but what law are you talking about?
Immigration laws (and whatever other laws you claim sanctuary cities are violating).
Sanctuary cities is a nebulous term that varies in different jurisdictions.
but what law are you talking about?
That is what I thought. The point remains, it is not the obligation of state and local governments to enforce immigration laws. That is a federal responsibility.
Immigration laws (and whatever other laws you claim sanctuary cities are violating).
Sanctuary cities is a nebulous term that varies in different jurisdictions.
It didn't.
Biden isn't President. He was installed as Chief Puppet. He was never elected.
There was no certification. There was no election. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
so states wouldnt have to enforce an abortion law either. thats a federal responsibility.
not that there is one.
you know what it means.
we all know what it means.
i believe states are supposed hand over people to ice, in reality.
they are shirkers.
We know what it means in general, but it has different meanings and is applied differently in different jurisdictions.
Some have cooperative agreements to hand over violators if requested. If the person is in custody and ICE requests them to be held upon being released, they often comply but many require a warrant to do so.
Many jurisdictions simply do not ask people about their immigration status because it is irrelevant for their purposes.
AssHatZombie, concerning abortions, the Supreme Court considering rights of individuals as opposed to rights of USA's sovereign states, had decided, and later reversed their previous decisions.show me the part of the constitution that covers abortion.
I'll wait.
show me the part of the constitution that covers abortion.
I'll wait.
That is what I thought. The point remains, it is not the obligation of state and local governments to enforce immigration laws. That is a federal responsibility.
so states wouldnt have to enforce an abortion law either. thats a federal responsibility.
not that there is one.
you know what it means.
we all know what it means.
i believe states are supposed hand over people to ice, in reality.
they are shirkers.
AssHatZombie, concerning abortions, the Supreme Court considering rights of individuals as opposed to rights of USA's sovereign states, had decided, and later reversed their previous decisions.
Sometimes within individual cases there are legally valid multi-factors conflicting with each other and compel the courts to revisit what had been accepted law. Such cases are not common, but they have not been, or expected in the future to be rare.
The U.S. Constitution may again in the future be amended, and/or the Supreme Court, being supreme, may again, (as it has in the past), for its own reasons reverse itself on a topic; (abortion is a topic).
Regarding a legal topic, the U.S. Supreme Court may reverse themselves generally or only in cases where questions regarding some particular aspect of the topic arises. Respectfully, Supposn
There is no federal abortion law. Each state determines abortion law. But yes, if there was a federal abortion law it would be the responsibility of the federal agency specified in the law to enforce it.
I'm not sure whether the federal government has the power to make an abortion law--what constitutional provision would grant that power?
There is nothing in the Constitution about abortion, drug laws, immigration control, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, a Space Force, air/water pollution, veterans' benefits, interstate highways, space exploration, educational funding, etc., etc., etc.
While Flash was correct, you have finally narrowed the term down a bit. You are referring to Sanctuary from immigration laws. Cities and States do not have authority there. The federal government does. Aiding an invasion could arguably be considered treason. Yes...that cuts both ways. Biden is also aiding invasion.
AssHatZombie, I suppose if a state chooses to some extent enforce some federal laws or regulations, or to permit their local governments to do so,
and if our federal courts or our Justice Department found no reason to object to their doing so,
Those states and/or their local governments could do so.
But some states and/or their local governments do no choose to do so, and they're not required to do so. Respectfully, Supposn
im pretty sure they can enforce federal laws if they want to.
is that wrong?
AssHatZombie, I suppose if a state chooses to some extent enforce some federal laws or regulations, or to permit their local governments to do so,
and if our federal courts or our Justice Department found no reason to object to their doing so,
Those states and/or their local governments could do so.
But some states and/or their local governments do no choose to do so, and they're not required to do so. Respectfully, Supposn