there is no voter fraud.

Swallowed too much biden cum did you? You had to come here to spit it out?

So group party sex is your thing I see. Clearly you are a purveyor of the Bukkake party of self serving cock suckers, I mean the 2 party system or you would not have brought up something you know too well.
I can't stand the establishment system but you go on revealing your, 'proclivities'. Maybe next time be an entrepreneur and create a private account and ask for fans to pay for your, 'happy ending' program you seem to be so...obsessed with and call it,
'I'm a trained party puppet'.

You have the mouth for it.
you might be white, but you seem to only call bullshit on other whites when you disagree with them. how many race cards do you stupidly play on a daily basis???

lol. I hardly post on here and unless you got a secret program where you track my daily life, which would seem a bit stalker-ish, me thinks you are talking out your ass.

You worry about you son. I could give two shits to the wind that my annoyance with white people annoys you. I actually like that it annoys you, it reveals your... thin skin.
lol. I hardly post on here and unless you got a secret program where you track my daily life, which would seem a bit stalker-ish, me thinks you are talking out your ass.

You worry about you son. I could give two shits to the wind that my annoyance with white people annoys you. I actually like that it annoys you, it reveals your... thin skin.

pasty 'white' skin, lol.
lol. I hardly post on here and unless you got a secret program where you track my daily life, which would seem a bit stalker-ish, me thinks you are talking out your ass.

You worry about you son. I could give two shits to the wind that my annoyance with white people annoys you. I actually like that it annoys you, it reveals your... thin skin.
it's not so much an annoyance as it is curiousity........believe me, I get the hating people thing. I hate almost all people, but I don't say I hate people of all i'm asking why you do.

Other than Republican legislation.

Then there will be voter fraud.

Such coward, such white people. So weak. Like white people do. Like the color, washed out and white.
View attachment 19465


Nothing more idiotic than an idiot who doesnt realize he is an idiot. That is what we have here in Crow. USED TO be somewhat entertaining now it has become boring.
lol. I hardly post on here and unless you got a secret program where you track my daily life, which would seem a bit stalker-ish, me thinks you are talking out your ass.

You worry about you son. I could give two shits to the wind that my annoyance with white people annoys you. I actually like that it annoys you, it reveals your... thin skin.

Been a while since I've been in the forum, but I see we have a new Jesse JAckson wannabe :laugh:

what happen to the last one, they finally run out of race cards?:laugh:
so the hundreds of americans who signed under oath affidavits attesting to witnessing election fraud are all lying? Some of them are democrats, why would they lie? Why would they perjure themselves?
So group party sex is your thing I see. Clearly you are a purveyor of the Bukkake party of self serving cock suckers, I mean the 2 party system or you would not have brought up something you know too well.
I can't stand the establishment system but you go on revealing your, 'proclivities'. Maybe next time be an entrepreneur and create a private account and ask for fans to pay for your, 'happy ending' program you seem to be so...obsessed with and call it,
'I'm a trained party puppet'.

You have the mouth for it.

If you say so.

Other than Republican legislation.

Then there will be voter fraud.

Such coward, such white people. So weak. Like white people do. Like the color, washed out and white.
View attachment 19465


Massive election/voter fraud by criminal Democrats.

Like their Nazi Brownshirt heroes, they cut the throats of socialist voters to install twin psychopaths Biden & Harris.
so the hundreds of americans who signed under oath affidavits attesting to witnessing election fraud are all lying? Some of them are democrats, why would they lie? Why would they perjure themselves?

there were not hundreds, and they did not say they saw election fraud. read what was actually claimed. and there are 26 women who have signed affidavits claiming fatboy tiny dick trump sexually assaulted them. you believe they are all lying without any real proof, right? what is the difference?
Nothing more idiotic than an idiot who doesnt realize he is an idiot. That is what we have here in Crow. USED TO be somewhat entertaining now it has become boring.

Crow's been around for a while. He was well known for posting while very inebriated.