There is no such thing as antisemitism

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European. An Orthodox Jewish man with the traditional peyos, or long sidelocks. The origin of the Ashkenazi Jews, who come most recently from Europe, has largely been shrouded in mystery.Oct 8, 2013

Live Science › 40247-ashkenazi...

[h=3]Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European | Live Science[/h]

Ashkenazi & Sephardi cluster on PCA plots generally just between Southern Italians & Cypriots.
Speaking pseudo-Hebrew is not part of the definition of a Jew.

I would think it would be: A semitic person that has adopted Judaism.

Judaism is an ethnic religion comprising the collective religious, cultural and legal tradition and civilization of the Jewish people. Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expression of the covenant that God established with the Children of Israel.Wikipedia"
Where is the lie? Freud and Marx were considered Jewish, correct? That's because the Jewish community goes by ancestry, not belief in Judaism.

Freud and Marx both hated Jesus, and therefore were Jews. The Jewish community doesn't go by ancestry. At most, the Jewish community just assumes if your parents were Jews, you were raised a Jew and are a Jew, until you show otherwise. Why are you too fcking stupid to get this?

Islam is the same way. And, Christianity should be the same way, but Satanic Evangelicals have been ripping apart Christianity for decades.
Freud and Marx both hated Jesus, and therefore were Jews. The Jewish community doesn't go by ancestry. At most, the Jewish community just assumes if your parents were Jews, you were raised a Jew and are a Jew, until you show otherwise. Why are you too fcking stupid to get this?

Islam is the same way. And, Christianity should be the same way, but Satanic Evangelicals have been ripping apart Christianity for decades.

Freud and Marx were very openly Atheist and huge critics of religion. The Jewish community knew they were Atheist, knew they didn't like Judaism or any religion, but still considered them Jewish.

Your signature also shows that you know very little about Jews.
So why are Atheist Jews considered Jews, but Goys aren't considered Jewish even if they believe in Judaism?
It’s as Jack posted a ethical religion. If you were born to a family that identified as Jewish, you were considered a Jew by birth, but it isn’t a race.
I would think it would be: A semitic person that has adopted Judaism.

Judaism is an ethnic religion comprising the collective religious, cultural and legal tradition and civilization of the Jewish people. Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expression of the covenant that God established with the Children of Israel.Wikipedia"

Jews tend to adopt cultural aspects of the greater jewish community, but that's not what makes them Jews. Before Israel, mere decades ago, made Hebrew its official language, very few Jews spoke Hebrew. Following the religion, to whatever degree, of the Talmud is what makes them Jews. You can be a deeply religious Jew. You can be a nominal Jew. But, you can't be a Christian Jew.
Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European. An Orthodox Jewish man with the traditional peyos, or long sidelocks. The origin of the Ashkenazi Jews, who come most recently from Europe, has largely been shrouded in mystery.Oct 8, 2013

Live Science › 40247-ashkenazi...

[h=3]Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European | Live Science[/h]

According to this, apparently including both Maternal & Paternal lines.

40- 65% of their DNA is Middle-Eastern.
35--60% of their DNA is Southern EU.
15 - 25% of their DNA is Eastern EU.
So why are Atheist Jews considered Jews, but Goys aren't considered Jewish even if they believe in Judaism?

An Atheist Jew hasn't converted to another religion, and so is still a Jew, unless he says he's not a Jew. He still believes enough of the Jewish religion to still be a Jew (particularly the talmudic doctrine of rejection of Jesus Christ).

Judaism requires circumcision. A goy who believes Judaism and becomes circumcised is a Jew. Jews hate goy, so goy are not invited to conversion. Jewish Rabbis often require converts to jump through a lot of hoops to get circumcised, to discourage conversion.
Jews tend to adopt cultural aspects of the greater jewish community, but that's not what makes them Jews. Before Israel, mere decades ago, made Hebrew its official language, very few Jews spoke Hebrew. Following the religion, to whatever degree, of the Talmud is what makes them Jews. You can be a deeply religious Jew. You can be a nominal Jew. But, you can't be a Christian Jew.

Sort of, I mean Falasha Jews who follow the Torah, are probably more ostracized by Ashkenazi & Sephardi Jews, than Ashkenazi & Sephardi are ostracized who are Atheists.