to the Bible.

Christians, and Jews are supposed to be the same thing.

It's because Western Europeans call them Jews, and not what they actually are Ashkenazi, or Yiddish peoples.
What do Yiddish speakers have to do with Jesus?

Jesus fulfilled Christian doctrine.

If you're a Jew you believe it's all Jewish.

If you're a Christian you're supposed to believe it's all Christian.

For some reason, this gets botched up in Western society.
Jesus was a Jew, but some of his followers formed the Christian religion, they were Gentiles., and followed Pauline teachings. A lot of the Apostles and their followers continued to practice and observe their Jewish heritage.
No they don't!There wasn't one Christian before the first Gentile became a believer.

Real Christians believe Jesus fulfills Christian doctrine.

That's all Christianity, the Schism between the 2 is the confusion.

Jews insist they're the Ancient Hebrews, and hold all that history, they simply do not.
If you believe the Bible you believe he was a decedent of the Tribe of Judah.

Modern day Jews are not the ancestors of the Hebrew and Israelites, but Jesus linage was the line of David according to the Bible.

Just who are the ancestors of modern day Jews,if not
Hebrews and Israelites?
Jesus was a Jew, but some of his followers formed the Christian religion, they were Gentiles., and followed Pauline teachings. A lot of the Apostles and their followers continued to practice and observe their Jewish heritage.

The confusion comes from semantics, the way Western Europeans call them Jews.

They're not Jews, Jews & Christians are supposed to be the same thing.

They're actually Ashkenazi, or Yiddish peoples.
I don't debate uneducated fools

Ashkenazi Yiddish speakers aren't Ancient Hebrews, and have nothing to do with Christian Doctrine.

When they said Jesus was King of the Jews, they meant one of the same as Christians.

When they said Jesus was killed by Jews, they mean what we call Jews, the ones who reject Jesus.

This was all before the Schism between Christianity & Judaism.

If dumbo Western Europeans didn't call Jews what they're not, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Just who are the ancestors of modern day Jews,if not
Hebrews and Israelites?
It’s very complicated, the defeat of the Kingdom of Israel, and the destruction of the Temple scattered the Jews. The Askenazi Jews are the ones who were settled in modern days Israel. It’s a fascinating history, but too detailed to explain in this forum. I encourage you to read about the history of the Jews.
Jews insist they're the Ancient Hebrews, and hold all that history, they simply do not.

Jews don't insist they're the ancient Hebrews. That is the claim of ignorant, fcktarded Evangelicals. Any jewish claim to be ancestors of the ancient Hebrews is ceremonial or spiritual, not literal. Of course, from the Christian perspective, Jews are the spiritual spawn of Satan, not of Abraham. Christians are the children of Abraham, according to the Christian religion. Evangelicals deny Christ.
Jews don't insist they're the ancient Hebrews. That is the claim of ignorant, fcktarded Evangelicals. Any jewish claim to be ancestors of the ancient Hebrews is ceremonial or spiritual, not literal. Of course, from the Christian perspective, Jews are the spiritual spawn of Satan, not of Abraham. Christians are the children of Abraham, according to the Christian religion. Evangelicals deny Christ.

I have to agree, from Abraham to Jesus is all Christianity.

The confusion, is Jews have hijacked the history before the Schism between Christians & Jews.

If Christians are truly Christians they believe it's all Christianity.