Into the Night
Verified User
I don't know, should you? I'm white and I can call bullshit on other whites anytime and I'm still fine being me.
I guess it's a paper ego issue for... some.
Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
I don't know, should you? I'm white and I can call bullshit on other whites anytime and I'm still fine being me.
I guess it's a paper ego issue for... some.
I am an equal opportunity racist. I hate all races equally, including my own. So... no shit.
Simply factually not true. You believe because you want to.
Other than Republican legislation.
Then there will be voter fraud.
Such coward, such white people. So weak. Like white people do. Like the color, washed out and white.
View attachment 19465
Since you hate yourself, you could always choose suicide.
He’s on your side asshole
He’s dumb as shit and is a racist fuck just like you
says who? you are such a stupid shit moron. 26 women who make the same claim about trump assaulting them without any evidence cannot be believed, but a few clownish drunken bozos who say they saw people messing with ballots, with no evidence, is clearly enough to overturn the election!! you are an idiot.
I just did...found zero evidence of voter fraud, but did find this:
‘I just want to find 11,780 votes’: In extraordinary hour-long call, Drumpf pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate the vote in his favor
No they didn't.
there's also this too:
New audio released of Drumpf call to Georgia elections investigator
I don't make wagers with disingenuous people that I know have no intention on following through.
As I said, WaPo retracted this story:
In my suburban NY Congressional district.
Dem: 149,000
Rep: 95,000
Dem: 147,000
Rep: 135,000
Considering Dems typically do better during presidential cycles, this is amazing.
In a solid blue district there was a 40+% surge in Republican voters, while Democrats supposedly motivated by Trump Derangement Syndrome actually decreased by 1%.
Not because the GOP candidate was any good. I had to Google to even find out who was running. It was all Trump coattails.
They didn't retract the story,...did you read the clarification?
You're lying about what the WaPo retracted.
They didn't retract the fact that Trump called over to GA to pressure them into changing the results.
You're trying to make a semantic argument over the words Trump used, while ignoring that his intent remained the same.
That's what the WaPo's "clarification" was. The WaPo didn't retract the story. That's what your link says.
History is not fiction.
There was both election fraud and voter fraud. You can't just discard the evidence that is still out there, including the videos that you can still view nor the illegal actions taken by certain members of government.
Massive election/voter fraud by criminal Democrats.
Like their Nazi Brownshirt heroes, they cut the throats of socialist voters to install twin psychopaths Biden & Harris.