There is no such thing as antisemitism

Jews don't insist they're the ancient Hebrews. That is the claim of ignorant, fcktarded Evangelicals. Any jewish claim to be ancestors of the ancient Hebrews is ceremonial or spiritual, not literal. Of course, from the Christian perspective, Jews are the spiritual spawn of Satan, not of Abraham. Christians are the children of Abraham, according to the Christian religion. Evangelicals deny Christ.
Wow, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
I have to agree, from Abraham to Jesus is all Christianity.

The confusion, is Jews have hijacked the history before the Schism between Christians & Jews.

If Christians are truly Christians they believe it's all Christianity.
Oh, man, you have little understanding, too.
This thread is why I don't pay much attention to arguments about Hebrews, Jews, or Jesus as a Jew. Not salvational at all, so why worry.
This thread is why I don't pay much attention to arguments about Hebrews, Jews, or Jesus as a Jew. Not salvational at all, so why worry.
It’s history, I love history. I also love the study of religions, how profoundly they have influenced history.
Oh, man, you have little understanding, too.

Jesus clearly came to save Ancient Hebrews.

Since Ancient Hebrews aren't modern Jews.

Then the matter is clearly of semantics.

Jesus extends the line of Christianity, that is what Christians are supposed to believe.

Jews believe Ancient Hebrews are their own, and Western Europeans help their cause by calling them Jews.

Truth is Jews aren't really even Jews, they're not Yehudi, or of the tribe of Judah.

They since spoke other languages, and mixed with other people, and reject Jesus.
Jesus clearly came to save Ancient Hebrews.

Since Ancient Hebrews aren't modern Jews.

Then the matter is clearly of semantics.

Jesus extends the line of Christianity, that is what Christians are supposed to believe.

Jews believe Ancient Hebrews are their own, and Western Europeans help their cause by calling them Jews.

Truth is Jews aren't really even Jews, they're not Yehudi, or of the tribe of Judah.

They since spoke other languages, and mixed with other people, and reject Jesus.

I don’t know where you picked this information up, but it’s nothing I have ever learned from Jews or Christians or secular text books.
It’s very complicated, the defeat of the Kingdom of Israel, and the destruction of the Temple scattered the Jews. The Askenazi Jews are the ones who were settled in modern days Israel. It’s a fascinating history, but too detailed to explain in this forum. I encourage you to read about the history of the Jews.

I already know,10 tribes of Israel scattered,Judah and Benjamin remained,that's the ancestors of todays Jews
Jews don't insist they're the ancient Hebrews. That is the claim of ignorant, fcktarded Evangelicals. Any jewish claim to be ancestors of the ancient Hebrews is ceremonial or spiritual, not literal. Of course, from the Christian perspective, Jews are the spiritual spawn of Satan, not of Abraham. Christians are the children of Abraham, according to the Christian religion. Evangelicals deny Christ.

I have to agree, from Abraham to Jesus is all Christianity.

The confusion, is Jews have hijacked the history before the Schism between Christians & Jews.

If Christians are truly Christians they believe it's all Christianity.

Abraham to Jesus there was no Christ,so there were no Christians
This is more like 'religion hatred'. It's not about 'race'. It's about 'religion'.
I think the 'Christians' claim the 'Jews' killed 'Jesus' (who Christians claim is a 'Man-God', but apparently could also 'die')

Jews aren't a religion, they're a race. Jewishness goes by ancestry, not religion. That's why Atheists like Freud and Marx were still considered Jews.
I already know,10 tribes of Israel scattered,Judah and Benjamin remained,that's the ancestors of todays Jews

Mason the Moron, you are so incredibly fucktardedly stupid and unchristian. Why do you think today's Jews are the ancestors of the ten tribes?
Mason the Moron, you are so incredibly fucktardedly stupid and unchristian. Why do you think today's Jews are the ancestors of the ten tribes?

I just said 10 tribes were scattered,Jews of todays ancestors were from the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
I don’t know where you picked this information up, but it’s nothing I have ever learned from Jews or Christians or secular text books.

Because, you're assuming Abraham is a race, and Jewish people are the center of it, when it is more of a spiritual line of followers from Abraham to Jesus.

Maybe this will help.

6 It is not that God failed to keep his promise to them. But only some of the people of Israel are truly God’s people, 7 and only some of Abraham’s[c] descendants are true children of Abraham. But God said to Abraham: “The descendants I promised you will be from Isaac.”[d] 8 This means that not all of Abraham’s descendants are God’s true children. Abraham’s true children are those who become God’s children because of the promise God made to Abraham
Can You Be a Child of Abraham?
The Word of God from this text for us today is that anyone—Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, male or female, white or black or brown, quick-witted or slow, old or young—anyone can be a child of Abraham and inherit the blessings promised to Abraham's children, if you live by faith.

The structure of the text is simple. The main point is stated in two different ways, once in verse 7 and once in verse 9. And each of these is preceded by its Old Testament support. Verse 6 quotes Genesis 15:6, "Abraham 'believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.'" And verse 7 draws out of that verse together with verse 5 a general inference: "So (or: therefore) you see that it is those of faith who are sons of Abraham." The thing that makes a person a "son of Abraham" is faith. Then verse 8 quotes Genesis 12:3 (and 18:18), "In you shall all the nations be blessed." And verse 9 draws out the inference, "So then, those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham who had faith." The thing that qualifies a person to inherit Abraham's blessing is faith. So the main point—the Word of God for us today (expressed in verses 7 and 9)—is that anyone of us who lives by faith is a child of Abraham and will inherit Abraham's blessing.
Because, you're assuming Abraham is a race, and Jewish people are the center of it, when it is more of a spiritual line of followers from Abraham to Jesus.

Maybe this will help.

6 It is not that God failed to keep his promise to them. But only some of the people of Israel are truly God’s people, 7 and only some of Abraham’s[c] descendants are true children of Abraham. But God said to Abraham: “The descendants I promised you will be from Isaac.”[d] 8 This means that not all of Abraham’s descendants are God’s true children. Abraham’s true children are those who become God’s children because of the promise God made to Abraham
Can You Be a Child of Abraham?
The Word of God from this text for us today is that anyone—Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, male or female, white or black or brown, quick-witted or slow, old or young—anyone can be a child of Abraham and inherit the blessings promised to Abraham's children, if you live by faith.

The structure of the text is simple. The main point is stated in two different ways, once in verse 7 and once in verse 9. And each of these is preceded by its Old Testament support. Verse 6 quotes Genesis 15:6, "Abraham 'believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.'" And verse 7 draws out of that verse together with verse 5 a general inference: "So (or: therefore) you see that it is those of faith who are sons of Abraham." The thing that makes a person a "son of Abraham" is faith. Then verse 8 quotes Genesis 12:3 (and 18:18), "In you shall all the nations be blessed." And verse 9 draws out the inference, "So then, those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham who had faith." The thing that qualifies a person to inherit Abraham's blessing is faith. So the main point—the Word of God for us today (expressed in verses 7 and 9)—is that anyone of us who lives by faith is a child of Abraham and will inherit Abraham's blessing.
